

When Purrah arrived in the evening she approached Zelda fuming.

"PRINCESS. How dare you get freed from whatever, not pay me a visit, and then demand me to help some Randos use Sonai technologies in order to fuel their war effort???????"

Zelda was frightened by the girl that had just spoken to her. She was so different from the Purah she remembered. So much more— beautiful.


"Purah! I am so happy to see you!" Zelda smiled.

"Yes of course." Purah spat.

Impa still stood there silent not saying a word for the entire duration.

Rathia went up to Purah.

"I'm really sorry for the disturbance. We need your help urgently!"

"And who are you!?" Purah fumed.

"I am Rathia a member of the council of 8."

Purah looked unimpressed, her features still closed off in disbelief.

"To be honest." Said Purah. Just explain it to me on the way ok?"

Rathia actually seemed really relieved.

"Zelda.." Impa suddenly whispered. "Can we talk for a second?"

Zelda looked at the woman she has almost forgotten about.

"O- certainly."

"Zelda, I don't think it is a good idea for you to leave right now. The people are waiting for your return."

Zelda shook up. She hasn't thought about that. But she couldn't just leave Rathia alone, even though she already promised to come along and help.

"Impa don't worry the people were fine long without me.. again. They will manage for the short time I'm gone."

Impa knew that there was no way she'd convince Zelda.

She just shrugged and sat down on a nearby rock.

At that very moment, a figure appeared in the sky gliding down on a paraglider.

"What the — what is this???" He wondered with an open mouth.

"Ah, link. So much happened."


Link stood still. He was absolutely startled by how sudden this was. From one moment to another, Zelda's Explorer mind led to both of them going into a far land in order to help the people of some "country" win against an evil king.

From one moment to another. He sat on a wagon on its way up north towards the misty abyss that lay at the end of Hyrule.

Link still fresh with what he had learned just 2 hours earlier wanted to find a fitting way to tell Zelda how he felt. Since that was still the only thing he though of.

"Zelda there is something I- I need to tell you." He started. Looking out into the mountains that filled the countryside. The rattling of the wagon calming him down.

"What I-"

"Okay, people!" Suddenly a voice appeared from the upfront. "We have reached the cliff. All of you need to get off now."

"Can we do this later?" Asked Zelda while getting up.

Link nodded and followed Zelda out of the wagon.

As the other side of the crater already faded to blue in the distance he saw a large form of 'Zipline' going from one end to another.

"Wait we are supposed to use this to cross the thing?" Feared Zelda.

Quite right, spoke Ruthia while getting off her horse.

"The rest of the convoy is waiting on the other side for us."

Zelda looked down into the endless abyss. She couldn't even see the ground.

"Are you sure about this?" Asked link.

"Y-yes we must help every people n-not just ours."

"Stop this babble." Fumed Purah.

"Let's get this over with."

All of them climbed into the Wagon that hung from the string. With two tucks at the string one of the soldiers put the machine into running.

Slowly they started leaving Hyrule save ground, now sailing over an endless void filled with blue fog.

This all came way too suddenly for the link. He didn't really know what to do, so he just decided to go along with whatever crazy stuff Zelda comes up with.

As they looked onward, they saw the other side slowly coming nearer. With every minute the cliff became more and more visible.

Everyone was silent. No one knew what to say in the slightest.

The moment the wood of the wagon touched the cliff, everyone sighed the biggest relief they had sighed in their entire life.

Everyone held their breath the entire way over.

Zelda was the first one to get out. She practically threw herself to the other side thanking the goddess she could touch the green grass that filled its plains.

"Whooooooey why was quite the journey." Remarked Purah in sarcastic tone. She put her arms on her hips trying to keep a grasp of what just happened.

As they got on the new wagons on the other side. The journey continued. By this time it has already gone dark. The stars stained the sky and the now plain white moon shone brightly.

Zelda had fallen asleep, just like Purah and Rathia.

The scientist was still awake. He looked increasingly worried.

"Is something wrong?" Asked link

"No- no everything is.. fine." He whispered back. He had a strangely high voice.

Of course, link knew nothing was fine. But he also didn't bother to do much more.

Much more he thought about what happens now. What is going to await him?

Is the Master-sword still going to work in this new environment?

After a while of thinking fate decided to answer said question for him.

A loud galloping broke the silence. The two soldiers that rode the horses shook up.

Jumping from their horses they faced right towards the oncoming wave of horses coming their way.

4 horses riding at immense speed.

Link sprung up quickly readying is sword.

But it happened all too quickly. Suddenly it started raining arrows.

Fast Link went up to the wagon screaming.


He grabbed Zelda and dragged her out of the wagon with one arm.

The moment he held her close to his chest the arrows started hitting the top of the shield, that link had lifted above them.

But the arrows didn't stop.

After an eternity the horses started crossing the convoy.

Loud horses hitting the ground pounded links ears. Zelda buried her head into Link's chest. As the attackers came went next to them the arrows stopped.

Link lifted his shield.

He saw red-coated men lifting Rathia out of the wagon while another dragged on Purah who fearfully defended herself.

But before Link could do something he saw the other two horsemen leaving their horses.

With drawn spears, they started coming closer toward Link and the soldiers.

Link stood up from his crouched position.

"LINK!!!" He heard from behind. He saw Purah and Ruthia being strapped onto a horse. But it was too late. The kidnapper went off in a blaze, while the other soldier now moved towards Link trying to encircle him and the other two guards.

"We'll hold him off!" Screamed one of the blue coats.

Link shielded himself with his shield as the soldier in front of him charged with his spear.

Link held off the attack striking the spear with his sword, cutting it in two.

The soldier's face went blank as he looked at the stick in his hand. Quickly he turned on his heel and started backing away.

Link quickly turned his focus to the other men. When it struck him. He had never fought against Humans before. Of course, he slaughtered thousands and thousands of monsters but hurting a human was not one of them, since the Yiga always fled in a lost battle.

Clearing his vision he saw the 4 soldiers fighting fiercely.

The attacks switched from one to another.

Strike after thrust after strike

But when Link hurried to help a red coat was lucky impaling one of the soldier's shoulders.

With the spear still stuck in his body the soldier fell to the ground screaming in pain.

Link watched in awe but couldn't stand around.

He pushed through swinging his sword at the red-coated man.

But this was not like brutally hitting on soul-less monsters. The moment links sword struck the soldier's arm it cut through. The soldier did not disappear into a cloud of dust just to reappear after the next blood moon. He screamed in agony as his blood left his body. He hit the ground and faded.

On seeing this the other red coat remained outnumbered and declined des to flee. He ran towards his horse. And climbed on top.

Practically begging the horse to run, run fast. And so it did.

Originally the blue-coated soldier tried to catch the red coat. But he didn't bother. Swiftly he kneeled down to his comrade who was faintly alive.

"THOMSON!" Screamed the soldier tacking the other one's head into his hands.

He tapped him across the face to try and make him look.

"Look at me Thomson" the soldier begged. His face was in pain. "LOOK AT ME."

Link stared in shock. He had never witnessed something like this before.


The link was punched out of his daydream.


The soldier yelled.

Link nodded hastily as he fumbled around in his pouch, shivering as he pulled out a pink fluid in a bottle.

He tumbled towards the wounded man.

"Thomson, Thomson," the soldier cried. "Everything is going to be fine, come on bear with me Thomson."

Thomson looked at the link. "You have to stop the bleeding." He mumbled.

"Stay calm Thomson stay calm." Said the soldier

"You! What is that stuff."

Link tried to get out some words as he watched the tragedy.

"I- it will heal him instantly just get the stick out of his arm." He stuttered.

"Ok, ok.." repeated the red coat. "Thomson, this is going to hurt us you'll make it!"

Thomson looked at his comrade. "Fuck me." He choked.

The other fighter took a grip on the wooden stick held on to the steel that penetrated Thomson's body.

With a pull, he lifted it out. Thomson almost fainted in pain but didn't make a scream.

Quickly link hurried out his potion and poured it into the fleshy red hole that was once a shoulder.

Slowly the flesh returned and filled the disgusting site.

Thomson's breath slowed down. He was relatively calm again.

I'm that very moment Link hastily swung around in order to find Zelda.

Was she still there?

His gaze shifted. Quickly is eyes went from left to right searching for Zelda.

He held his breath and almost panicked until he found what he had searched for.

Cramped together under the wagon lay a girl with blond hair and a blue cape.

Link crawled underneath the wagon grabbing onto the girl.

Softly he dragged her out of the hiding.

"Zelda, are you alright?"