
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Phim ảnh
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58 Chs

Reverse-Flash's Escape

"Why do you even dare to fight me?" taunted Reverse-Flash, his voice a high-speed vibrato of contempt. "With that pitiful spark of electricity? You're not worthy. You're not even fit to touch me. Only a speedster can match a speedster. You... you're only fit to be killed by me."

Elon gritted his teeth, glaring hatefully at Reverse-Flash, paying the price for his rashness. If not for his anger-driven impulse to use all his strength to generate electricity in an attempt to defeat Reverse-Flash in one blow, he could've held out much longer, carefully planning his moves. Even against a speedster, it wouldn't have been so easy to defeat him. At least Elon knew that at this moment, Reverse-Flash couldn't use the Speed Force indefinitely. If he could just hold out until it ran out, victory would be his.

Reverse-Flash's right hand vibrated at high speed, blurring as he prepared to strike. "It ends now. Let's set everything back on track."

Struggling to his feet, the broken bones and organs in Elon's chest caused an unbearable itch as his cells worked frantically to repair the damage. In just a few seconds, his strength had returned enough for him to stand.

Was he really going to die here? Elon couldn't accept it. He didn't want to destroy anything in this world; he just wanted to return home. He was even aware that Reverse-Flash was Dr. Wells, Barry's mother's killer, and he didn't want to interfere because he knew the eventual outcome. But his arrival had changed everything, making Reverse-Flash desperate to correct the future.

Dragging his injured body, Elon retreated as Reverse-Flash advanced with his vibrating handblade.

"Do you know how long I've waited for this day?" Reverse-Flash sneered, not expecting an answer. Elon's mind raced, knowing he just had to stall; Reverse-Flash's Speed Force was depleting.

"Fourteen years. I will not allow any accidents. You could have been valuable, but now, your death is the only value you can provide."

As Reverse-Flash lunged forward to strike at Elon's heart, his form stumbled, the red arcs of electricity flickering out. His handblade stopped vibrating, and his body became visible again.

The Speed Force was gone.

Elon's mind was clear and calm, seizing the opportunity as Reverse-Flash's Speed Force was nearly depleted. He stepped forward, ignoring the tearing pain in his chest, and threw a punch at Reverse-Flash.

His fist connected directly with Reverse-Flash's chest, splitting the lightning emblem in two and sending him flying back several meters.

Choking on blood, Reverse-Flash glared at Elon with wild hatred. Elon's punch had broken several of his ribs and nearly crushed his heart.

Reverse-Flash considered retreating, aware of Elon's robust body, seven times stronger than the average human at their peak. If not for the rapid punches that had knocked Elon down, a fully energized Elon could have easily burst his heart with a single punch.

"Think you can kill a speedster?" Reverse-Flash spat blood but still retained his arrogant sneer.

Elon remained silent, the searing pain in his chest a reminder of Reverse-Flash's ruthlessness. If not for his fortuitous transformation by lightning, those super-speed punches would have killed him long ago.

"Die, Reverse-Flash. You want to kill me, so die!" Elon's arm crackled with electricity as he pursued Reverse-Flash, the distance of several meters closed in an instant. But he was still too slow. Reverse-Flash became a blur once more and vanished.

Elon's punch hit the ground, scorching the earth with the heat of the electricity, leaving a smoldering crater.

Reverse-Flash had escaped.

"I've told you, only a speedster can match a speedster," his magnetic voice echoed from afar. "Elon, this isn't over. When I recover, it will be your end."

Elon, panting heavily and drenched in sweat, collapsed onto the muddy ground, his bare chest heaving with intense pain.

After fifteen minutes, the pain in his chest had subsided slightly. Elon pushed himself off the ground and stood up slowly, his body screaming for electrical energy to replenish itself.

Spotting a tall wooden pole, Elon used it as a crutch and began to hobble forward. He was in a forest, on a dirt road, unsure where Reverse-Flash had taken him. Following the footprints, he walked for thirty minutes before spotting a thirty-meter-high power tower.

"Fortune favors me," Elon thought, eagerly discarding the wooden pole and climbing the tower. Electricity was his sustenance; a full charge would mend his bones and heal his wounds, restoring him to peak condition. Without electricity, he could still recover, just slower.

That night, the outskirts experienced a half-hour blackout...

At S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco and Caitlin were organizing boxes of equipment for Barry and Elon's power tests.

The next morning, Elon appeared in the control room, full of vigor. He wore a women's red T-shirt that clung tightly to his body, revealing his six-pack abs, matched with summer beach shorts and bare, muddy feet – a total mishmash of styles.

Seeing Elon's non-mainstream appearance, Cisco asked in surprise, "Are you performing street art in that getup?"

Caitlin's cold demeanor turned a few shades more vigilant. "Put on some normal clothes, you freak," she said icily.

Elon spread his hands helplessly, indicating he hadn't intended to wear such an outfit.

After climbing the power tower and feasting on electricity for half an hour, he had fallen asleep on the spot. Waking up bare, he'd stolen some clothes from a farmhouse, ran to the city, and with some difficulty found a taxi driver willing to bring him here.

Considering the circumstances, he felt lucky not to be returning naked.

Walking on his muddy feet, Elon approached Cisco and clapped him on the shoulder. "Brother, it's a long story. I had a harrowing night. I haven't paid the cab driver waiting outside; could you please cover it for me? I need to go take a shower."