Rakesh, Rakesh where is that boy again. Ma'am, this time he is definitely absent someone spoke and people start gossiping some even started placing bets on Rakesh. It felt like they were gambling over whether he will be absent or not.
"Present Ma'am!!" a loud voice came from the opened door. Ma'am looked at me with a horrifying smile. Mr Rakesh, you are late again, how many times does it make? I don't know ma'am maybe 20 or 21st tim.., WRONG!! The teacher smashed her attendance register and shouted at me, You were never on time, you were always late for your college. Sorry ma..., QUITE!! if you don't value time, then time won't value you. A day only has 24 hours, it won't stop for anyone or anything. See it doesn't matter if you are the topper of this district or not if you can't even value time ...blash blash blash........
Suddenly the bell rang loudly which means the beginning of 2nd period. See because of you my whole period was wasted again on you, I don't know what will happen to you in the future. So you should have paid more attention to your work instead of me and lectured the class about your subject rather than lecturing me, I spoke in my mind obviously.
I proceeded towards my desk. So you were late again haan , A black-haired girl spoke to me. Well yeah seems like it, You know because of you in the future Ma'am may face problems. Hmmm.. how I asked. Because of you, she must have a high BP (blood pressure), and how do you know? Have you ever seen her face whenever she lectures you, she asked.
Well yeah, ' crap I can't let Pragya know that most of the time I don't even listen to her ' I thought to myself while trying to remember my teacher's face. Ok, I know most of the time you don't even listen to her, wait what... did she just read my mind.
This annoying girl sitting in front of me is Pragya although her name means knowledge but she is still 2nd not only in the whole college but the whole district guess because of whom, correct it's because of me. I don't know why but we were together from the very beginning of our studies not only in college but in middle school (5th - 8th) and high school(9th - 12th) also maybe she is also annoyed by me because I was never good at studies until 9th standard but after my patients died when I was 15. I was in depression for almost 5 months. It's all thanks to my Best Friend Piyush.
He was a sweet white-haired boy. Many kids use to call him grandpa because of his hair colour but I actually kind of liked it. Kids use to make fun of him all the time even though I was one of them but a certain incident changed everything. one day I was sleeping under a tree in a nearby park. I heard a loud noise from behind, it was from a 40ft. tall under-contraction apartment.
The sound was like 2 pieces of metal clashing with each other and gunshots as well. I thought someone has brought a new projector set and started testing it in that apartment, really hie stupid I was and due to that I paid the price. 2 people a demon-like man with 2 horns coming from both sides of his mandible of his lower jaw and he was holding a huge gun which looked like a customized version of HVK-30 and a shield.
It was a shield you would see in Hollywood movies Translucent and you would be able to guess the diameter of his shield. I don't know why but both his shield and gun were giving a vibe that this thing is not from this world. He was fighting a purple woman looking like a reptile and to my surprise, she had a tail and she was able to blend in with the environment around her, she was not completely invisible but not visible either if you lose track of her then you won't be able to track her down again which I was able to see with my own eyes.
Soon I realised that the demon is in a pretty bad position fighting again that reptile girl which was attacking with the blades she was holding in each of her hands. I don't know if they both were wearing armour or was it their skin both armour looked different in colour and purpose. The brown with a bit of gold plating was for assault which was wielded by that demon and purple was for assassination wielded by this opponent.
Suddenly that reptile lady saw me and threw something towards me as soon as she threw that orb-looking thing that demon charged towards me, no no no I don't want to dye what I have even done to this momma, papa save me. I started crying before I know it, it happened so fast that the drop of tear didn't even leave my eye but suddenly that demon caught that orb just before it reached me like he was trying to protect me and.
aah aah, wait, wait where am I ooh it's the park, Hay sleepy head a sound from a nearby tree on my left hit my ear, aah it.. it was Piyush. The voice was of a white-haired boy sitting under the tree. Wait what just happened was it a dream can't be it was super real and aah wait what are you doing hear Piyush in the first place, ooh my head hurts just by processing this much information.
Important note:
Those who are reading my story please understand that this was my first ever piece of work. The first few chapters are not as good as the new chapters coming out. So this is my request from the readers please read at least till CH:20. Till ch:12 I have written the story as immature because at that time I was a new writer at that time. This was only a request from my side. Please support me and help me grow more and let my story reach more and more Sci-Fi and fantasy fans.