
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย silent voice ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • Getting $10 Trillion Out Of Nowhere

    Connor McDonald delivered food as his part-time job. One day, he had to deliver food to a hotel infamous for being a sex hotel. When the room door opened, he couldn't believe his eyes. His girlfriend was half-naked, cuddling with a rich kid from their class. "Well, now that you've found out, I guess it's time that you know," the rich kid scoffed. "Your girlfriend is dating me now. "Connor, give up on me. You're an orphan and have no money. Even if you deliver food for the rest of your life, there's no way you can compete with him. You are not good enough for me. Let's break up," his girlfriend said. Connor was utterly dumbfounded, wondering why God would inhibit poor people from being in a normal relationship. Just as he was wallowing in pain, his phone suddenly rang. He received an interesting text message. [You have received 1,000,000,000.00 dollars in your account.] "What the hell?" Connor exclaimed. "Who the heck just transferred 1 billion dollars to me?"

    Silent Wind · สมัยใหม่
  • Obteniendo $10 Billones De La Nada

    Connor McDonald trabajaba a tiempo parcial repartiendo comida. Un día, tuvo que llevar comida a un hotel tristemente célebre por ser un hotel sexual. Cuando la puerta de la habitación se abrió, no pudo creer sus ojos. Su novia estaba medio desnuda, abrazada a un niño rico de su clase. —Bueno, ahora que lo has descubierto, supongo que es hora de que lo sepas —se burló el niño rico—. Tu novia está saliendo conmigo ahora. —Connor, olvídate de mí. Eres huérfano y no tienes dinero. Incluso si repartes comida por el resto de tu vida, no hay forma de que puedas competir con él. No eres lo suficientemente bueno para mí. Terminemos —dijo su novia. Connor estaba completamente atónito, preguntándose por qué Dios impediría a la gente pobre tener una relación normal. Justo cuando se sumía en el dolor, su teléfono sonó de repente. Recibió un mensaje de texto interesante. [Has recibido 1,000,000,000.00 dólares en tu cuenta.] —¿Qué diablos? —exclamó Connor—. ¿Quién demonios me acaba de transferir 1 mil millones de dólares?

    Silent Wind · สมัยใหม่
  • As Silent As A Mouse

    I am being hunted. Well, not me exactly. Someone wants to get their hands on the genius behind A.M.K Pharmaceuticals. They just don't know it's me. I have discovered a way to negate anyone's scent, shifter or human. You would think it wouldn't be that big of a deal... deodorants promise the same thing, but my product is nothing like that. My product turns its wearers invisible to shifters. No, not like that. But shifters need scent more than almost anything else to identify and find a person. Without scent, they can't track down their prey, or smell an enemy coming up from behind. I had originally created it so my adopted father and I could avoid the shifter community. No one was supposed to know about it. Until a little birdy said something they shouldn't have to the wrong person. Now the humans are after me and the shifters want me dead. But that's fine. That wasn't the only thing I came up with. And if I am as silent as a mouse, no one will see me coming until it is too late. This will be a RH novel, the FMC will not have to choose. No MM Check out my other works: Rebirth In the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm (Book 1 in the Rebirth Series) -Completed Fight, Flight, or Freeze: The Healer's Story (Book 2 in the Rebirth Series) -Ongoing Star's Ships- Completed Dancing with Monsters- Ongoing Part Of Your World- Ongoing (Book 2 in the Star's Ships Series) Discord: Sakura#6289 Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 Check out my discord channel for the first chapter! https://discord.com/invite/yYtKzveE6T

    Devilbesideyou666 · แฟนตาซี
  • I Can Hear a Serial Killer's Voice in My Head

    All I ever wanted was for famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes or Arsène Lupin to appear in my dreams and share their wisdom. But instead, why am I hearing the voices of notorious serial killers in my head, guiding me to solve a string of mysterious cases?

    TK_Selwyn · แฟนตาซี
  • Mendapatkan $10 Triliun Dari Entah Darimana

    Connor McDonald bekerja mengantar makanan sebagai pekerjaan paruh waktu. Suatu hari, ia harus mengantar makanan ke hotel yang terkenal karena hotel seks. Ketika pintu kamar terbuka, ia tidak bisa mempercayai matanya. Pacarnya hanya mengenakan pakaian setengah telanjang, berpelukan dengan anak orang kaya dari kelas mereka. "Nah, sekarang kamu sudah tahu, sepertinya saatnya kamu tahu," ejek anak kaya itu. "Pacarmu sekarang berkencan dengan saya. "Connor, lepaskan aku. Kamu ini anak yatim dan tidak punya uang. Walaupun kamu mengantar makanan sepanjang hidupmu, tidak mungkin kamu bisa bersaing dengannya. Kamu ini tidak cukup baik untukku. Ayo putus," kata pacarnya. Connor benar-benar tercengang, bertanya-tanya mengapa Tuhan melarang orang miskin untuk menjalani hubungan normal. Tepat ketika ia tenggelam dalam kesakitan, ponselnya tiba-tiba berbunyi. Dia menerima pesan teks yang menarik. [Anda telah menerima,00 dolar di akun Anda.] "Apa-apaan ini?" seru Connor. "Siapa sih yang barusan mentransfer 1 miliar dolar ke aku?"

    Silent Wind · สมัยใหม่
  • Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

    **Mature Content!** "I'm so sorry, Mr. Lawson, you can marry my daughter Marga but Sabrina is an exception." "Why? She's your daughter I thought you and my parents had already arranged this marriage. And I choose Sabrina. I won't marry anyone but Sabrina." "Then why Sabrina?" "Let's say that Sabrina and I have a special thing back then," Gabriel said with a little smile. Ferdinand frowned and was curious. "Well, she might deny it." Sabrina Mondragon Alvarez – is a mute rich woman. She's an introvert and hated getting along with rich people who always talk about senseless stuff. She was bullied by socialite but never they knew that behind that innocent-looking woman hides a strong and powerful aura. Being quiet doesn't mean weak but is something more dangerous than anything. Silence would lead all of her enemies to one place that can also be called danger. Soon, she'll have them in the place that she's secretly reserving for those who made her life and family miserable. She said to be someone who can't speak not until he came and chose her to be his wife. Gabriel Lawson - a rich powerful tycoon with a strong background. He fell in love with the woman he had a one night stand with and chose her to be his wife. He would do anything for her. And for those people who hurt her--they must pay a thousand folds. BOOK 2 is here! Please follow for my next novel. Click the link below or just search for Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress You can follow me Discord @ TheIllusionist#4504

    TheIllusionist · สมัยใหม่
  • History's Strongest Son-In-Law Living With The In-Laws

    Left disfigured after an unfortunate accident, Shen Lang, a doctor, has become so ugly that no one dares to look at him. This makes him decide to become a noble spirit instead and save lives along war-torn borders. He lives a lonely life, remaining single until a bomb takes his life. At that fateful moment, he swears that if he can live again and get his handsome face back, he would use his charm to flirt with the most beautiful woman and live an extremely relaxed life. He transmigrates to another world and in this life, he has the body of an absolutely handsome man. However, the said owner of this body is a live-in son-in-law, one who was chased out for being a useless moron, of a wealthy merchant. In order to fulfill his goal of living an extremely relaxed life, Shen Lang finds his way to become the new son-in-law of the 'Goddess' of the much more influential Palace of the Earl. Yet the only way he can truly live a relaxed and enjoyable life is to eradicate all his enemies, and all those who seek to bring the Palace of the Earl down!

    Silent Cake · ตะวันออก
  • Obtendo $10 Trilhões Do Nada

    Connor McDonald trabalhava com entrega de comida como seu trabalho de meio período. Um dia, ele teve que entregar comida em um hotel famoso por ser um hotel de encontros amorosos. Quando a porta do quarto se abriu, ele não pôde acreditar em seus olhos. Sua namorada estava seminua, abraçada a um garoto rico de sua classe. "Bem, agora que você descobriu, acho que é hora de saber", zombou o garoto rico. "Sua namorada está namorando comigo agora." "Connor, desista de mim. Você é órfão e não tem dinheiro. Mesmo que entregue comida pelo resto da sua vida, não há como competir com ele. Você não é bom o suficiente para mim. Vamos terminar", disse sua namorada. Connor estava totalmente desconcertado, imaginando por que Deus impediria as pessoas pobres de terem um relacionamento normal. Justamente quando ele estava imerso em dor, seu telefone tocou de repente. Ele recebeu uma mensagem de texto interessante. [Você recebeu,00 dólares na sua conta.] "Que diabos?" exclamou Connor. "Quem diabos acabou de me transferir 1 bilhão de dólares?"

    Silent Wind · สมัยใหม่
  • Silent Hacker

    Maya is not your typical hacker. Ten years ago, her only living family was killed in cold blood. The killers make her take the fall but after ten years in prison, she's become stronger. Now, she hunts the very monsters that hunt others. She's untraceable until she runs into Alec, the Underworld's notorious leader who doesn't seem to be quite human. Things aren't as they seem though, as Maya is pulled into a twisted fate. Maya now has to run from the Underworld boss who wants her as his own and a mysterious hacker who seems to have it out for her. What could possibly go wrong, right? EVERYTHING. I do not own the cover, the picture used is from Pinterest. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage

    Blissfullrage · แฟนตาซี
  • Silent Crown

    Music and aether, an omnipresent element, is the source of all power. Musicians used music scores and alchemy to control the aether and defeated the natural catastrophe Leviathan, saving the world. But more catastrophes are awakening… However, Ye Qingxuan has a different reason to become a musician—he just wants to find his father and know why his family was exiled.

    Moonlight Breeze · แฟนตาซี
  • Obtenir 10 Trillions de Nulle Part

    Connor McDonald livrait de la nourriture pour son travail à temps partiel. Un jour, il a dû livrer de la nourriture à un hôtel tristement célèbre pour être un hôtel de passe. Lorsque la porte de la chambre s'est ouverte, il n'en croyait pas ses yeux. Sa petite amie était à moitié dénudée, se blottissant contre un enfant riche de leur classe. "Eh bien, maintenant que tu l'as découvert, je suppose qu'il est temps que tu le saches", a déclaré l'enfant riche avec dédain. "Ta petite amie sort avec moi maintenant. "Connor, renonce à moi. Tu es orphelin et tu n'as pas d'argent. Même si tu livres de la nourriture pour le reste de ta vie, il n'y a aucune façon que tu puisses rivaliser avec lui. Tu n'es pas à la hauteur pour moi. Rompons", a déclaré sa petite amie. Connor était totalement abasourdi, se demandant pourquoi Dieu empêcherait les pauvres d'être dans une relation normale. Alors qu'il se lamentait de douleur, son téléphone a soudainement sonné. Il a reçu un message texte intéressant. [Vous avez reçu 1,000,000,000.00 dollars sur votre compte.] "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" s'est exclamé Connor. "Qui diable vient de me transférer 1 milliard de dollars?"

    Silent Wind · สมัยใหม่
  • 10 Billionen Dollar aus dem Nichts holen

    Connor McDonald lieferte in seinem Nebenjob Lebensmittel aus. Eines Tages musste er Essen in ein Hotel liefern, das als Sex-Hotel berüchtigt war. Als sich die Zimmertür öffnete, traute er seinen Augen nicht. Seine Freundin war halbnackt und kuschelte mit einem reichen Jungen aus ihrer Klasse. "Nun, da du es herausgefunden hast, ist es wohl an der Zeit, dass du es erfährst", spottete der reiche Junge. "Deine Freundin ist jetzt mit mir zusammen. "Connor, gib mich auf. Du bist ein Waisenkind und hast kein Geld. Selbst wenn du für den Rest deines Lebens Essen lieferst, kannst du nicht mit ihm konkurrieren. Du bist nicht gut genug für mich. Lass uns Schluss machen", sagte seine Freundin. Connor war völlig verblüfft und fragte sich, warum Gott arme Menschen daran hindert, eine normale Beziehung zu führen. Gerade als er sich in seinem Schmerz suhlte, klingelte plötzlich sein Telefon. Er erhielt eine interessante Textnachricht. ["Sie haben,00 Dollar auf Ihrem Konto erhalten." "Was zum Teufel?" rief Connor aus. "Wer zum Teufel hat mir gerade 1 Milliarde Dollar überwiesen?"

    Silent Wind · สมัยใหม่
  • Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

    To stop the poison from consuming the world, you have to consume the poison itself. First and foremost, do not be deceived by thinking he's barely the vessel of the Eye, and without the Eye, he's just another Guardian.  Even before the Eye chose him, he showed what he was made of, and he was capable enough to uproot cancer. Unfortunately, the world never remembered that tale. Elior lost everything in the last war, comrades, friends, and love. But he was granted a second chance to correct all his errors and embark on his path to stop Chaos again. After regressing 12 years in the past, Elior started his journey from the Institute of Earth's Guardians again. But this time he won't be the Messiah, the hope of the world, as his Godmother wanted. As he knows, the world does not need another Messiah, but a REAPER. ________________ Disclaimer: The Mc is naive in the beginning even though he's regressed, the reason behind all that was that he didn't have full access to his memory. So he acts like a teenager mostly, with high values and morals that he barely might be able to keep. There's an issue with mc not ready to hit a woman, it's poorly done in the beginning chapters, there's bigger reason behind it in later parts. The author doesn't own the cover. _________________________

    silent_walker · แฟนตาซี
  • I Have A Special Cultivation Talent

    The following were the talents of other cultivators: Divine Spiritual Root, Unique Body, Double Eyes, Divine Bones. This was the talent of Chen Jingzhai: Bug Abuse. Chen Jingzhai did not have any unique talent until he found out he could abuse bugs. When he encountered a new martial art, he could instantly see the pros and cons and the weakness of the art. When he fought, he could notice his opponent's weakness and use that to his advantage. When he brewed pills, he could abuse a special bug that allowed him to mass-produce high-quality pills. Not only he could discover bugs while cultivating, but also in some special circumstances. With the help of his new power, he began on a one-of-a-kind cultivation journey where he would become a legend.

    Silent Sausage · ตะวันออก
  • Voice Of Ursulla

    Ursulla gadis dari tahun 2020 mendapati dirinya berada dalam masa 1000 SM, di mana zaman kerajaan dinasti Cheon berjaya. Ia terperangkap jauh kedalam putaran waktu, tanpa ia sadari kedatangannya membawa perubahan besar di kerajaan Cheon. Sebuah kerajaan yang berjaya, namun ada kisah kelam didalamnya. Ursulla bertemu dengan raja Reijin, seorang raja yang tak pernah tersenyum dan mempunyai masalah kesulitan tidur sepanjang hidupnya. (Gambar sampul : Diambil dari pinterest)

    Uwakiya · แฟนตาซี


    Aiman_Wasti · วัยรุ่น

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