
"Eternal Conflict"

In the depths of eternity, terrifying and gruesome entities emerge, instilling fear in the hearts of humans. These loathsome demons take various forms, inducing the greatest terror. These terrifying beings hide and infiltrate the darkness of past ages. These condemned demons, shattering minds, manifest in unimaginable forms. Some take the form of giant beasts, surpassing all imagination. Massive bodies like mountains, covered in torn skins, with limbs twisted like venomous snakes. Others take forms even more impossible and despair-inducing. Ghostly entities formed from dark clouds, shaping and dissipating like mist. They flow mightily through the terrifying space of this world, opening mouths like frightening towers to emit terrifying screams like thunderbolts. As the sun rises on the horizon of life, Its rays reveal a new offspring, pulled from the womb of darkness. That unfortunate child, burdened with the weight of the dark world. Is this true? .........Is Oliver the hero, or is he?

NAH999 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter Six Dante the Destroyer

Chapter Six

Dante the Destroyer


"Tomorrow is the day of the competition. I will explain the basics to you now. Listen carefully, I will not repeat myself," Lafeetil said to him, her expression lazy and annoyed.

"Do you know the extent of the demons' terror, Oliver?" Her gaze became serious as she spoke, contrary to her cold tone.

Oliver replied lightly, "Yes, they are powerful and their movements are difficult to predict."

"Underestimating your enemy is one of the most dangerous mistakes,

Oliver. It could lead you to a crushing defeat or profound regret afterward," Lafeetil advised her foolish student.

"Anyone who underestimates their enemy, especially if it's a demon, won't live long," but she neglected one thing: her limited knowledge of Oliver. "Who is he?" The cursed tyrant demon standing before her.

"You're right," Oliver thought seriously about her words. How could he underestimate his enemy? But the word "demon" didn't make him feel threatened.

"Very well," Lafeetil responded satisfied with his reaction.

"What we will face in this competition is a lower demon,"

A brief overview of the competition: the selection of the top ten individuals who will ultimately confront the demon.

The winner, or the one who causes the most harm to the demon, will be the victor, and the top ten rankings will be determined based on the damage inflicted on the demon.

"Do you know the classifications of demons, Oliver?"

"Yes, I do," Oliver answered succinctly, saying, "Demons are divided into seven ranks:

The Lesser Demon (equivalent to ranks one and two)

The Lower Demon (equivalent to ranks three and four)

The Middle Demon (equivalent to rank five)

The Royal Demon (equivalent to rank six)

The Dark Entity (rank seven)

The Final Entity (rank eight)

Extinction (rank nine)

"Well done," Lafeetil praised him.

"What we will face is a lower demon, ranking third from the second step,"

Oliver's eyes narrowed as he realized the seriousness of the situation. "This lower demon is a full rank above me."

"Very well, that's all I have for today," Lafeetil said to him.

"Prepare yourself for the competition tomorrow. Don't underestimate yourself before facing the demon," she looked at him arrogantly before leaving.

His eyes became very dark as he thought, "The competition! A demon!"


Oliver looked at his reflection in a mirror, a short boy wearing a white suit with the emblem of "Origin" engraved in red. This is the official attire of the sect.

"I'm ready now," he said.

Oliver arrived at a gate marked with the "Origin" emblem.

Two disciples greeted him with formal smiles.

"Good morning, brother. How are you?" one of the disciples, tall with black hair and eyes, spoke.

"Could you please direct me to the location of the demon suppression competition?"

Oliver answered with a forced smile. His sister didn't inform him of the competition's location. Is it deliberate? Does she want to bring trouble to him?

The guard smiled at him and spoke, "Of course, brother. There's no need to embarrass yourself. It's from here......

The "Origin" badge is red, indicating an internal disciple.

They are divided into disciples with a

"red Origin" badge (internal disciple),

disciples with a "yellow Origin"

badge (internal disciple),

disciples with a "green Origin"

badge (basic disciple),

and disciples with a "purple Origin"

badge (master of the sect).....

Oliver looked at the place in front of him before apologizing with an emotionless tone,

"Do you know bad manners, sister?"

"My name is Oliver!" 

The old disciple handed him a golden badge with the number 66 before waving him to go.

Oliver looked at his number, sixty-six. "I just have to wait until my name is called."

He went to the audience stands to take his seat before hearing a voice next to him calling him.

He turned to his right to see a girl with milky white skin,

her eyes shining with a light blue color as she looked at him.

Her heavenly blue hair cascaded like a soft cloud above her head.

She was wearing a tight black dress that delicately hugged her body, exposing her long neck.

The short skirt flowed gracefully over her well-proportioned thighs,

revealing her symmetrical legs. The dress danced with each of her movements,

while the silk fabrics shimmered, enhancing her enchanting appearance.

Oliver's eyes narrowed as he looked at her green badge. She was a basic disciple.

The color of the badge indicates the individual's position within the sect,

where they are divided into disciples with different badges:

- A red "Origin" badge (internal disciple)

- A yellow "Origin" badge (internal disciple)

- A green "Origin" badge (basic disciple)

- A purple "Origin" badge (master of the sect).....

Huda noticed the handsome boy sitting beside her before speaking with a soft and melodious voice, "Are you here too to participate in the competition?"

Oliver looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, trying to gather his thoughts before responding with a warm smile, "Yes, my goal is to win first place."

Huda chuckled lightly and asked, "Ambitious! What's your name?" "Oh, by the way, my name is Huda. It's a little strange, isn't it?" She looked at him with her sparkling blue eyes.

Oliver smiled gently and replied, "I'm Oliver. Your name is beautiful, Huda, not as strange as you think."

Huda smiled and said, "Thank you, Oliver. I wish you good luck in the competition."

Oliver became lost in his thoughts, pondering multiple questions swirling in his mind.

"A basic disciple in the sect, she surely has vast resources to support her."

Oliver wanted to continue talking to Huda, but unfortunately, before he could proceed, he heard shouting calling out the names of the competitors.

"Number sixty-six against number twenty-two," they descend into the arena.

Oliver cursed inwardly, "Why am I the first contestant? Does he want to make sure of his opponents' strength and how he uses his power to face his peers?"

Huda chuckled gently at Oliver's evident embarrassment.

"Are you number sixty-six?" "Yes, that's my number," with a sigh before descending into the arena.

Oliver looked at the arena in front of him to catch a glimpse of his first opponent,

a fair-skinned young man, 160 cm tall, with green hair and strange brown eyes. "This person is a bit strange," Oliver thought to himself.

The bald judge looked at the two and said, "Introduce yourselves and your training level."

"My name is Dante, rank second from the third step," Dante eagerly awaited his unfamiliar opponent. Dante's ambition was to enter the top ten positions at least.

His confidence was not unfounded, as he possessed a winning card that could support his words.

He looked at the blue butterfly fluttering by his side, incomplete. This was his winning card, what made her a wonder of nature was her abilities:

[ Sky Butterfly

Ability: Avoid attacks below the third rank

Cooldown: one week

Avoid attacks below the fourth rank

Cooldown: one day

Avoid attacks below the fifth rank

Cooldown: 10 hours

Avoid attacks below the sixth rank

Cooldown: 3 hours

Duration of use: 10 minutes ]

He was very lucky to attract the Sky Butterfly to him, one of the Ten Wonders of Nature, but she was severely damaged and could only avoid attacks below the sixth rank...

Dante looked at his opponent, confidence shining on his face. Perhaps this was the dumbest decision Dante made, underestimating his enemy.

"My name is Oliver, rank second from the fourth step," Oliver looked at Dante, feeling a dangerous warning. He must end this battle quickly.

The judge raised the flag to start the fight.


Oliver clenched his fist, planting his feet firmly on the ground due to his immense strength before swiftly moving forward with astonishing speed.

Boom! Boom!

A dense black aura gathered in his fist before he tightened it further, striking Dante's face with force, sending him flying away from the arena.

"Stop!" shouted the bald judge in astonishment. As a third-step ranker, he didn't clearly see what had actually happened.

Dante was lost in thoughts of victory and reaching the top ten positions before feeling a quick and fierce grip on his face, slapping him with such force that it shattered most of his teeth.

He didn't have the chance to activate the Sky Butterfly's ability before being disqualified. He was confident in his strength even if Oliver was from the ideal second step rank.

Dante looked at Oliver as his victory in the first battle was announced, "Curse you, you insignificant brat...."

An elderly man with an old face looked at the scene and said to his companion, "This is good."

Another elder asked, "Who is this Oliver? Why is a genius like him unfamiliar to us?"

As secondary elders appointed to monitor the competition and recommend any potential geniuses that appear in the demon suppression competition, they were not weak but rather each of them was from the fifth rank (Ancient Illuminators).

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