
[Rewrite Pending] Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter I: Prologue

The inky blackness stretched out to the horizon and beyond, a vast emptiness devoid of all matter.

Here in this forgotten realm, nothing could be seen or felt; a void beyond comprehension.

Nothing except a solitary soul.

It had a vague shape of a humanoid male, its colour that of dark grey ashes. It meandered in the unknown, its age impossible to discern.

Lost in a state of perpetual wandering, it had no sense of time, passing or direction - merely drifting with no purpose or intent.

It had been operating on autopilot; the only solace it could find was in its memories etched deeply into its soul, constantly experiencing them as if they were its present reality.

One of the souls favourite pastimes was "reading" novels, manhwas, manhuas and their fan recreations. Oh and of course, mangas too - although they never seemed to end (cough One Piece cough).

But by far his all-time favourite manga series was Dragon Ball. He loved the diverse array of races and its unique power systems, not to mention the endless supply of side arcs and spin-offs that kept him hooked.

He read light novels as well, and that's how he got exposed to the many protagonists' peculiar encounters.

Obviously, he was well aware of the negative impacts that came with them - especially the curse of MTL (machine translation). But when it came to fighting off bouts of boredom, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...

It was precisely for this reason that it had not gone completely mad during its seemingly endless wandering.

So when it first became aware of its existence in this empty void, he reacted just like any other normal person would.

At first, he panicked, raged, and eventually came to accept his situation. But then, after finding similarities between his predicament and those of the protagonists in his beloved novels, an overwhelming sense of excitement surged through his mind.

'Am I finally being rewarded for my years of filial piety?' he had pondered.

'Generally these things come with meeting an ROB. Will I get gifted cheats that I do not deserve due to some bullshit reason and then get sent to another world to live a slow life, even though I am literally the Strongest Person in that dimension?' he had wondered.

But alas, he finally understood his plight after spending some time in the nether - there was no ROB, no uselessly overpowered cheats, and no leisurely slow life.

It was just him, himself, and he, trapped in an infinite cage with no hope of escape.


As if defying the laws of physics, the very fabric of space began to splinter and fracture like glass, bending and folding into a hole before the soul's very non-existent eyes.

A fractal kaleidoscope of prismatic light swirled and convulsed within the gaping hole that had opened up before him, revealing a mysterious bubble that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.

As he drew closer, he noticed that twelve smaller bubbles orbited within the central one, each one paired with another small bubble.

He also noticed each pair of bubbles had the same colour, distinct to the next pair. In simpler terms, each pair had a different colour to another. The soul couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay beyond the shimmering veil of bubbles surface…

The soul, after slight deliberation, decided to enter the colourful kaleidoscope of a portal.

However, it was not that easy.

Angling himself towards the portal, he shot of towards it. As he got closer to the portal, he encountered some sort of invisible resistance towards his soul body, but he ignored it and kept going, feeling undulating waves of pain washing over his body as he powered through each layer.

Gritting his nonexistent teeth in his mind's eye with steely determination, he finally made contact with the unknown gateway.

The moment he went through, an intense electrical current poured into his body. The pain was so much that he instantly fainted. Luckily he was already in the portal, which closed right behind him straight after.




The sound of incubation pods resounded in the Saiyan Nursery. Green glowing nutrient fluids could be seen inside swirling in little eddies, and floating within them, little babies could be seen; their little tails bumping softly on the see-through, plexiglass-like surface of their pods…

Overall it was quiet and peaceful, if you could ignore the hundreds of thousands of pods stretching out into the horizon…

It is the Year 732 of the Divine Calendar, and a massive celebration had been announced by King Vegeta. All saiyans on non-official, off-world missions had been recalled back to Planet Vegeta to celebrate the birth of the new prince, Prince Vegeta IV.

Rumours say that the newborn prince is an Elite-Class Saiyan, and a top one at that, but that was something left to be confirmed.

As a reward to all his subjects in celebration of this joyous day, the newborn babies were to be housed in the latest state-of-the-art incubation pods (the same as Prince Vegeta), to "foster a close bond between my son and soon-to-be allies" as said by His Highness, King Vegeta.




In one of the many pods in the noble section arranged in concentric circles around Prince Vegeta's, a male saiyan baby wiggled around restlessly.

It had a small, slender body, covered in smooth brown hazelnut skin. His arms and legs were small, but sturdy. A round face with chubby cheeks came into view.

On top of his head sits a thick mop of black, curly hair, styled in a similar fashion to Caulifla from the Dragon Ball Super series, giving the impression of boisterous health and vitality.

A cute serious expression adorned his facial features, as if it was deep in thought or focused on something important. Despite its small size, he exuded a small aura of strength.

All that was broken though as he smacked his head on the on the clear glass, dazing him awake from his torpor.

He slowly opened his eyelids, revealing the dark chocolate irises characteristic to all saiyans.

He looked around with tired eyes, as if he just woke up. In a way, it could be interpreted as so, as moments before he was indeed in deep sleep.

However it was the type of sleep the we all knew and, in some cases, dread as he was technically dead. Memories slowly seeped into his mind as his brain slowly, subtly, rearranged itself as best as it could to house these new sets of foreign code.

Minutes passed as the child acclimated to the memories, his power-level fluctuating, finally settling down to match his spiritual and physical body makeup.

Oddly enough, the child did not panic nor show any sense of pain during the entire process, though that could be attributed to the procedure being painless anyway.

Soft beeping could be heard outside before it settled down into the comforting thrumm. The child relaxed soon after.

The infantile saiyan closed his eyelids again and started going through the recently acquired memories in its mind.

His previous name was Adamo Yahir, a Saudi Arabian-Ghanaian teen of 17 who was studying Biology and Economics at his local college. His ethnicity should attest to his financial situation however reality can't be whatever we mortals want, contrary to what a certain purple titan seemed to believe.

His family wanted him to experience a life of hardship and pain, so he could relate to the lives of both the rich and the poor for when he finally took over the family business. This tradition of theirs has been going on for approximately 300-ish years.

A resounding success, evident on the fact that the business kept on flourishing with each generation.

The saiyan child smiled as a memory of a middle-aged couple flashed by in his mind, he did not need to worry about his family being upset about his passing, they had taken good care of him and his 3 other siblings.

His older siblings could handle the family business just fine.

"Mr. Yahir!"

Another memory of flitted by, this time containing bits of half-forgotten faces and voices, but Adamo could never forget the face of his childhood friend and crush:

Harley Coulson. A rambunctious pretty blonde but by no means was she dumb, in-fact she was the smartest girl in their year group, a statement she never failed to use to deal critical damage.

He remembered telling her that she was the rarest breed of blonde he had ever seen, an understandably cringe statement as he was using it to subtly flirt with her in the hopes of her noticing his feelings…

He remembered all the activities and trips they went to, all their laughter and their sorrows. In the end he could never confess to her.

Too bad she was influenced by the feminist movement of 2022, which led to their subsequent break up as Harley could not be friends with someone whose home country "oppresses women".

Now that he thinks about it, she did indeed end up succumbing to her destiny as a dumb blonde. Fate and her weird mechanisations…

But as he fully immersed himself in his new identity, Adamo couldn't shake off a feeling of unease. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something seemed off about his new life.

He tried to delve deeper into his memories, however, he was met with a strange sensation, like a wall blocking access to certain parts of his past.

As he lay in his incubation pod, surrounded by the thrum of the other pods and the soft green glow of the nutrient fluids, Adamo couldn't help but worry about what world he had been reincarnated into…
