
I Became a System

[A/N: While I upload chapters, I encountered some glitches, so some parts may have swapped that I didn't notice. However, if there are some like flashbacks, or prior to that time but only showed later, it is not about the glitch. So, if you ever reach the latest part, you can criticize me all you want... I know I did a bad job that's why I am going to put the whole story in editing with the errors I mentioned.] Aaron was just a normal human being who liked to read books. But apparently, he died by being buried in a mountain of books he had read. He became a system, rune, and power of Ellena, a "cursed child" who was mistreated by the people around her because of the belief that black hairs are cursed. At the age of 15, she was cast out of the family, and just as fate told her it wouldn't be easy, she was captured and turned into a slave. At that time, Aaron was still not activated. In this world, people have abilities that can be obtianed by activating runes on the back of their right hands. However, Aaron wasn't activated even after Ellena's 15 years of living. It was just that some condition was needed for the special power within the rune to be activated. When Aaron was activated, it was already when Ellena suffered the most. Together, they survived the suffering, and Ellena acquired her own ability, with the help of her system, the special power behind her rune. Ellena attained her own personality, but it was something different despite being mistreated for years. She became soft and justful. Perhaps of the longing for protection she was searching for, she was ready to give it to others. It was also connected to her destiny that Aaron diligently assessed for years, until it finally happened. "There were mysteries in this world. The fight between dimensional chaos and those who plunder different dimensions is now affecting mortals. I ask you, Aaron, to become one of us if you want to help Ellena." 'Ellena was supposed to save the world. And I was something special that 'they' were longing to find.' With the passage of time, Aaron started to learn his true self, the real form of his soul that he didn't expect to discover. *** Volume 1: Fear System [Completed] Volume 2: Blessing and Third-Generation Group [Completed] Volume 3: Alias Noelle [Completed] Volume 4: Companions [Completed] Volume 5: Sin of Greed (On-going) *** This isn't a boring story. Read it and enjoy or drop it if not. Also if you ever wanted to leave a review, be sure to read half of the first volume. You aren't leaving a review for the first chapter but for the book. --- [Image, not mine, I just edited it and used it as my cover. If you are the owner, I can take it down immediately.]

yohananmikhael · แฟนตาซี
230 Chs

Contract: How Did I Become a System?

A man was just sitting, as usual, in the middle of a mountain of books. Aaron Gonzales, a 20-year-old young adult, is his name. He is a self-sustaining man who earns money by reviewing, proofreading, modifying, and editing. As a result of his status as the God of Literacy, he can read free books from his clients.

It was nothing in particular for him. It's just another cliché recognition which he's used to. From elementary to high school, he was popular for being a bookworm, or, in the best description, the smartest person.

He has excelled throughout his life. He may have been bad at physical activities, but it was covered by his knowledge. You can ask him anything; he's a literal dictionary, a living library, and you can ask him about anything.

He can read 50 books per day on average. On leisure days, he can read 100. But people may be curious about where he can get the money to buy books.

As already mentioned, he's self-sustaining. He bought his book by himself because ever since he was recognized, he had been receiving money for doing a favor for the writers.

Since his graduation, he has read approximately 20,000 books. Many have speculated that his book count has already reached 100,000 or even a million, but no one knows.

Normal people, on the other hand, can only wonder how he can store such information in his brain. And to that question, Aaron already had an answer. He already knew the answer because he had read so many books. His answer: he had already unlocked the full capabilities of the human brain. He can store information and never forget it, because of the full potential of his brain.

The human brain can't be easily comprehended. As humans have also uncovered mysteries inside the body, Aaron already knew them. Thanks to the information he had, he was able to patch up every theory, law, and logic. But unfortunately, his life ended at 20.

He just likes to read; it's just another daily routine, immersing himself in reading. However, when he stood up to change books, he tripped, making him stumble into the mountain of books.

That was unfortunate for him. The mountain of books, which were taller than he, drowned him. In the ocean of books, he was overwhelmed and drained, fighting to get up.

After only a few seconds of being buried, he felt surrender as he realized his life was still incomplete. He stated that if he could just learn new things, he would do anything.

"My goodness, if you can give me another chance to learn, I'll do anything."


A certain male voice reached his ear as he regained consciousness. He saw himself in a room, wide and transparent, as if he was floating in space. He noticed some glittering stars, floating asteroids, and huge celestial objects like planets. He was mesmerized for a split second before deciding to pay attention to the person standing in front of him.

"Are you the one who called me?"


With that answer, he processed everything that appeared in his field of view. He patched every piece of information he could get by just observing it. Although he couldn't see the face of the man, he just safely assumed that it was a higher-grade race than humans.

It was not just a fantasy imagination, it was a theory. He also thought that humans had been created or existed by evolution. Other species that have high intelligence may exist too. History shows that humans didn't just sprout like a seed, they evolved and more species became extinct, while others have continued.

The age of the Earth is billions of years, which cannot be counted with fingers or calculators. It was all based on assumptions and implied laws.

He also assumed that other species and races lived in another biome, a biome that hasn't been discovered by current technology. For example, the deepest sea creatures exist there as well, but humans have no idea what they are. Theories and discoveries are still going on, so it can be assumed that high-intelligence beings who only survive under pressure live there.

Different respiratory systems may be applied to them, just as Homo sapiens also survived through respiration. Or they have another system that helps them survive.


Aaron regained his sense of self-awareness. He let out a small snicker at what he had just done. He was still lost in his thoughts.

"Didn't you say you'd do anything for new knowledge?"

"Hmm." Aaron nodded as his eyes started to glitter.

"You'll just have to do me a favor."

"What favor?"

Aaron couldn't stand it any longer, and he immediately followed the man's every word.

"I want you to use your knowledge of your world, and in exchange, I'll give you an experience of another world that applies different logic and laws from your world."

That caught Aaron's attention. He just assumed it would be another boring and repetitive job, but he was relieved that it was different.

'This man is interesting. I'd like to study his body, but I don't think I have the time.' He thought about it as he observed the surroundings once again.

"I'm listening," Aaron remarked.

"You are dead, so I want your soul to be reincarnated as an invisible system in my world."

Aaron nodded and concluded. 'So souls are real, huh?'.

"And what exactly is my job supposed to be?"

"Don't worry, I'll insert it into you as I reform your soul into a system. And this time... ah! You need to hurry, your host is already being born."

"What host? Do I need to become a parasitic creature?"

"No, of course! Stay calm."

The man was moving his hands, and some weird feelings reached Aaron. He felt something that wanted him to suck on something. And others are new feelings that he can't comprehend.

The surroundings flashed after a few seconds. A sudden white blinded his vision as his surroundings became new. He felt a little dizziness, but somehow, he wondered, 'I don't have a head. So why would I be dizzy?'


The sound of a baby crying spread throughout the area. He tilted his vision to the bottom of his field of view and saw three people crowding around a crying baby.

"Tsk! What is this hair? Why is it black?"

A man who only peeked at the newborn child cursed. The midwife was startled by the exclamation and tried to express herself slowly.

"She... she... is a cursed child."

And Aaron just cursed at the midwife's remark.

'Who's cursed?! Don't just spout nonsense, you old hag; she was chosen by the gods of this world.' He continued as information streamed into his mind.



I'm also working on another novel of mine. It's entitled "Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World".

It's a story of an immortal mage who got tired of living and decided to find a way to die. Thus, after finding some clues and stumbling upon a possible way to die using a legendary sword, he stabbed himself. But he was transported to another world instead.

Check it out. And also, a must, read this chapter's comment section.

I've checked the grammar so many times, not only by reading but also with a help of software; I don't see anything with it. Perhaps if it was the structure and the style that makes it sounds like an error, I should ask for forgiveness as I wanted to make it smooth in an odd way that wasn't common with the mass.

yohananmikhaelcreators' thoughts