
[Reverse Isekai] Story of My Life

Theo is a knight on a mission to kill the evil Demon King when he is suddenly transported to Earth mid-battle. Theo soon meets three friends who tell him he's nothing more than a side character to a famous online story. Coming to terms with the shocking truth, Theo tries to build a new life with the help of these friends. But will he be able to navigate the strange world and learn to live an ordinary life? *** [June 2024 WPC Contest - Slice of Life] This book is slice of life so there will be laidback chapters. Additionally, this story is written in multiple characters' pov, mostly in Theo's pov.

coffee_writer · Urban
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8 Chs

Strange World (2)

"What do you mean what?" Samara rolled her eyes. "It's getting late and you have to stay somewhere. The streets aren't exactly a great place."

"I understand that." Theo said. "But how can an unwed man and woman stay in the same house? It would ruin your reputation if I stayed here."

The trio stared at him in confusion before Samara let out a chuckle. "How could I forget you're basically a saint type character."

"I'm not a saint." Theo frowned. "Only those blessed-"

"It's a phrase used here to describe a very good and by the rules person." Maria explained quickly. "As for Samara's reputation, you'd honestly improve it."

"Thanks…" Samara muttered dryly. 

"Of course, my dearest best friend." Maria laughed, sticking out her tongue at Samara.

Zaine shook his head at the two girls and looked at Theo. "The world is slightly different here. People are… more open about certain things. However, if you don't feel it's right to stay here, you can stay at our place. But-"

"Come on. You guys have one bedroom and are newlyweds." Samara interrupted. "I have a spare bedroom. Might as well make use of it."

Theo stayed silent weighing his options. He didn't really want to impose on Zaine and Maria but that meant staying with Samara. And while that seemed okay in this world…

It didn't feel right.

"Is there perhaps an inn nearby that I can stay at?" Theo suddenly asked. 

He did have some coins on him so he could get a place to stay for the night until he found a more permanent place to stay seeing as this was going to be his new home.

"There's a motel down the street." Samara answered. "But I don't think they'll accept gold coins. We use paper money and cards."

"Cards?" Theo asked in confusion. "As in playing cards."

"No something like this." Zaine laughed, pulling out a gold card from his pocket. "This is a credit card and it has money on it. Well, there's money I can use but I have to pay back at the end of the month."

"Like a loan?" Theo asked.

"Yeah kind of." Zaine replied, putting the card away quickly. 

"Hmm…" Theo paused for a moment. "I guess there's no place open to exchange the gold coins now."

Samara nodded her head. "That's right. But Marty's Pawn Shop will be open tomorrow so we can exchange them."

"Do you really think that old man is going to accept random gold coins?" Maria asked. "No offense, Theodore."

"Theo is fine. And I take no offense to a valid question." Theo said.

"Alright." Maria nodded. "Oh, and it's Maria, Zaine and Samara by the way. We should have done introductions first."

"It's fine." Theo said.

"Cool." Samara smiled before turning to her friend. "And to answer your question Maria, Marty will take the coins. Gold is gold to him."

"But back to the situation at hand." Zaine said. "Where does Theo stay?"

"Here." Samara answered, turning to Theo. "Just think of it like staying at an inn and I'm the owner of the inn."

"It's a dream come true for you." Maria smirked, earning a glare from Samara.

Theo sighed. "Fine, but it's for one night only. And you have to take me to that place to exchange the coins."

"Sure, we can go before my shift starts." Samara nodded.

"Now to deal with the second problem…" Zaine suddenly said. "You can't walk around in that outfit. Maybe once or twice, acting as a cosplayer…"

"Ah right…" Samara murmured. "I think I have some clothes here. Not sure if it'll fit though."

"James?" Maria asked.

"Yeah." Samara rolled her eyes. "I don't understand why he leaves his shit here if he's not going to use the place."

"Hmm…" Maria gazed at Theo sharply. "It might work but it'll be a tight fit. So, for now it will be okay but we'll need to go shopping for clothes."

"I recommend you go with Zaine when you go clothes shopping." Samara suggested.

Zaine nodded in agreement. "That is unless you wish to spend a whole day walking around various stores losing a whole month's salary in that time."

"I'm not that bad." Maria muttered as she rolled her eyes. The two gave her a pointed look, making her sigh, "Fine, I'll admit I get a little crazy when it comes to clothes so sue me." 

"Are you a tailor, Maria?" Theo asked suddenly.

Maria shook her head. "No. I'm a teacher for small kids. Clothes are just a passion for me. Speaking of which, we should find those clothes."

"Yeah." Samara nodded in agreement before she got up from her seat.

She headed out the room, the couple following suit with Theo following after them. They walked through a small hallway before entering a small room.

The room had a single bed and closet with a window view of the city. Theo spotted a wooden door in the corner, wondering where it led to.

Samara moved to the closet, opening it to rummage though it while Theo, Maria and Zaine moved around to find a space in the room. It was a tight fit with all four of them in the room.

Soon, Samara pulled out a brown box and dumped it on the bed before opening it. She pulled out some weird look clothing, placing it on the bed where Maria picked them up.

As the two women sorted through the room, Zaine moved to the strange door and headed inside another room. A few moments later, he called out, "Hey, Samara… You got any spare toiletries?" 

"I think so." Samara replied, straightening up.

Theo watched as she headed out of the room while Maria picked through some of the clothes, laying a few on the bed. 

"You can wear these for tonight and these tomorrow." Maria explained, pointing at some clothing just as Zaine returned.

Theo nodded his head in understanding as he looked over the different clothing. Samara soon returned with a small box in her hands and some towels on top.

"I don't have much here so you're going to need to get toiletries too." Samara stated as she placed the box and towels on the bed. 

Zaine gazed inside the box and sighed, "Yeah, looks like it... But this should be fine for today. Anyway, Theo, let me show you the bathroom so Samara won't die of embarassment while explaining evrything to you."

Samara turned red at his words and cried out, "Listen here you-"

Before she could say any more, Maria covered the smaller woman's mouth. "Two you better move it because I'm tired and don't want this to take longer than it needs to. We'll be in the living room."

She then turned to Samara, whispering something in her ear as the two men walked over to the bathroom. Theo wasn't sure what Maria said, but had a bad feeling about it.