
Chapter 9

That presence vanished. Most likely someone came to spy. Not that they would find anything. Still, that does not mean I am not angry as for they invaded my privacy.

The invader had strength comparable to a Peak-High Class Devil. Whoever is behind the scene, is very cautious. Didn't take any risk of confronting me.

Whatever, I have nothing else to do for today. Let's watch some anime.


Next day at Occult Researching Club building.

"Senpai, don't be so stiff. I am not a monster. Where is the confident and elegant Rias-senpai I used to see, who would sit behind the window with an elegant expression."

"Pfft." Sona-senpai put a hand on her mouth while Rias-senpai just blushed a bit.

"Stop joking Miyuki-san. Do you understand what I felt when I saw even two of the strongest existences in Underworld, our kings are wary of you?" Rias-senpai asked.

"Hai Hai. Sorry for that. But just treat me like a normal kouhai. I am not that unreasonable. That day I just kinda snapped out. I already apologized for that." I said. Sweets are always sweeter when served after spicy foods. A bit of intimidation at first, then a bit of sweet-talking after that, you have the perfect submissive person.

"Yea Yea. I got it. Now, the thing is, yesterday Issei was attacked. We saved him but it seems there was a sister who has been declared a heretic from church and has been picked up by stray exorcists who are under the fallen angel faction's protection. We can't blatantly take action as we don't have enough information and it would create a chain reaction." Rias-senpai said.

"But I already told Azazel-san about what those fallen angels from the rebellion force have been doing here. Are some of them still left to catch ?"

"You talked with Azazel! The Fallen Angel Azazel who is one of the leaders of Grigori?" Sona-senpai exclaimed.

"Yea. He trespassed at my house some days ago and we had some talk. Anyways..."

"Don't anyways! Sigh. Forget it. I remember who you are just now. Then it can be possible that they are not here by the order of Grigori and doing something fishy without permission."

"Most likely. Senpai, inform this matter to your brother. He can discuss with Shinto Pantheon Gods what to do about it if they want to keep this place safe and peaceful. I will take care of the matter about Asia-san as the church won't take any action for her as they already declared her a heretic and left her alone while Grigori will most likely be happy if I help them clear their mess a bit."

"Good plan." Rias-senpai smiled. Yea, she is becoming like before, not a frightened cat I was close to making her.

"I know, right?" I smiled.

"I feel Miyuki-san is kinda narcissistic." Sona-senpai kinda poked me.

"Me? I thought I was being humble." Both facepalmed at my antics.


*POV 3rd*

Miyuki is now in the church. Everything has become a mess in 3 minutes after Miyuki came.

Three minutes ago,

"Start the ritual, proceed cautiously, we have only one chance to extract the sacred gear. We can't let it be used for healing those sinners. Only those who are loyal to God have the qualification to be healed by the sacred gears he created. " A random fallen angel said.


"Wow. Although you are a mini-boss, you don't lose when it comes to cliche and hypocritic dialogues. You want a cosmetics gift pack?" A female voice sounded from the background.

All present went on guard.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The fallen angel asked.

"I lost in my way on the marketplace and came here by coincidence."

"Don't joke with me!" He shouted and ran towards me.

"I hate cliche dialogues."


Miyuki started pummeling everyone present enough softly to keep them alive before they could do anything using telekinesis.

Back to the present,

"So, what should I do now? Leave them so that they create enough chaos to make the three factions think and come for the peace treaty meeting? Bah. I will just leave them behind." Miyuki thought to herself.

While she is thinking all these, Asia is looking at her surprised. This beautiful girl just came and pummelled everyone. she was saved but is still cautious. Although her heart is telling her that this newcomer won't hurt her.

Miyuki got out from her thoughts and went towards Asia and freed her.

"So, Asia-san, I am Yotsuba Miyuki. I came to save you as Issei-san and his friends could not involve themselves with this kind of matter for some political reasons. As you don't have a safe place to live. You will be staying with me. Anything you want to know, let's talk after we reach our house." Miyuki said.

"O-Our house?" Asia thought while Miyuki caught her hand and vanished from the church.


It has been an hour since Miyuki brought Asia to her house. She told everything to her. Even the conspiracy of Diodora Astaroth who is the cause of her becoming a heretic and his fetish of ra**ing virgin nuns and sisters.

Asia was angry and cried for some time after hearing everything.

After Asia became normal Miyuki again talked to her. In the end, Asia decided to live with Miyuki as she(M) is her(A) savior.

So Miyuki kinda got a new member at her house.

*POV 3rd End*


Next day,

Azazel has come to my place some time ago. He got a wry expression on his face. Asia is sitting beside me after serving him tea.

"Sorry about that. I didn't think that after clearing this place Kokabiel would still be brave enough to send more fallen angels and stray exorcists to create problems."

"I could not care any less about them. Just tell your people to not create problems for Asia. She will be with me from now on. I can expect this much from you at least after the things you put me Through."

"Didn't you just go there and pummelled them senseless?"

"Cough. Still, It was tiring nonetheless, you did not do anything. How would you know?"

"Sigh. Alright. No problem will be caused by Fallen Angels to Asia-chan from now on."

"Why are you calling her using 'chan'? "

"Anyways. Thanks for helping us catch those rebellions. Will meet you later." Azazel said and vanished.

"Pervert. He was imagining making BDSM s*x with a busty woman with a sister outfit! No doubt he has fallen for lust." Miyuki murmured.

"What is s*x, Miyuki-san?" Asia asked suddenly.





[Author Note: The last line was a joke.]