
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

chapter 12 | time passes by

I dont own star wars or any anime I use in this work

it's been a year since his summons took over those ten planets he ended up with over 36 more planets { +27 billion SP } since then but had to stop as anymore expansions as he would have been found out by the Republic Jake can definitely have talks with them and have some Leverage as he has 48 planets under his empire that are now up to the galaxy standards for technology it had costed jake {10 billion SP}

to do so but he believes it will help him in the end as he can recruit the civilians to his army as they still fall under system rules they will have undying loyalty to him he also made it mandatory for all of his subjects to have a basic level of combat training in a case one of his planets gets invaded

jake also bought a few fleets 100 to be exact for a total of { 2 billion SP } leaving him with {15 billion SP } right now he is learning form a sith holocron that taught the ways of sith form a sith ghost one that has had the system mess with its mind to make it loyal to Jake so far he has learned Force Speed, Force Jump ,Force Pull and Force Push, Force Throw , Force Persuasion , Force Control Pain , Force Levitation, Force Sense and the last Force ability is Force Shield making him above a Sith Disciple but not quite a Sith knight Jake is now looking through a certain shop


Power items

devil fruit {one piece}- 1 billion to 100 billion {note you can only have one devil fruit power at a time if you buy two and eat them both you will only have the power of the last one you ate}

Green Lanterns ring {DC} - 10 billion points

death note - 1 trillion { you can kill anyone if you know there name ( note he doesn't need to know the face of the person with this one )

the Fountain of Youth ( form the 7 deadly sins ) 10 billion points

Jake Is thinking about buying the Fountain of Youth as it grants immortality it would help him a lot to have that as he can be on the frontlines of battles knowing nothing can kill him and if he ends up getting captured he can teleport to one of his planets not only that if he somehow loses everything he can always start again he would prefer to take over the galaxy around this Time as he has his past lifes memories about what happens but he is fine by having to restart as long as he controls the galaxy at some point

after thinking about it for a bit he decided that he would buy it { - 10 billion SP} a Gauntlet appeared filled with a pink liquid in his hands Jake starts drinking it all he didn't feel any differently so he grabbed a knife and stabbed himself with it and to his amazement after he pulled the knife out it his wound regenerated back to its original form

with his last {5 billion SP } hes going to buy a fully functional Sith Academy on one of the planets that have been unknown to the rest of the galaxy he would have put it on his home world also know as the planet he got dropped off on but the jedi knew where that was and would be a massive error it wouldn't cost 5 billion but It would cost a {1 billion SP } the reason for that is it creates Sith Disciples and Sith knights every month the number depends on the population of the planet for every 100 million civilians will be 1 sith Disciple and every billion civilians will make 1 Sith knight and if the planet has 20 billion civilians it will make a Sith Lord but for every Sith Lord to spawn a cooldown of 1 year for a new one to spawn he also made sure that planet had 20 billion people on it and it did

a other year has passed { + 27 billion SP } since buying the sith Academy and he has gotten 2400 Sith Disciples 240 Sith knights and one sith lord in his army because of it he has also improved in the force gaining the force abilities Force Resonate , Force Enhancement , Farseeing ,Force Masking , Force Dark Aura , Force of Shadow , Force Choke Hold (AN lord Vaders favorite)

and the last one is Force Electronic Communication which brought him up to the rank of Sith Knight

( AN time for cannon more like AU butterfly's happen)

jake is sitting in the Bridge of his Executor I-class Star Dreadnought when one of his officers says something that Jake is extremely surprised by " sir we are getting a transmission form jedi and a handmaiden form naboo that are saying they know you should we Direct the call to you" Jake replies with a simple " yes " and starts the conversation by saying " well well well look who has returned it also looks like you have gotten a few new faces can you introduce us " Qui-Gon is extremely surprised with the increase in ships and Technology but ends up replying with " we aren't here for chatting we would like to purchase your services"

jake having fun with them says " I believe i remember a little jedi say something about us Mercenaries not being needed as long as you jedi are around did the jedi disappear I didn't know about that my condolences " the handmaiden then snapped and said angrily " we dont have the time to mess around naboo is getting invaded and the Queen is willing to pay a decent some for coming to our rescue "

Jake then replied with " ok so what's the situation so I can estimated the cost for the job " Obi-Wan starts talking for the first time says " there is a fleet of Lucrehulk-class Battleships " Jake then starts thinking about what the price should be and ends up saying " I believe I will have a meeting with the Queen once I have taken out those ships to discuss some things consider me hired " and ends the call before they could say anything

AN( that's the end of the this chapter leave a power stone if you enjoyed and have a amazing day :)