
Far from home

The sounds of grass being crushed sounded deeply through Zelda's ears as she walked across the hills of Necludea.

The smell of morning softly glided along her nose.

"Well, that was quite the journey." Acknowledged Impa.

"Quite indeed." Spoke Zelda, "Even though I am the oldest person in Hyrule, I still don't feel like it has even been that long. I hardly remember my time as a dragon."

"I promise you, child. It is certainly better this way." Assured Impa.

For a bit, they walked in silence. Gazing at the brown and green colors that decorated their field of view. As they passed by the bridge towards terry town they could see a small convoy in the distance.

Impa raised an eyebrow. She has never seen those people before.

As they approached closer they could see them more clearly. It was a convoy consisting of 4 horses. 2 Horses with seemingly soldiers on top of them. Blue-coated men with spears carrying large bags on their horses.

The other two horses were ridden by a woman with long blond hair and a strange tunic. It looked more like armor. The other horse was ridden by a man dressed in a brown coat wearing a set of glasses. His horse was dragging bags of paper and strange-looking scrolls.

But what was most offsetting was their ears. Their ears were not pointy like Zelda's but rather rounded. How odd.

As they got to arms length the woman spoke to Zelda.

"Excuse me? Are you from here?" She asked.

Zelda looked up at the horse.

"Yes, I am." Responded Zelda Charismatic.

"Oh, that's great." The woman smiled.

She got off from her horse and made a small sincere bow towards Zelda.

"I'm glad to have found you." She said. "As you might tell we're not from here.

Zelda was confused. If not from Hyrule.. where could they be from?

"I am well, quite please to see you.. might I ask where you are from?" Said Zelda trying to show courtesy.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The woman responded. "I almost forgot to introduce us."

"The man right beside me is Sesla the leading scientist of Farreh. And our two companions are our personal guards."

Impa was confused. She had stayed silent during the whole conversation but now she spoke.

"How could those be your guard, without them wearing armor?" She asked suspicious.

"Uhm, we'll. They wear chain mail armor underneath their clothes." She responded confused.

Impa seemed quite untrusting towards her.

Weirded out the woman continued.

"And I myself am a member of the sacred council. Rathia"

Zelda was confused. A council? Where were these people from?

"We come from a land far away across the large craters that surround this land."

"Across the craters?!" Zelda exclaimed.

"Quite right, we came here as an expedition to find new technologies."

Zelda was startled. That was a lot to take in. She always thought the land across the crater was empty and lifeless. But now, it didn't seem like that.

"T-there are a lot of questions I have." Said Zelda excited like a child.

"I'm sorry." Sighed the woman. "I already talked way too much, it's a habit I need to get rid of. We need to talk to the ruler of this land."

Zelda blushed.

"Well, as of now. That would be me." She said cheeky.

Rathaia was surprised. A ruler just walking around, with no protection. Nothing?

"What a surprise!" Rathia's eyebrows lifted in surprise.

Zelda looked shy to the ground.

"I know, it might not look this way, but there have been some — issues in our land which, practically destroyed our entire leadership. But we are keen on rebuilding it."

"Well then, I think we might be more similar than anticipated."

"What do you mean by that?" Wondered Zelda.

The woman sighed. She gave Zelda a worried look.

"The reason, we went outwards to search for new technologies, is that a long time ago, our land was split in two, and we are stuck in an endless fight for freedom." She explained.

Zelda was startled. A land split in two? What does that mean how did this happen?

Could Zelda help?

"-How did this happen?"

"90 Years ago our land, Farreh was ruled by a King and a council of 8. Every member of the council was representing a region so that the people would be represented accordingly.

But the king wanted more power and tried to dismantle the council and take all the power to himself.

But the council resisted. And so did the people. The King formed an evil army to oppose the people and so a war raged across the land. Is versus the evil king. But in those 90 years, only little progress has been made.

The scientist who had stayed observant the whole time, not wanting to upset his superior, raised a brown eyebrow. He seemed visibly confused.

"That sounds terrible!" Said Zelda frightened.

Rathaia made a sad expression. She purposely lowered her head to arouse some pity in Zelda.

"It is.." she fumed. "That's why we need your help. We found some of these relics that seem to be quite useful. But we do not know how they work." She cried. "Think about, what could happen if the evil king finds out about the Relics. He could use them for evil!"

Zelda went into her mind. She needed to help these people. And she did pick up some things about the Sonai technology. She could help them in using it to their advantage.

"I understand your concern. Of course, I'm going to try to help. Fortunately, I am to an extent familiar with the machines, but I'm going to need my own scientists, we also tried to figure out how these machines work."

Rathia visually exploded.

"How considerate. I don't know what to say..." she said with an overly expressive smile. Showing her shiny teeth.

Zelda blushed.
