
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Phim ảnh
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58 Chs

The Journey Back

Elon, you need to memorize every street and intersection. I never want you in my passenger seat again," Cisco grumbled as he drove. His frustration was palpable; he swore to himself that Elon would never ride shotgun again.

Elon, his head practically sprouting question marks, replied, "Okay, but may I ask why?"

"In all my life, no one has ever nagged me to speed up or run red lights, let alone shout 'GOGOGO' in my ear. I've had it; you're like a fly driving me to dung. Next time, you can run like Barry!"

Cisco's irritation had reached its peak, as evidenced by his colorful language. Elon responded with resignation, "I was just worried about Barry's life. Rest assured, there won't be a next time."

By the time they arrived at the scene, it was all over. The devastation was akin to a category 16 typhoon's aftermath: trees uprooted, the ground furrowed deep.

Both muttered in unison, "Oh, my God."

Among those affected by the particle accelerator's dark matter wave, the Weather Wizard's destructive powers ranked high. But Barry's speed force was the ultimate game-changer, capable of altering worlds in his wake.

As for Elon's lightning powers? Well...

"You guys are too late; it's all finished," Joe complained upon their arrival.

"Joe, you should've called me to join you earlier. Against a metahuman like Mardon, there's no room for oversight," Elon said while checking on Eddie's injuries. He had studied human anatomy extensively and could perform first aid. Thankfully, Eddie's injuries weren't fatal—just multiple fractures and minor internal displacements. After some quick treatment, all that was left was to wait for the ambulance.

Joe apologized deeply, "I'm sorry, I was careless. Without Barry, the consequences would have been unbearable."

Cisco, with a mock gun gesture, pointed at Elon, who was still tending to Eddie. "Then you should be even more grateful to Elon. Without our supercrime consultant directing Barry, who knows what might have happened. That final speech really got the blood pumping—I'd punch him myself if I could."

Joe, relieved to see Eddie was out of danger, chuckled at Cisco, "Yes, your consultant is quite something. I thought I was going to lose Barry there; I'd like to punch him too."

"Don't even think about it. He's the guy who can down 2550 Mexican tortillas in one go," Cisco retorted with a roll of his eyes.

Joe's mouth formed an 'O' of disbelief at the monstrous appetite.

After ensuring Eddie was stable, Elon lifted Barry and announced, "Joe, I'm taking Barry back to S.T.A.R. Labs for treatment. Eddie will have to wait for the ambulance. You might want to concoct a plausible explanation for this mess; I doubt 'metahuman activity' will fly with your superiors."

Joe nodded in agreement, "Okay, take care of Barry."

The harrowing encounter with the metahuman left Joe with much to ponder. He now had fewer reservations about Barry being The Flash, especially after Barry's promise to protect him. Joe realized that Barry had truly grown up and deserved to make his own choices.

Then Cisco and Elon loaded Barry into the car, leaving Joe to watch over Eddie as they headed back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Cisco, do you have a lot of cash on you?" Elon suddenly asked as they drove through the city.

"What? You still owe me seven dollars. What do you need money for now?" Cisco replied.

"To buy underwear, clothes, personal items, food—things for everyday life."

"What? Our priority is to get Barry treated, not to shop for your groceries."

"I've checked Barry. He's just in a temporary coma from overexertion. The speed force is repairing his cellular damage. Even without treatment, he'll wake up soon."



"Okay, the PIN is 123321. Be quick, and bring me back some Twizzlers."

Cisco handed over a black credit card, indicating that Elon could spend freely. Twizzlers were a favorite confection of Cisco's, and by extension, a popular candy in the States. Elon had tried them once; their perplexing taste—somewhere between plastic, nail polish, and soap—had left him less than impressed.

They stopped on Bracknell Street, where a Walmart was conveniently located on the route back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Elon stepped out of the car to shop, and Cisco suddenly remembered something. "Wait, grab me some motorcycle magazines, the ones with the cool-looking superbikes."

"Got it," Elon replied, closing the car door behind him and heading into Walmart.

The superstore was as you'd expect—vast, well-stocked, and bustling. Elon quickly located a store clerk and rattled off a long list of items, mostly snacks and fresh food. The checkout alone took half an hour.

Back at the car, Elon handed Cisco the Twizzlers and a stack of motorcycle magazines, along with the lengthy receipt. Cisco's eyes widened in shock at the total.

"What, you spent a hundred thousand dollars?"

Elon, now enjoying a coconut-flavored Talenti gelato recommended by the store clerk, replied blissfully, "You won't regret it. Dinner's on me tonight."


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