
[Reverse Isekai] Story of My Life

Theo is a knight on a mission to kill the evil Demon King when he is suddenly transported to Earth mid-battle. Theo soon meets three friends who tell him he's nothing more than a side character to a famous online story. Coming to terms with the shocking truth, Theo tries to build a new life with the help of these friends. But will he be able to navigate the strange world and learn to live an ordinary life? *** [June 2024 WPC Contest - Slice of Life] This book is slice of life so there will be laidback chapters. Additionally, this story is written in multiple characters' pov, mostly in Theo's pov.

coffee_writer · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Strange World (1)

Theo stared at the trio confused. "Isekai'd?"

"Basically you've traveled from your world to ours." The blond-haired woman stated. "That's what I believe it means at least. Samara is the expert here."

"Yeah…" Samara murmured. "Normally someone from this world goes into a world of a story and lives a second life there. So, technically you've reverse isekai'd from a story into the real world I guess."

"So you're saying my world is fake?" Theo asked, trying to wrap his head around the fact. 

He was fine with believing that he had been teleported to another place, maybe even another world. But to hear that his world was fake…

 That was a little too far for him.

 "Um… yeah." Samara paused for a moment. "Wait a second. I can prove it."

She hurried past him, over to the bookshelf behind him. Samara then went through the books, searching for something before pulling out a book.

"I only have the first volume because it was originally a web novel. They're still making the other volumes and the work isn't complete yet. Well, the author's writing a sequel-" Samara started.

"But volume one has your backstory." The blond-haired woman finished. Samara turned to give her friend a pointed look to which the woman shrugged. "What? I was bored and it was lying around."

Samara shook her head and instead handed Theo the book. "Anyway, you'll just need to read the first few chapters."

Theo nervously took the book, not wanting to see his life as a sum of a few words but he was curious too. He wanted to know the truth and there was a part of him that wanted to see his future. If there was a future.

He looked at the cover seeing an image of a cloaked figure with a blue, aura sword. The top had big words saying World's Greatest Mage while the bottom had smaller words saying CuteMushroom.

"Cute Mushroom?" Theo questioned.

"That's the author's pen name." Samara answered. "By the way, you should probably sit down. Um… seeing your life in a book will be a little… shocking…."

"I guess you're right." Theo nodded before taking a seat on the couch.

Once he was seated, Theo opened the book and began reading. His eyes flew across the pages as he read, feeling a little disbelief at first. But soon horror, anger and sadness filled him as he read the events of his life.

By the time he got to his fight with the Demon King, Theo felt numb. He felt so many different emotions while reading about his life that he had shut down his feelings.

Theo raised his sword and got into battle stance, ready to kill the Demon King. The longer he let the Demon King live, the more people would die.

"I guess you're mute." The Demon King sighed at Theo as he got off his throne. "But beggars can't be choosers. At least last a minute fighting against me will you?"

Theo gritted his teeth in anger before charging the Demon King. As his sword came down, a flash of light appeared.


The chapter ended just like that. Exactly how his fight with the Demon King had happened before he landed up in Samara's apartment, down to the words said. 

When Theo started the next chapter, it seemed the Demon King and him had disappeared only for someone else to take their place. It seemed the young man was from a place called Earth and he had isekai'd into his favorite novel.

Theo closed the book. Not only was his whole life and world just a story but he was just a story within a story. He was nothing more than a plot device.

"Hey…" Samara's voice called out suddenly, bringing Theo out his thoughts. "Do you want some water?"

Theo looked up to see Samara standing in front of him holding out a glass of water for him. He placed the book to the side and took the cold glass from her.

"Thanks." Theo said before downing the water, realizing that he was thirsty.

"So… um…" Samara paused for a moment, staring at him nervously. "Do you want to talk-"

Suddenly Theo's stomach growled much to his embarrassment. 

"Maybe you should eat food first." Samara smiled. "Luckily, Maria's mother sent some food. It should still be somewhat warm."

"Maria? Is that your friend?" Theo asked, looking around to see they were alone in the room.

"Yeah." Samara nodded, noticing Theo's gaze. "They went to the kitchen to give you… some space."

"Okay… Then I guess I'll take you up on that offer for food." Theo said, getting up.

Samara turned around and Theo followed her to the kitchen. 

Inside the small room, Theo spotted Maria and the man standing next to each other with the man's arm around Maria. The two were drinking something from blue and white mugs, murmuring at one another. 

When the couple noticed them enter, Maria smiled before bringing the mug to lips. The man meanwhile gazed at Theo.

"You good?" The man asked.

"I guess so." Theo responded. "Just trying to process everything."

The man nodded. "That's understandable."

"Take a seat over there." Samara pointed at a counter with stool chairs before opening a huge rectangular box. "Your mom sends way too much food. Like how does one eat this all?"

Theo took a seat at the counter opposite Maria and the man. He watched as Maria moved things inside the box. It was a strange object, holding food and releasing cold air. Theo wondered what magic made that possible.

This strange world must have some advance magic.

"Well if she doesn't, you'll probably be eating ramen noodles and sandwiches." Maria replied as Samara pulled out a container. "Besides, that's not even half of what we got…"

"I see you've been in the pantry again." Samara rolled her eyes as she closed the rectangular box. "Get some plates for me. Zaine, you hungry?"

"No thanks. I don't think I can eat after today." The man, Zaine, responded as Maria moved to open the cupboard behind her.

Samara nodded before opening another box, this one with a glass door. "Looks like you're eating lasagna. That okay?"

Theo wasn't sure what lasagna was but he wasn't going to be picky. Food was food and there was no way he was turning down a free meal.

"Sure." Theo nodded his head.

Samara took the plates from Maria, who then took a seat with Zaine at the counter. Samara soon placed the food on them. 

It was a square food with layers of sauce, meat and some kind of pastry dough and cheese on the top. Theo thought it looked pretty good and his stomach growled again in agreement.

He watched as Samara put the plates in the small box she had opened before pressing some buttons on the side. The inside of the box lit up as it beeped.

Samara, noticing his gaze, said, "It's called a microwave. You use it to heat up food."

"Interesting. What magic does it use?" Theo asked, curious how one could heat their food with fire.

"Um… it's not really magic." Samara said. "It's more a machine that uses electricity to work."

"Electricity?" Theo asked.

"Think of your lightning power. It's like that current but is made turning-" Samara stopped when the microwave started beeping again.

While she was sorting out their food, Zaine looked at him. "Basically we use machines to create electrical current that then powers other machines like the microwave. It's more complex than that of course but I don't think any of us could explain it properly to you."

"Yeah. Maybe I can borrow one of James' old textbooks so you can understand it." Samara said as she handed Theo a plate before taking a seat next to him.

"Or try looking for videos online." Maria pointed out. "They might have easier explanations."

"True." Samara nodded in agreement.

"Who's James?" Theo asked as he took a forkful of lasagna.

The food was hot and burnt his tongue slightly. But Theo didn't care about that a moment later. The food was delicious. As fancy as the food nobles ate.

"James is my older brother." Samara explained. "Which reminds me… There's a fancy hotel near you guys right?"

"Yeah." Maria nodded. "Is your brother looking for a place?"

Samara took a bite of her food and nodded. "I told him he could stay here because he's going to be here for a week but you know how he is."

Maria rolled her eyes. "I guess I'll send him the details tomorrow."

"Thanks." Samara smiled. "Also tell your mom thanks for the food. It's delicious as always."

"Of course." Maria turned to look at Theo who had quietly been devouring his food. "We're going to have to figure out what to do with you."

"What do you mean?" Theo questioned.

"Well, you can't exactly go home." Zaine answered. "Normally when you isekai, you die in your home world and travel to another…. So, you kind of have to start a new life here."

Samara nodded. "Yeah… And it's best not to tell others about your um… previous life. They'll think you're crazy."

"Like earlier when you thought something was wrong with me." Theo said.

"Yeah." Samara replied. 

Theo was quiet. He had hoped there was a way back to his home, even if it was fictional but seeing as he couldn't. It was best that he tried to make do with what had happened.

"It's getting late so we can teach you about the world so to speak tomorrow." Samara said, interrupting his train of thought. "I guess you could use the spare bedroom here."

 Theo looked at her in shock. "What?!"