


Strength is might, through might, one conquers the world; knowledge is power, through power, creator and destroyer of worlds one can be.

2021-02-13 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal









  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง IntrovertedWriters

    I see your point, but I like to write crucial scenes, like the fighting ones, very richly in detail, so the reader may understand every move the characters make, I don't think I wrote anything unnecessary though, I pointed out the weak spot, its scorched back, made it clear as to why the protagonist chose to use the lake to her advantage and gave a brief, not overly detailed way as how it died; about it being disturbing, I think anything related to death is disturbing, depending on how much detail you have about it, you'll be much more disturbed seeing someone die, than just hearing about it, so I admit it must be my fault, though I'll still stick to my writing style.

    She holds with all her strength, prepares her knife and stab into the beast's bare, scorched back which she was looking since earlier, she thrusts, again, again, again, she's aiming for the beast's lungs, as it tries to scream in pain underwater, usually when something get into its back, it would smash it against a tree or the ground, but it was unable underwater, it shakes and shakes with brutal strength, desperately trying to take off Ellyss of its back, but it's no use, Ellyss continues to dig into its somewhat hard, but still vulnerable flesh, the creature hurriedly swims trying to reach the shore, but in vain, its lungs were pierced and already filling with water, it sank and suffocated.
    Survival in the Forsaken World
    แฟนตาซี · Riquaza
  • Riquaza

    Well, it may be possible but, there's something humans have access to that massively helped us evolve, that deepsea creatures don't, that is fire, animals can process information ('think'), they can use tools, the point in which humans could definitely be considered as intelligent, was when they made fire, some monkeys have inhumane strength, due to massive muscle mass, humans started deviating from that path, the energy which would go for the muscles was being used by the brain, but there was also another organ which used a lot of energy, the stomach, in order to process the raw, infected food without problems, the stomach had to work a lot, but after cooking the meat, it became easily digestible in a few hours, and safe to eat, the massive energy previously used to digest food, could now be used to further develop the human brain.

    I Became a System
    แฟนตาซี · yohananmikhael
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Riquaza

    I would totally go to a maid café.

    The Author's POV
    แฟนตาซี · Entrail_JI
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Uchiwa_Madara

    Cute, cute is justice!

    The Author's POV
    แฟนตาซี · Entrail_JI
  • Riquaza

    I 90% agree with this paragraph, it's not just awkward writing; why would anyone want to read about 'someone eating a banana in a sexual way', or 'fortunately she's got some breasts'; honestly, that's despising (and if anyone disagrees, tell me a good reason for it).

    The Author's POV
    แฟนตาซี · Entrail_JI
  • Riquaza

    I've not started reading the novel yet, but man, I must say, the synopsis definitely got my attention. I shall update this review as I experience this work.

    Alien Evolution System
    แฟนตาซี · John_Doever
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Waffie

    No, not exactly, I am 172 centimeters tall.

    While Arthur was gazing around the area and angrily cursing himself. He realized that he didn't specify what race he should be reborn into, so 'X' just reincarnated him into an Insect of some sort. He couldn't even walk properly, in fact, he had to crawl. Despite this, he was quite fast for an insect. Not even a minute after he appeared, some sound rang in his head
    Once Human, Now a Parasite
    แฟนตาซี · TheCrow
  • Riquaza

    First, no humanity has never found any evidence of life beyond Earth whatsoever, intelligent or not, the theory of having life out there is purely based on probability since the universe is supposedly infinite. Second, the known requirements for life to exist in one planet need to be absurdly specific, such requirements are: 1. The presence of oxygen in the right quantities in the atmosphere to not suffocate the organisms; 2. The presence of hydrogen in right quantities, to allow the formation of water (an universal solvent), too much or too little will change the barometric pressure, that might, therefore, change the state of water; 3. The presence of carbon in the atmosphere to allow the assembly of cells, also in the right quantities since it's a greenhouse effect gas that traps light rays heat; 4. Right and low variation of temperature; 5. The planet's size and density, that might turn its gravity inappropriate; 6. The size, distance and orbit around its star, preferably with low distance variations; 7. The planet's rotation speed around its own axis; 8. The temperature, size, composition and rotation speed of the planet's core, that should be just right to generate a strong magnetic field, to filter the right spectrum of light to sustain life. These are just the requirements for the star and planet itself, not to mention, external influences such as other planets orbits, comets and stellar bodies, and there's probably more I forget to mention, but if you think a little you'll notice Earth fulfills all of those, no wonder it's so hard finding a similar planet.

    "There are other worlds with life?" Sam was surprised again. Even when he is alive, he never felt this shocked in a single day.
    Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer
    แฟนตาซี · Suryaboddu
  • Riquaza

    The protagonist has to learn self-control, acting purely on instinctive rage may lead you to critical mistakes, though acting purely on logic reasoning would be preferable, the human brain is constituted in such a way that the most primitive, instinctive part (reptilian brain) acts before the rational part (neocortex), this is a situation the protagonist appears to be in in his dragon body, so he could take advantage of this, like experienced human fighters, using the full capacity of his brain for one sole objective, survival, act (attack or strategize) through reasoning, and when countered, react (evade or retaliate) through instinct. That's how humans fight.

    It was a battle of perseverance to see who would last the longest, and I sure as hell would not be the one to lose!
    Reborn as a DRAGON
    แฟนตาซี · Immortal_Simo
  • Riquaza

    I always see people who are not grateful for what they have, and I look at myself, "Why can't I see like them?", then I think, "Why do I think differently than them?". I stop focusing at myself, and I see, the amputated man, or the blind woman, and I think, this world is too complex for a simple dilemma, yes or no, having or not. I see one way, I think 'my' way, and for that, I'm grateful.

    It always fascinated me how some people were able to just wake up and 'see' the world as it is. No glasses, no eye contacts, nothing, they could simply 'see'. Often we took things for granted, things other people would kill to have.
    Reborn as a DRAGON
    แฟนตาซี · Immortal_Simo
  • Riquaza

    Sometimes I wish I could be 'isekai'd', not as the protagonist, rather, an spectator, just so I could see, experience their experiences, achieve a higher form of comprehension, of a world like no other.

    'God damn it, this is too much for my heart.' I thought, the urge to pat the adorable shy Dragon threatened to overwhelm me as I barely managed to restrain myself.
    Reborn as a DRAGON
    แฟนตาซี · Immortal_Simo
  • Riquaza

    It is something that everyone is born ignorant about, some know, but some really experienced it, yet, there are people who remain ignorant.

    Hunger really was a terrible thing.
    Records of Rebirth
    แฟนตาซี · EternalNightLotus
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Yana_B

    I love the way you have no problem in commenting in, like, every 5-10 paragraphs.

    So they requested for transfers to different cities.
    I'm the King Of Technology
    แฟนตาซี · lumydee
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Yana_B

    It is possible to have a loyal army which could not be bought with money or material objects, not exactly the way he is doing it though. Being a leader can prove difficult, but acting like a one is easy; Be fair and strict, with everyone; show confidence in your behavior, show why you are the leader; command and reprimand anyone who might want to challenge your leadership; yet don't be abusive, respect your peoples' possession, if it's theirs it's theirs, but if it's yours, YOUR people, YOUR country, show why no one should mess with it. Even if someone offered your knights a better salary or anything else, they couldn't be sure of it, whereas with you, they know they will have their salaries and their possessions granted and safe, with a confident and capable leader, which doesn't favors anyone unfairly, they will not dare lose YOUR trust. In this type of medieval setting, fantasy or not, with humans (which are rational beings), this type of loyalty can't be broken.

    What he needed were soldiers who were loyal to him, the people and the kingdom. And not men who did things for merit or money.
    I'm the King Of Technology
    แฟนตาซี · lumydee
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Tha_GriDD

    Right, you can believe anything you want, if you enjoy the study of mythology that is cool, for I am the same. I just replied to your comment because I disagree with your way of speaking, mentioning such a being like it could not be disrespected or even mentioned in a joke.

    Death Guns In Another World
    แฟนตาซี · Nickaido
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Riquaza

    The world is our proof, it wouldn't be the way it is if he was all good and all-powerful at the same time.

    Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World
    แฟนตาซี · Aimdaqs
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง EpimetheusBB

    This is because of our current reality, humans are corrupted, the world is cruel and unfair, and the reason for this is 'free will'? People submitting themselves to the devil and committing heinous crimes? Humans do not have free will, but even then; The devil is god's creation, he causes suffering to people, yet god refuses to stop him or fix the world. "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -Epicurus Either he is god, all-powerful, or all good, benevolent, he cannot be both at the same time.

    Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World
    แฟนตาซี · Aimdaqs
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Chaoseer

    Perfect, your statement made me reflect on the reason for such in more depth; the reason is, as you said, living beings need resources to live, and those resources are limited, therefore, if there were only 2 animals on the planet they would eventually and inevitably come into conflict for the ever more scarce resources on the planet, even with just a single plant on the planet, it would eventually struggle with the lack of resources. But that is the point, different life forms need different resources, an example is, plants need carbon dioxide, whereas animals need oxygen, herbivores get their necessary nutrients from eating plants, which in turn sustain carnivores, and then, they all die and leave their nutrients to be reused. Through chaos and conflict, nature found a way in which everyone lives and prospers in some way.

    Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World
    แฟนตาซี · Aimdaqs
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง Riquaza

    My novel works in a similar way.

    Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World
    แฟนตาซี · Aimdaqs
  • Riquaza
    ตอบกลับถึง EpimetheusBB

    The idea of a 'benevolent god' in itself is illogical, either it doesn't want, or it is not omnipotent and omniscient. "If God is all-powerful, He cannot be all good. And if He is all good, then He cannot be all-powerful." Taking the christian god as an example; if god is all-powerful, omnipotent and omniscient, and all good at the same time, why did he create Lucifer the way he is, rebellious and selfish? The excuse of 'free will' could be used here, but, 'is an action you take due to psychological influence really completely your fault?' Of course you have to take responsibility for your actions, even if you were influenced by a psychological factor, or manipulated by someone. But when you are before a being that knows and can fix your condition, but chooses to not do so? The reason? There cannot be a hero, if the world has no problems in need to be solved, who do you think can cause problems the most?

    Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World
    แฟนตาซี · Aimdaqs