
"Eternal Conflict"

In the depths of eternity, terrifying and gruesome entities emerge, instilling fear in the hearts of humans. These loathsome demons take various forms, inducing the greatest terror. These terrifying beings hide and infiltrate the darkness of past ages. These condemned demons, shattering minds, manifest in unimaginable forms. Some take the form of giant beasts, surpassing all imagination. Massive bodies like mountains, covered in torn skins, with limbs twisted like venomous snakes. Others take forms even more impossible and despair-inducing. Ghostly entities formed from dark clouds, shaping and dissipating like mist. They flow mightily through the terrifying space of this world, opening mouths like frightening towers to emit terrifying screams like thunderbolts. As the sun rises on the horizon of life, Its rays reveal a new offspring, pulled from the womb of darkness. That unfortunate child, burdened with the weight of the dark world. Is this true? .........Is Oliver the hero, or is he?

NAH999 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Seven Huda's Confusion ..

Chapter Seven

Huda's Confusion


Dante's eyes were filled with animosity and resentment as he contemplated his loss.

"What was worse than that was his arrogance in front of his friends and the girl he admired,

thinking how easily he would qualify for the top ten positions."

"What's wrong, Dante, you can do it," one of the students laughed, observing Dante's miserable state. He hated Dante's proud personality, especially in front of his beautiful idol.

Dante returned to his seat in the stands, ignoring his mocking friend.

His eyes widened when he caught sight of his beloved girl laughing with the person who had punched him harshly and embarrassed him in front of others.

He clenched his fists tightly, wishing to confront him in the loser's group and vowed to himself, saying, "I will avenge you, Oliver, just wait."

Oliver felt Dante's hostile gaze quickly disappear around him. He pondered to himself,

"Who is this person giving me such hateful looks?"

"Is everything okay, Oliver?" Huda asked with concern, feeling comfortable with the young boy.

Oliver responded with strange eyes, "I felt a strong hostile look, but it disappeared quickly."

Huda laughed lightly and said, "I know who owns that hostile look, it's probably Dante, whom I defeated a while ago."

Oliver coughed at her words, "I felt the danger, so I wanted to end the argument quickly."

Oliver's eyes narrowed as he thought, "He's not simple."

The bald judge shouted loudly, announcing the start of the second match, "Number forty-four against number twelve!"

The competitors descended into the arena.

"Oh," Huda looked at the competitors and said to Oliver, "It will be a fierce battle between rising stars, Kaiser the Giant versus Sword of the Sky."

Oliver watched the arena under the gaze, "Are these rising stars in the faction?"

Kaiser the Giant looked at his opponent, Sword of the Sky, "It will be a tough battle before he knows about himself."

"Kaiser, ranked third, takes the first step," he answered with a long smile.

Kaiser was born with a unique talent, extending to a massive physique that was astonishing.

His limbs represented unmatched strength, as if his entire being was a depiction of pure strength.

As he moved, the earth trembled under his steps, as if he were showing the world his overwhelming supernatural power.

The axe in his hand shone with a readiness to divide the sky itself.

On the other hand, Sword of the Sky faced his fierce opponent with a serene smile. "Axelios, ranked third, takes the first step."

The bald judge looked cautiously at the two of them and said, "When I raise the flag, the fight begins." The bald judge raised the flag quickly as a signal for the start of the match.

The sun's rays shimmered over the battlefield, where the echo of thrilling steps rose. Axelios, also known as Sword of the Sky since childhood, faced Kaiser the Giant.

The onlookers held their breaths as the tense atmosphere surrounded the place. Axelios appeared with a sword representing the will of the sky.

The fight began with a stunning rush as the weapons collided with tremendous force.

Movements were swift and agile, leaving behind traces of the arena that quickly cracked. Axelios gripped his sword tightly,

waving it fiercely, eager to cut off his giant opponent's head.

With each exchange between the sword and the axe, Axelios felt his arm numb from the intensity of the collision, which also happened to his giant opponent in the duel.

Kaiser looked at his opponent, Axelios, seriously. "You're good. Okay, the defense is over now."

The clash between Kaiser the Giant and Axelios was just a defense, nothing more. They did not use any etheric energy in the matter.

A dense red etheric aura emanated from Kaiser's body in response to his massive aura, causing the arena beneath him to crack and the air to be under high pressure.

He gripped his bloody silver axe and threw it forcefully at Axelios.

"The division of life," he whispered to himself, the name of his skill.

Axelios' eyes widened sharply at the rapid turn of events. A celestial blue aura appeared,

and he waved his sword with incredible speed, each movement launching like a fast blue piece towards the bloody halo axe.

Boom! Boom!

Axelios felt the bloody axe shatter his blade's energy and penetrate the dimensions of his energy. His skills and strength failed to withstand it.

"Damn, he wants to kill me," Axelios withdrew quickly from the arena, announcing his defeat.

Before the silver axe with its red halo could advance, it was seized with agility and its halo extinguished by a person with a long white beard.

"Damn, it's painful," the senior sheikh thought to himself, maintaining a confident smile to avoid embarrassing himself.

The bald judge announced the result upon seeing the end of the battle, raising the flag and shouting, "The ultimate winner is Kaiser..."

"He's amazing, this

"The battle was very beneficial. Oliver thought to himself, 'I gained a lot from this battle.

I can create my own technique by relying on the skills of these two as a reference.'

Huda laughed, her blue eyes becoming more gentle and mysterious as she looked at him.

She leaned closer to Oliver and whispered softly in his warm ear, 'Yes, they are amazing.' Oliver was greatly astonished by her reaction.

Her tight clothes seemed to hug her body even tighter as she got closer to him. He felt a turmoil in his mind, wondering, 'What's happening to me?

Why have I lost my composure?' His breath became heavy as he trembled from Huda's exciting breath next to him. Huda laughed at his tension,

thinking to herself, 'He's truly an innocent child.' She apologized to him gently, '

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to test you.' Oliver regained his composure and thought to himself, 'This woman is really terrifying. She's adept at seizing the moment. She's caught my attention now.'

Oliver and Huda watched several battles. "They were thrilling and enjoyable, but not as fierce as Kaiser and Axelios's battle."

"Number sixty-six against number ninety-nine. It's your turn now, good luck," Huda said to him with a sweet smile.

Oliver descended into the arena to scrutinize his next opponent and felt his eyes widen... It was number sixty-six, Miss Levante.

The young maid looked at her mistress, the greatest genius in the faction and the daughter of the leader of the barren faction, Laveille.

In the eyes of the young maid, her mistress was a perfect being.

"It's her," Levante looked at Oliver curiously. Her brother, the stupid one, was Oliver. Levante stood up from her seat,

her golden hair flowing like liquid gold, dancing elegantly on her shoulders with unmatched grace. Her red eyes sparkled with shimmering emerald colors, surveying the world with lofty gazes.

She wore captivating clothes that caught everyone's attention, with threads of soft silk flowing over her body like a magical fabric that attracted all eyes, mixed with touches of superiority and mystery.

Every detail in her appearance pulsated with irresistible charm, making all men madly drawn to her.

The bald judge looked at Levante in astonishment at her beauty. He forgot his place as a judge in the competition.

Levante felt his pitiful glances before speaking with a cold, annoyed voice, "Yes, yes, bald one, start the match quickly."

The judge woke up from his stupor and felt extremely embarrassed. How could a ten-year-old girl easily captivate him like this?

"Okay, let's start," the bald judge raised his voice before raising the flag high.

Oliver looked at his sister, contemplating before uttering words that stunned the audience, "I withdraw."

The bald judge looked at him strangely, "Are you sure?"

Oliver didn't answer and jumped out of the arena, indicating his loss.

"What do I do if I encounter you, my sister?" Oliver looked at his arrogant sister.

"What do you think? Withdraw, of course. You can't face me, I'm your sister,"

she replied with a haughty tone. Levante didn't know that she had started to regard Oliver as a brother and not just a tool.

But the chance of them meeting as opponents is slim, but as a contingency, in case it happens.

"You must win two victories to qualify for the top ten positions to face the devil,"

Huda said, her eyes scanning Oliver. "But even if you lose, you still have a chance to defeat the strongest competitors in the loser's group and secure a seat in the top ten positions."

Huda looked at him strangely. The pure boy in front of her suddenly became mysterious.

"Why did Oliver withdraw? Is he afraid of her status as the leader's daughter?"

Huda was puzzled by Oliver's strange behavior. He didn't seem to act cowardly.

Huda couldn't deny Levante's beauty and striking impact in the faction. She's the greatest genius, no kidding."

Oliver looked at Huda's perplexed expressions before responding with a light laugh, 'She's my sister, Huda.'


[What is your first impression of Huda's character?"]