
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Phim ảnh
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27 Chs

Chapter 18: Bandits

What looked like jeeps from his old life sped towards Connor with a vengeance. "R2-B4, be careful.", Connor warned. Connor sensed that the ones driving weren't here to be friendly. The vehicles made their way to Connor then started driving in circles around him. Around a minute or two of this intimidation tactic, the vehicles stopped blocking Connor on all sides. A singular scrappy looking man jumped out from one of the passenger seats. "Well I'll be", the man exclaimed, "not only to we got a ship to scavenge but a droid to sell has well". Connor waved his at the man. "You have no interests in these things, now leave.", Connor stated. The man's eyes glossed over, "I have no interest in these things I think I'll leave".

But just as the man was leaving another person spoke to him, "Boss are you feeling alright?". The man then snapped back to reality, "Yeah, I'm fine I don't know what that was". Connor swore inwardly, his connection to Force wasn't strong enough to alter the mind of his man. "Here's the deal, kid. You are gonna hand over that droid and ship without any fuss and when we sell you as a slave we'll make sure you get a good master", the man said and the whole crew laughed. "I will give you a chance to surrender, as long as you leave quietly, no harm will come to you", Connor spoke loudly ignoring what the bandits had said. This caused the bandits to laugh loudly once again.

"Loth, shoot him in the leg as a show of force, we don't want to injure out new merchandise too much.", the boss said. One of the bandits, which Connor guessed was named Loth, pointed his blaster at Connor. Just at the shot left the blaster, Connor activated his lightsaber; Connor speed have been enhanced by F.U.S.S. to the point where he couldn't be compared to normal people anymore. With his speed, he deflected the blaster shot back at Loth hitting him square in the chest, killing him instantly. "Wow, boss you didn't say nothing about a Jedi", one the bandits exclaimed. "That just means he'll be worth more when we sell him!", that was the last words the boss spoke as Connor ran straight up to him, bisecting him in half with his plasma blade.

This was all the other bandits needed to see, all four vehicles started and began their escape. Connor cast Force slow on one of the vehicles slowing it down considerably then ran off towards it. Once he reached the slowed vehicle, he used his telekinesis to yank the driver toward him, once the driver was in front of him Connor pierced his lightsaber straight through his head, he was dead before he hit the ground. The vehicle slid and then slowly came to a stop. Connor walk over to the "jeep" as he was calling it and drove back over to pick R2-B4 up before heading in the same direction the bandits had come from.

After driving for about ten or so miles, Connor came upon what appeared to be a city. Connor saw the jeeps of the bandits who had fled earlier and decided he needed information for someone. He was able to come upon the same group that had ran away in no time. "Who's going to tell Warlord Cesbren that the boss is dead?", there was an uncomfortable shift by all the henchman present, nobody wanted that responsibility. "You could all just draw straws", Connor's voice alerted the bandits as they looked to the Jedi they had just ran away from.

The bandits began to run away from Connor once again. Connor picked a random bandit and used force pull to slowly drag him back. The bandit started to scream asking for someone to save him, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Force pulling a person backwards was almost the limit of what Connor could do with his current strength, but he didn't let it show; he kept a cool and composed face throughout. Once the man and Connor were face to face, Connor activated his lightsaber and pointed at the bandit. "Were there any other ships that crash landed here?", Connor asked. "I don't know, lots of ships crash here", the man replied. "Why?', Connor asked calmly. "Something about the magnetic fields, if you don't have a module placed on you ship to specifically offset the pull, then you can't fly near this planet", the man was now thoroughly terrified as the plasma blade still wave in front of his face.

Connor thought for a moment. If there was something about this planet that caused ships to crash land, then it would make sense that Ky Narec would have been stranded here for so long. Connor was now at a lost he had no way to fins his master and no leads on where to find the Jedi Knight. "Leave", Connor bluntly said. The bandit then quickly obliged, and he awkwardly stood up and ran away. "Come on, R2", we have work to do".

Connor went into the city. He looked around and saw many street merchants and lots of people looking through the stalls. Connor walked through the streets eavesdropping on any conversation he could to find useful information. Connor looked at his exp, upon entering this plant he had a measly 12 out of the needed 600 to reach his next level. Upon killing the few bandits, he saw that he had gained 40 exp despite only killing 3. Connor could only assume that individual power as well as authority in the person respective position both played a part into how much exp he gained.

A bunch of rough looking men suddenly approached Connor. Connor recognized on the of the men from the group that he had terrorized earlier. "That's the one", the man that Connor recognized pointed at him as he said. "I hear you have been bothering my men", one of them spoke. "And?", Connor bluntly stated, "They were trying to take my things and sell me into slavery". Connor was acting cautious as he already had one hand on his lightsaber. "I don't care what they were trying to do, I am warlord Cesbren and I own this city", Cesbren spoke. The warlord then raised his hand as a man pointed a gun at Connor and fired. What came out was what appeared to be a tranquilizer. Connor cast Force slow on it and caught it in his hands. "Do you guys ever learn?", Connor mocked. "Yes, we do", Cesbren stated matter-of-factly. The tranquilizer then sprayed a mist against Connor's face. Connor felt himself losing consciousness as he fell to the floor. The last he saw was warlord Cesbren standing over him smiling.