
"I was reborn in a fantasy world...as a CENTAUR?!"

Haruka Nakamura was an ordinary college student studying biology in Tokyo, but after being hit by a truck on her way home, she wakes up to find herself reincarnated as a centaur in a strange new world. With her memories of her past life still fresh in her mind, she sets out to explore this new world and navigate her new body. As she travels through the forest, she encounters various creatures and obstacles that test her strength and agility as a centaur. Along the way, she discovers that this world is full of magic and wonder, but also danger and treachery. As she explores the new world, she discovers a dark force that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. With the help of new friends, including a quirky gnome and a brave elf, she sets out on a quest to stop the evil that threatens to engulf the land. But as she journeys deeper into this new world, she also discovers a duality within herself. She struggles to balance her human nature with her centaur instincts, and she must confront the fact that her past life and her current one are irreconcilable. Through it all, she must rely on her own wit, courage, and strength to navigate this new world and protect those she loves. Will she be able to conquer the darkness and find her place in this new world, or will the duality within herself tear her apart?

axcal · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 3: Trials of the Forest

The morning sun bathed the forest in a warm, golden light as Haruka continued her journey through this new world. She had spent days wandering through the dense woods, gradually growing more accustomed to her centaur body. Her human intellect had begun to merge with her equine instincts, creating a unique synergy that allowed her to move with grace and purpose.

With each step, the forest revealed its secrets. She encountered playful nymphs by a babbling brook, their laughter like tinkling bells. She watched in awe as fireflies danced in the twilight, creating a magical display of light. The creatures of this world had accepted her presence, sensing that she meant no harm.

Yet, Haruka knew that not everything in this enchanted forest was friendly. There were hidden dangers, lurking shadows that whispered tales of treacherous creatures and cursed groves. She had to be vigilant, not just for her own sake, but for the newfound friends she had made along the way.

One such friend was Rollo, the gnome. His bright orange beard and merry green eyes were a constant source of cheer. Rollo was an expert in the forest's flora and fauna, and he had taken it upon himself to be her guide and teacher.

"Haruka, lass, ye be learnin' quick!" Rollo exclaimed as they foraged for edible plants one morning. "Ye have the instincts of a centaur, no doubt about it!"

Haruka smiled, her centaur heart warming at his words. "I owe it to your guidance, Rollo. Without you, I'd be lost in more ways than one."

Rollo chuckled, revealing a set of crooked but endearing teeth. "We be helpin' each other, lass. I may know the plants and creatures, but ye bring a freshness and curiosity to this forest that I haven't seen in a long while."

As they gathered berries and herbs, Haruka couldn't help but think about her past life as a biology student in Tokyo. Her knowledge of plants and ecosystems was proving to be surprisingly useful in this world, and it was as if her previous life had prepared her for this very moment.

Their peaceful morning was interrupted by a distant rumble, like thunder on the horizon. Haruka's centaur ears twitched as she tried to discern the source of the sound.

Rollo's eyes widened in alarm. "That be no ordinary storm, lass. That's the roar of the mighty Treelord!"

Treelords were ancient, colossal beings that guarded the heart of the forest. They were known to be gentle protectors, but when the forest was threatened, they could unleash their wrath with devastating power.

Haruka felt a surge of concern. "What could be causing the Treelord to roar like that?"

Rollo's gnome-sized face grew grave. "I fear it be the encroachment of the Shadowwood, a malevolent force that corrupts all in its path. We must hurry to the Treelord and seek his counsel."

Without wasting a moment, Haruka and Rollo made their way deeper into the forest, following the distant rumble. The trees grew taller, and the air grew heavy with a sense of foreboding. They eventually reached a clearing where an immense tree, as wide as a house and ancient beyond measure, stood tall.

The Treelord, its bark-like skin etched with wisdom, surveyed them with ancient eyes. "Why have you come, little ones?"

Rollo stepped forward, his voice unwavering. "Great Treelord, we seek your guidance. The Shadowwood spreads, and we fear it threatens the very heart of the forest."

The Treelord's branches creaked as it sighed, a sound like the rustling of leaves in the wind. "The Shadowwood is a blight upon this land, a darkness that must be purged. But I sense something unique in you, Haruka, a connection between worlds."

Haruka felt a shiver run down her spine. "What do you mean?"

The Treelord's voice rumbled like distant thunder. "You are a bridge between two worlds, a centaur with the memories of a human. This duality gives you a rare power, the power to bring harmony to this world and your own."

Rollo looked at her with awe, and Haruka's heart raced. She had been searching for her place in this new world, and it seemed the Treelord held the key to her destiny.

"Haruka," the Treelord continued, "to combat the Shadowwood, you must embark on a quest to gather the ancient relics scattered throughout the forest. These relics hold the power to cleanse the darkness and restore balance."

Haruka nodded resolutely. "I will do whatever it takes to protect this forest and my friends."

With the Treelord's blessing and Rollo as her steadfast companion, Haruka set forth on her epic quest. She would face trials and challenges beyond imagination, but she was determined to prove that even a soul reborn as a centaur could make a difference in this magical world.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Haruka couldn't help but reflect on the words of the Treelord. She was a bridge between two worlds, and it was a role she would embrace with all her heart. The duality within her was no longer a source of conflict; it was her greatest strength.

And so, the centaur and her gnome companion, under the watchful eyes of the Treelord, embarked on a journey that would test their courage, wisdom, and friendship. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to protect the forest and bring harmony to both of Haruka's worlds.