
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย do you want to do some blow man ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

    In the most cliched fashion, a giant truck-kun smashed into my World, killing everyone with it. And in the next most cliched event, I was given a second chance in life by the gods to live another life in a world of swords, magic and dragons! It’s literally a dream come true! Be a hero? Who has the time?! Conquer the world? Like hell I’ll do something so troublesome! Diving into dungeons, exploring ancient ruins and meeting all the weirdos of the world? Sign me right up!! I’m only interested in travelling the world to find the most interesting materials I can use to write the best story I can! I’ll show you my creativity and dazzle this new world with the stories I’ll write! I’ll fight with dragons, swim with krakens, wrestle giants, eat all the cakes and bed the beauties! Time to live this life however I want! Eh? A psycho is running around the world saying that they are the hero who will slay the demon lord? Why is there such a crazy person? There’s someone out there threatening the world with nukes? How did they even find out how to make those? Some crazy hobo is going into other people’s houses to smash pots to look for money? That guy really must be crazy. What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy? ----- [Character Creation:] [Gender:] [Male] [Female] >[Futa] *** Notes: Any R-rated scenes will be denoted by a '*' followed by an 'R' with the number of 'R's showing how much of it is R-rated. '*R' would be around 25%, '*RR' would be about 50% and '*RRR' would most likely be the entire chapter. You can join our discord through this link: https://discord.gg/CRrb56c

    Draekai · แฟนตาซี
  • What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?

    I thought being laid off from my job was the greatest of my worries but I just had to wake up in a ship's cockpit after my space game crashed. Now I have no map, no friends and no money. But that's ok, I've started from the bottom before! With my starter ship I will scour through space as a Mercenary and maybe even start up a Mercenary Company while I'm at it! This ain't my first rodeo in space after all! Except... Apparently my crew members are weird? The guy who bumped into me yesterday was found sliced up and floating outside the space station. The girl who tried to honeytrap me was reported missing with only a finger found in an alley. And then that merchant who scammed me had his entire ship blasted into bits by unknown vessels the very next day. Some people say my crewmates were behind it but they must be mistaken, right? I only know one thing for sure... In space, no one can hear you scream... *** Notes: Any R-rated scenes will be denoted by a '*' followed by an 'R' with the number of 'R's showing how much of it is R-rated. '*R' would be around 25%, '*RR' would be about 50% and '*RRR' would most likely be the entire chapter. Also, gene splicing and cybernetics exist in this story. What does that mean? MC is a futa for one and there's going to be other futas showing up as well. You can join our discord through this link: https://discord.gg/CRrb56c

    Draekai · ไซไฟ
  • What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?

    I was a genius in the Earthen Plane. I was a cripple in the Spiritual Plane. I was dead in the Cloud Plane. After experiencing death in the form of dragon sneeze, I find myself back in my room in Earthen Plane where I was a genius. I had been too focused on training myself in the past life. Now that I've been given a second chance, I should just enjoy my life to the fullest extent! Instead of locking myself up in my room to cultivate, take in a few disciples so they can help take care of me! Easy life is best life! The other Planes suck anyway, I'll just lay back here and relax! All I need to do is to teach my dear disciples on the things I've learnt while they take care of me! Huh? What do you mean one of my disciples destroyed the Sinister Demon Sect last night? Do you not see how she's here massaging my shoulders now? There's no way my disciple could have obliterated the all-powerful Xi Family, can't you see she's obediently pouring tea for me over there? You must be delusional to even suggest my disciple could have flattened the impassable Death Mountains, just look at how cute she is taking a nap under the cherry blossom tree. What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes? *** Notes: Side Stories in "My Cute (Yandere) Disciples' Side Stories" If you're here for the R18 tag expecting adult scenes, know that this was a decision I made quite late into writing this so the scenes only come up very late into the story. One or more of the disciples may or may not have a tragic (depending on personal opinions) backstory that may or may not offend/disturb some readers (depending on your personal opinions/mental fortitude/openmindedness/morality/sexual orientation/real world knowledge/political agendas/reaction if someone gave you lemons/view on whether the Earth is flat or round, which I personally think it's neither and is actually a donut nom nom nom) which may or may not affect the rest of the story significantly. Consider yourself sufficiently warned. Story inspired from "My female disciples are scary" by feeling_tired Cover is done by the really awesome Lumi! Buy me tea (because I prefer tea over coffee): https://ko-fi.com/draekai You can join our discord through this link: https://discord.gg/CRrb56c

    Draekai · แฟนตาซี
  • A Esposa Mascada do Duque

    A filha do barão, Alessandra Barrett, usa uma máscara desde jovem devido a uma lesão. Muitos dizem que se você visse o rosto por trás da máscara, seria amaldiçoado e morreria logo em seguida. Ela é vista como um fantasma, evitada por todos que visitam a casa do barão, até se tornar esposa do duque. Ninguém conseguia entender por que o duque escolheria tal esposa. Será que ele desejava morrer? O que aconteceria com a garota que antes se escondia nas sombras, mas agora estava no centro das atenções como a esposa mascarada do duque? O que todos diriam se soubessem a verdade de que ela estava em um casamento contratado com o duque?

    Violet_167 · ย้อนยุค
  • ONS: Grávida do Bebê do CEO

    Jeanne tinha apenas 18 anos quando sua madrasta e meia-irmã a incriminaram e fizeram com que ela perdesse tudo. Ela foi expulsa de casa pelo pai por tentar resistir. 7 anos depois, Jeanne voltou em busca de vingança com um filho misterioso ao seu lado - George. As pessoas zombavam dela por ser mãe solteira e chamavam o filho dela de criança sem pai. “Quem você está chamando de criança sem pai? Você não vai gostar de me ver bravo,” ameaçou George. “Abaixe o facho, George! Não estrague a diversão! Eu ainda não me diverti o suficiente,” disse Jeanne, querendo aproveitar sua vingança, deixando o menino sem palavras. Jeanne conheceu mais tarde o famoso Quarto Mestre Swan em um baile de caridade. O homem de boa aparência e temperamento frio a chamou para um canto e disse: “Eu gosto de você.” Todos ficaram chocados, inclusive Jeanne. “Eu sou mãe solteira e tenho um filho. Tem certeza de que gosta de mim?” ela disse. “Eu na verdade... gosto do seu filho!” Todos ficaram chocados quando o Quarto Mestre Swan casou-se com Jeanne, mas apenas ele, astuto, sabia que havia conseguido não apenas um, mas dois, importantes jogadores para esse jogo de xadrez que ele estava jogando.

    En's Cozy Haven · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
  • Do You Want to Marry Me?

    When Jin Nian was about to get engaged, she caught her drunk boyfriend calling his first love while he cried. "Please tell me how I can stop thinking about you!" "Stop crying. You two should just get married. Don't ever leave each other!" Jin Nian exclaimed. Jin Nian called off the engagement without hesitation, but her relatives berated her for being clueless. Feeling exhausted, Jin Nian wanted to marry someone randomly. She reached out to her childhood best friend on the internet. "Do you want to marry me? We know each other well. Let's just make do with this arrangement." One second after she sent the message, Jiang Qingchi replied. "Is being with me considered making do?" "No, no, no. You have an expensive house and an expensive car. You're way out of my league!" "Bring your household booklet. I'll meet you in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau," Jiang Qingchi said. "Huh?" Jin Nian was confused. That was the story of how they got married in a flash. One night, Jin Nian's ex-boyfriend realized he couldn't forget about her. He was prepared for her to get back together with him. To his surprise, the person who opened the door was Jin Nian's husband, Jiang Qingchi! Jiang Qingchi was wearing a bathrobe, and there were visible love bites on his neck. He smiled vaguely. "Are you looking for my wife?" *** One morning after their marriage was exposed, Jin Nian woke up feeling sore throughout her body. She unintentionally overheard Jiang Qingchi speaking to someone on the phone. He was watering flowers on the balcony, and he had a cigarette between his lips. He clutched his phone between his neck and his shoulder. "I don't care how much money you offer me. All I want is Jin Nian." Jin Nian was speechless. He didn't have to exaggerate their fake romance! Later, Jin Nian coincidentally came across an old book on a shelf. It was her gift to Jiang Qingchi on his eighteenth birthday. The pages were nearly falling apart. On the last page, she could read Jiang Qingchi's beautiful handwriting. "Jin Nian, when can you turn around and look at me? You're so dense."

    Po Po · สมัยใหม่
  • O Noivo do Alfa

    Alpha Damon, o Alfa solteiro da maior alcateia da América do Norte, está enfrentando a realidade em que os Anciões estão pressionando-o para que se case com uma noiva escolhida por eles. Um casamento por conveniência. Um casamento por poder. Damon sabe que os Anciões querem usá-lo em seus esquemas, e está determinado a mostrar a eles que ele não é peão de ninguém. Ninguém pode forçá-lo a se casar, nem mesmo a Deusa da Lua. "Eu não preciso de uma mulher na minha vida para me atrapalhar. Namorada é um incômodo, esposa seria um problema e uma companheira seria um desastre." Ele vai ceder? Qual delas ele escolherá? Ele terá escolha quando encontrar sua companheira? Junte-se a Damon em sua jornada durante a qual ele ampliará seus horizontes e mudará das maneiras mais inesperadas quando a mulher certa entrar em sua vida. --- Nota: a trama principal termina no capítulo 986. --- Conecte-se comigo. Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- Eu possuo a capa. --- Experimente meus outros romances! - Amara - Reencontro - O Alfa Supremo - Isto é Destino? - Propenso a Acidentes

    RedSonia · แฟนตาซี
  • O Renascimento do Ômega

    O que era pior que a própria morte? Bom, era morrer sabendo que ninguém sentiria sua falta, sabendo que sua morte era um favor para todos que você conheceu. Foi exatamente assim que me senti no dia em que morri. Eu era o fruto do amor do Rei Alfa Eclipse, numa época em que a ligação de companheiros era considerada sagrada, um filho nascido fora do casamento não era nada menos que sacrilégio... 'A culpa era dele, ele amou alguém além da sua companheira...' 'A culpa era dele, ele teve conhecimento carnal de uma mulher humana.' 'A culpa era toda dele, meu único crime foi nascer de sua luxúria.' Mas por que esse Rei Alfa, meu pai, estava perfeitamente seguro, enquanto eu era odiado, desprezado e culpado por tudo? Por que eu tinha que ser a moeda de troca do meu pai, usada para alcançar seus objetivos? Por que eu não podia receber uma rejeição como qualquer um, mas em vez disso fui assassinado por meu próprio companheiro? Por que fui morto antes mesmo de ter a chance de viver? Eu tinha mil perguntas e ainda assim não havia ninguém para responder e foi exatamente assim que morri... Então, por que meus olhos se abriram de repente naquele dia, um mês antes da minha morte? Seria por causa do meu pequeno segredo? Um segredo que não contarei a ninguém além de você... Pelo título da minha história, você deve pensar que sou um lobo Ômega... Não, você entendeu errado... Não sou um lobo Ômega, sou um lobo Alfa, e meu nome é Ômega. ~Segundo livro da série Renascimento do Lobisomem. *Não é uma prequela ou sequela de 'A Nêmesis do Rei Alfa', ambos os livros não são relacionados a não ser pela ambientação do mundo e pelo conceito de Renascimento do Lobisomem. *Arte da capa obtida na internet, todos os créditos para o artista original.*

    JHeart · แฟนตาซี
  • Corações Enredados - A Mama do Bebê do Alfa

    "Você achou que me curar faria com que eu te amasse mais?" Ele zombou, agarrando meu cabelo enquanto me arrastava em direção à porta. "Você está me machucando, Xavier," eu chorei, batendo nele fracamente. Não havia muito que eu pudesse fazer. "Se eu te ver a uma polegada de distância de mim," Ele me jogou contra a parede "Eu desafio as consequências e te mato,". *** Minha companheira e eu estávamos destinados a nos odiar, apenas um ato de amor verdadeiro ou altruísmo do companheiro mais forte poderia colocar nossos destinos no caminho certo, mas durante sete anos, eu tive que suportar o abuso do meu companheiro e seu suposto amor da vida dele até que um dia decidi partir. Parti, determinada a ficar escondida dele para sempre... mas descobri que estava grávida algumas semanas depois.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · แฟนตาซี
  • The To-Do List

    Who said that the death of a person is akin to the extinguishing of a lamp; that all previous karmic ties would be severed. Raizel, the pinnacle cultivator of Terra made an oath to his dying junior martial brother to complete his To-do list. What was the big deal? It is definitely not as difficult as fighting the Devil King. That is till he saw the list. Plant a fire lotus flower in the Shuya Ice peak, Skinny dip in the Neva river, Save a beautiful poisoned female cultivator in the forest, win the most loved teacher in the school. How could he have forgotten the psycho that is his junior martial brother, Lucas? His journey to complete the To-do list takes him to various places and throws him into unique situations. He meets different characters and he discovers a hidden love so deep that it is almost painful. "I knew from the moment that I set my eyes on you that you were mine. Even if I have to fight Heavens to get you, even if I am sentenced to the 66 Hells; I would never regret loving you." This book is a slow burn romance. Would it be worth it in the end? Yes, I promise there would be enough smexy scenes for a massive nosebleed. Hope you enjoy!! #Book cover not mine.

    Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
  • A Noiva do Diabo

    Um amor condenado desde o início, uma causa perdida, uma batalha em desvantagem - E ainda assim, nenhum dos corações deseja desistir até o final. ----- Arlan Cromwell, o epítome do perfeito Príncipe Herdeiro. Tudo o que ele quer é viver uma vida normal de um humano, mas a vida de um dragão está longe de ser normal. Ele tem apenas um objetivo - encontrar sua prometida fugitiva e decapitá-la. O que acontece quando ele descobre que a mulher que conquistou seu coração é aquela que ele jurou matar? Oriana, a herbalista, se disfarçando de homem, passou a vida inteira fugindo sem saber do que está fugindo. Quando os mistérios de seu passado lentamente começam a alcançá-la, ela não tem a quem recorrer... exceto Arlan. Mas quando ela descobre que o homem a quem entregou seu coração é o mesmo que quer matá-la, como ela pode aceitar as crueldades que a vida lhe impôs? Duas pessoas com segredos para manter, identidades para esconder e respostas para encontrar. Quando a certa escuridão ameaça levar Oriana embora, o Dragão será capaz de proteger sua companheira? ----- Excerto- “Se eu soubesse que você era minha prometida, teria te matado no exato momento em que nos encontramos.” “Se eu soubesse que estava prometida a você, teria me matado antes mesmo que você me matasse!” Ele tirou uma adaga e a ofereceu a ela. “Não é tarde demais. Apenas corte sua garganta com isso e você sangrará sem dor.” Ela aceitou a faca, seus dedos segurando firmemente o cabo. No momento seguinte, ele estava pressionado contra a parede e a faca estava no lado direito de seu pescoço. “Que tal eu tentar em você primeiro, meu prometido?” “Sinta-se à vontade para tentar. Mas quando você falhar, esta faca provará primeiro o sangue do seu avô, depois o seu.” A raiva subiu em seus olhos, e no momento seguinte, sangue corria pelo lado direito de seu pescoço. Ela cortou profundamente o suficiente para romper um vaso sanguíneo importante. “Você não deveria ter me desafiado,” ela zombou e recuou, esperando que ele desabasse. Ele apenas sorriu e passou o dedo ao longo da ferida profunda em seu pescoço. “Parece que você falhou.” Ela observou a ferida em seu pescoço se curando sozinha e sentiu-se chocada até os ossos. “Você.. o que você é?” “Adivinhe?” -----

    Mynovel20 · แฟนตาซี
  • I like them big, do you?

    Crown Reylin loved three things; flames, fireworks, and bombs. He didn't spare any of these against those who insulted him due to his family. No, Crown Reylin wasn't born in a poor family. He was born into an outstanding family with every descendant prevailing in their industry! But as the first immersive game appeared on the market, Crown Reylin stepped in... to enjoy more of his hobby! Flames, fireworks, and bombs! Empresses, the kings and their princesses, and many more people will feel them! It was Reylin's time! *I, Sixth, have published this story solely for webnovel.com I am not responsible for other illegal copies on other sites* #Support authors on webnovel.com by reading their stories here or on the webnovel's app!

    Sixth · เกม
  • Mr. President, Do You Mind If I Fall in Love with You?

    When Luna Jiang found herself homeless and pregnant from a drunken night she spent with a handsome stranger, she was forced to sign an agreement with the mysterious and sadistic businessman, Hero Li. Can love bloom from a one night stand?

    thisevilfairy · สมัยใหม่
  • Do I Have To Be The Villain?

    'Do I Have To be The Villain?' Lei, now Zhao Laohu, couldn't help but ask himself that question on numerous occasions. Cultivation and the pursuit of Martial Arts are the only ways of getting stronger in the World he was Reincarnated in. After taking over the Young Master's body, a new life begins, completely different from the previous one. Fortunately for him, the System given to him by the Goddess allows him to grow stronger and purchase powerful techniques by expending Villain Points gained by performing evil acts. Unfortunately for him, the System shackles his growth when it comes to the traditional ways of Cultivation and training. 'Enemies are coming for me because of what this Zhao Laohu did in the past. I need to grow stronger to survive but... To do this, I must rely on the System and commit evil... Which will, in turn, give birth to more enemies aiming for my neck.' Indeed, a conundrum. And that's without even counting the Hero destined to end the Villain's life. 'Tsk. Once again, I can't help but ask myself...' Do I Have To Be The Villain? Watch a master manipulator, actor, and liar do everything in his power and use everything he can as tools, whether foes or allies, for the sake of his goal.

    Adam_K47xx · แฟนตาซี
  • I Picked up a Planet, Do You Want It, President?

    Gaia picked up a planet filled with deadly monsters and countless treasures. He activated a system that granted him points for expanding outward that he could trade for rewards with. He deliberated the situation repeatedly before ultimately giving the President a call, "Umm, I picked up a planet. Do you want it?"

    Little Monster Jr · ไซไฟ

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