
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Phim ảnh
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27 Chs

Chapter 26: Update

Just as Connor was closing his eyes, they were suddenly opened again by F.U.S.S.'s alert. 'A system update? What does this mean?', he thought to himself. Connor was in possession of F.U.S.S. for quite some time now and this was the first time any of this was happening.

[System updating 13%]

[System updating 38%]

[System updating 69%]

[System updating 99%]

[System has completed updating]

After a few minutes Connor received news that the system had completed its update. Then silence. The system said nothing else. No information on the update. No instruction for Connor. Just silence. Connor decided he had to open his status to see if there were any changes.

Name: Connor Seasto

Age: 14

Race: Human

Lvl: 7

Exp: (604/700)

Light Side: 7

Dark Side: 0

Shii-Cho: 1 [75%]

Makashi: 0

Soresu: 2 [15%]

Ataru: 0

Shien/Djem so: 0

Niman: 0

Juyo: 3 [4%]

FP: 0

SP: 3


[Novice Shooting 23%]

[Intermediate Piloting 08%]

[Novice Mechanic 34%]

[Novice Metal Working 26%]

[Novice Wiring 16%]

[Reading Max]

[Writing Max]

[Novice Driving 04%]

[Novice Battle Instinct 67%]

The first thing Connor noticed was the percentages next to his skills. He was not sure, but he felt it was safe to assumed that when each skill hit 100% it would rank up to the next tier. Next Connor saw that he had been awarded two additional skills, [Novice Driving] and [Novice Battle Instinct]. These were both things that Connor had not bought from F.U.S.S. so it must have recognized his skill and put them in as he had shown some competency in each one. Connor needed to confirm that his theories, so he quickly got dressed and headed through the temple.

Many places in the Jedi Temple were open 24/7. This was due to the fact that many species in the Jedi Order were nocturnal, so they sleep during the day and conducted their responsibilities at night. Additionally, many jedi might have duties that needed to be specifically done at night so for that reason, man of the amenities within the temple always stayed open. Connor headed over to the piloting simulators. He wanted to test if this training could increase his percentage. Although, he wanted to practice his lightsaber forms, he knew that mastery in those are much slower and he was not sure if he could achieve any sort of progress.

Connor entered the simulator and selected a combat scenario with a difficulty that he felt matched his ability. Half an hour later, he had completed the simulation. However, his status showed no changed. Connor was not discouraged and continued his practiced. Finally, after finishing his sixth attempt, Connor noticed that his percentage had been raised by one. Connor was feeling bittersweet at the moment, he had gained progress on his skill, but it had taken him almost three hours. Although, he had a suspicion that real world piloting would improve his skill better than the simulation could.

Connor continued on the pilot simulator all the way until sunrise. As he exited the simulation, he noticed that the entire night had passed. But the night was not without benefit; Connor's status now showed a 14% next to his [Intermediate Piloting]. Connor then sleepily headed to his room. Just as Connor was laying down in bed, his communicator went off. It was Bruce telling him that it was time to ship out and to meet him at the spaceport. Connor groaned at the idea that he wouldn't get any sleep tonight. He had been so caught up in raising his skill that he neglected everything else, but this was the bed Connor made and he had to lay in it or rather not lay in it.

Connor quickly showered and put on a new set on clothes. Connor then made his way to the spaceport where he quickly spotted the gargantuan Bruce helping to load up the ship. He then headed to the ship assist with loading. Once the ship was loaded, the two masters to the young Jedi enter the spaceport to say their goodbyes. Plo Koon seemed more interested in checking that everything was alright with the ship and adequate supplies were prepared than saying goodbye though. Connor just took it as his master's way of caring. Once all loose ends were tied, Connor and Bruce boarded the ship and made left the spaceport, making their way to Tython.

Merely minutes later, the shuttle had completed its hyperspace jump and began the descent onto Tython. The planet of Tython was a particularly verdant planet, covered with rich fauna. The Jedi Order ruins were of course spread throughout the planet as well as the tribes of the savage Flesh Raiders. The shuttle landed in a dense forest where Bruce and Connor would be able to hide the ship relatively well from any wildlife.

"R2, stay with the ship and warn me of anybody intruders on my communicator", Connor instructed R2-B4 who responded with a casual beep. The padawans, eager to begin their mission started the long walk that was ahead of them. While walking, Connor and Bruce talked casually about a variety of topics from topics about the Force to guessing Grandmaster Yoda's age.

Connor then suddenly asked a question that shocked Bruce, "Hey, do you ever feel like the light side isn't the correct side?", Connor queried. "Are you suggesting the dark side?", Bruce asked while also keeping his hand on his lightsaber cautiously. "Relax", Connor said when he saw this, "I just think that a person shouldn't have to choose between mindless hatred and emotionlessness. There must be a place in the middle where someone is able to use their emotions but not be overpowered by them". Although, Connor had yet to put any points into the dark side because he didn't want to be exposed by the Jedi Order, these thoughts constantly occupied his mind.

F.U.S.S. had warned Connor that the dark side could have adverse effects on his mind, but what if he made sure to always keep his light side and dark side balanced? This would give Connor the power of the dark side combined with the knowledge and mental fortitude of the light side. "We're here", Bruce said which interrupted Connor from his train of thought. As Connor looked up, he saw his first destination, the Tython Jedi Temple.

Hope you guys enjoy.

I won't be posting a chapter for the next couple of days as I have work off and want to enjoy time with my family.

toobadImbatmancreators' thoughts