
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Phim ảnh
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: A Master

Connor exited the ship along with the rest of the clan as they made their way back to the Coruscant temple. Younglings were told that they had the entirety of the ride back to experiment and mess with their new lightsabers, but as soon they landed back on Coruscant, they were only to take out their lightsabers when they were needed. Obi-Wan and Anakin separated from the group and went back to their own affairs. Obi-Wan gave a farewell to Conner, which he reciprocated.

Connor made his way back to his room where he collapsed on his bed. Gathering the crystals and constructing the lightsaber had taken a full day, and a rather exhausting one at that. Tomorrow would be that day that most younglings here received a master. Statistically speaking, about half of the younglings would receive their master tomorrow while a quarter of them have been assigned a master, the Jedi they had been assigned just hadn't reached them yet. The remaining unlucky ones would be sent to serve on a farm until such time that they received a master.

In the unfortunate event of not receiving a master at all, they would have the option of being in the Jedi Service Corps. Connor didn't let these scenarios weigh him down as he sank into a deep sleep.

When he awoke the next morning, he put on the simple youngling robes that were required of each one of the younglings. Connor had no sense of fondness for these long robes, he figured once he had a chance, he would change his daily attire into something less monk-like. Connor joined the rest of his clan in making his way to the Jedi Council room. This is where the younglings who had been selected would officially remove their title of Jedi youngling and step into a new life as a Jedi padawan. The newly appointed padawans would then leave with their masters and always be by their side, assisting them with all their Jedi responsibilities until the time came for them to accomplish the trials and be promoted to Jedi knight.

Connor enter the Jedi Council room and looked around, a few of the Jedi Council members were physically present and some were present via hologram. Yoda and Mace Windu were among those that were physically present along with some others that Connor didn't recognize. "A big day for those in this room, today is. A major part in determining the rest of your life, today will be.", Yoda's voice rang out throughout the entire room. "We will now begin", Mace Windu was the next to begin. The Jedi Council's selection had now begun.

One by one, Jedi younglings were either given a master and became a padawan or were asked to go and pack their stuff to be sent to the farm. Bruce was assigned to a Jedi Consular that was at the grade of Jedi Knight. He much like Bruce, was a big man even though he was more suited to the mystic responsibilities of the Jedi Order. Connor was happy that he was able to receive a master who seemed to match him well. Another five minutes passed, and Connor realized that he was the only youngling left in the room. Even more so, there was nobody outside of the Jedi Council. Would Connor really not receive a master?

"Difficult it was finding a master for you, young Connor", Yoda spoke to Connor directly. "Yes, most masters expect you to be almost like a blank slate in the ways of the Jedi", Mace Windu chimed in. "I'm sure you would understand if you are not given the grade of padawan at this time.", Windu continued. Connor only nodded; he knew the chance he took at the trails was risky, but he hadn't never actually been prepared for this. 'Will I really have to go to the farm?', Connor thought. "That was until…", another voice joined into the conversation. Connor looked a saw a red alien looking man, his face was covered with a black metal mask as were his eyes, this was Jedi Master Plo Koon. "until I put my name in for consideration", Plo Koon finished his sentence. "My own master had many challenges when training me so maybe I should have some of my own", he continued. "Decided it has been", Yoda interjected. "Connor as a padawan, Master Plo Koon shall take", Yoda finished. Connor had become the padawan of renowned Master Plo Koon.


[User has completed quest: Become a padawan]

[User is rewarded with 50 exp, 1 FP and 3 SP]

Plo Koon led Connor to a spaceport and guided him to his ship. "Padawan, many times a Jedi might be required to engaged in space combat, there are many threats in space. Pirates, bounty hunter, there is even a small group whose specific goal is hunt down the Jedi Order.", Plo Koon warned. "Tell me padawan, do you have any experience in piloting?". Younglings at the end of the day did have an adequate amount of free time, if they so desired, they could take simulated pilot courses. So, a padawan might have piloting experience but this was entirely up the padawan themselves. Connor had never taken any of these pilot courses and did not have any knowledge of piloting, but he didn't plan to let it stay this way forever. "Yes master, I have a little experience in piloting", Connor answered. "This I guess, it was a good idea to appropriate your own fighter.", Plo Koon replied. Plo Koon then motioned to the starfighter a few meters away from him.

Connor turned to look and saw a black and gold small compact fighter sitting in the docking station. This was a Jedi starfighter! The small ship was mainly for space combat but came with a detachable hyperspace transport ring that would allow it to reach hyperspace. The small size allowed it to be boarded onto almost any larger class ship and be deployed at any time whether as an escape pod or as a means of fighting back. "I designed it after Grandmaster Yoda told me the design of your lightsaber.", Plo Koon woke Connor from his train of thought. "Thank you, Master. I won't let you down.", Connor replied. Plo Koon chuckled then said, "I doubt you will. Shall we take it for a spin?"