
"I was reborn in a fantasy world...as a CENTAUR?!"

Haruka Nakamura was an ordinary college student studying biology in Tokyo, but after being hit by a truck on her way home, she wakes up to find herself reincarnated as a centaur in a strange new world. With her memories of her past life still fresh in her mind, she sets out to explore this new world and navigate her new body. As she travels through the forest, she encounters various creatures and obstacles that test her strength and agility as a centaur. Along the way, she discovers that this world is full of magic and wonder, but also danger and treachery. As she explores the new world, she discovers a dark force that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. With the help of new friends, including a quirky gnome and a brave elf, she sets out on a quest to stop the evil that threatens to engulf the land. But as she journeys deeper into this new world, she also discovers a duality within herself. She struggles to balance her human nature with her centaur instincts, and she must confront the fact that her past life and her current one are irreconcilable. Through it all, she must rely on her own wit, courage, and strength to navigate this new world and protect those she loves. Will she be able to conquer the darkness and find her place in this new world, or will the duality within herself tear her apart?

axcal · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 2: Survival in the Wilderness

As I wandered through the forest, my mind raced with questions. How was I going to survive in this new world? What was I supposed to eat? Where was I supposed to sleep?

I had always been an avid camper and hiker in my previous life, but this was an entirely different ballgame. I had no gear, no supplies, and no idea where I was going.

But as I continued to walk, I noticed that my instincts were kicking in. My body knew what it needed to do to survive in this new form. I was getting better at navigating my four-legged body and finding food and water sources.

I came across a small stream and eagerly drank from it. The water was cold and refreshing, and it gave me some much-needed energy. I also noticed a small patch of grass nearby and immediately started grazing on it.

As I continued to walk, I heard the sound of rustling leaves. Instinctively, I froze and listened. A few moments later, a small rabbit appeared from the bushes. It was small, but it would be enough to sustain me for a while.

I tried to chase after it, but my inexperience in my new body made it difficult. I stumbled and tripped, but eventually, I managed to catch the rabbit with my powerful jaws. I was surprised at how easy it was to catch prey in this new form.

After eating, I continued to explore the forest, taking in the sights and sounds of this new world. The more I explored, the more I realized just how vast and unknown this world was. There were creatures I had never seen before, some of which were even more bizarre than I was.

As the sun began to set, I started to look for a place to sleep. I stumbled upon a small clearing in the forest and lay down in the soft grass. It was surprisingly comfortable, and I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of rustling bushes. I immediately sprang up, ready to defend myself. But then I saw what was making the noise. It was a group of small creatures, no bigger than a mouse.

They scurried around me, sniffing and exploring my new form. I tried to shoo them away, but they didn't seem to be afraid of me. In fact, they seemed to be quite interested in me.

After a few minutes, they scurried off, and I was left alone once again. But as I lay back down, I couldn't help but chuckle. This new life was full of surprises and unexpected encounters.

As I drifted off to sleep, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Despite the uncertainty of this new life, I knew that I could survive. I was a centaur, after all. And with my newfound instincts and skills, I was ready to take on whatever this world had to offer.