
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

DSComeback · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
72 Chs

The 4 Pillars, part 1

The moon hangs on the raven sky, like an eye that gently watching the Stoic earth and its quirky denizens below.

The night breeze passes through all thing, silky-smooth, like extraordinary silk.

The calm lake is so quiet, yet the ripple above it surface is so enchanting, like the beats of the heart.

The tango of the moon, the raven night, and the gentle breeze can beckon the famous spirit sandman, wishing for him to take us to the utopia called sweet-dream.

Sadly, the sandman won't come, he only comes when you sleep, tucking in to the warm blanket, especially so when the wondrous melody called silence filled the whole bedroom.

But he won't come here, he won't come for them.

Loud clashing noises reverberates through the breezing air, the shadows dance frantically under the pale moonlight.

Performing an ancient art to dictates everything whenever it was for entertainment or duty, right or wrong, justice or evil, light or darkness.

Four shadows are acting, each facing the other. There's no friend nor ally to aid, except their imaginary came to live monsters.

The black curtain hasn't been lowered yet, the audience hasn't laughs and claps their hands, yet the performers are struggling to narrate the end of the story.

Because among the four, only one can dictate the ending.


Duel Academy, Crowler's classroom.

A girl with long dark blonde hair is answering the question of the teacher.

The way she speaks, the beautiful posture when she answers, the confidence tone when answering the teacher question were flawless.

The teacher and the students, were mesmerized by her charm.

"Bellissimo, a superb answer! It's a too simple task for Obelisk Blue like Signora Alexis, wasn't it?"

If someone asked what comes to mind when thinking about her, the answer would probably fall on Honor Student, Madonna, Princess, etc.

Contrary to her, the light blue haired kid with round glasses is somewhat lacking.

"E- eh? F-field sp, spell is... ah, uhm..."

When he was asked by the teacher, sweats begin to form, he stammered when he wants to speak, the easy question seems like a deadly sentence in his mind.

"Pffft! Even a kindergartner would know it!" Mock Obelisk Blue student wearing a glasses.

Gazes from the students glued to him like nails. Like a depressed puppy, Syrus lowered his head, their laughs entering his mind, forming countless cruel face that keep mocking him.

Even Crowler, who was supposed to be the teacher and also adult, seems to enjoying mocking him.

"That Syrus, if he just a little confident and braver..." say Yuji, as he's resting his cheek on his hand, his green eyes gaze at the awkward Syrus.

In the end, the only one that help him is his best friend, which he considered an elder brother (spiritually).

"But teach, knowledge and actual combat, are two different matter, aren't they?"

Hearing Jaden's word Crowler can't help but being a bit confused.

"I mean, teacher were defeated by me, a Slifer Red, isn't that right Yuji?" say Judai, thumbs up toward Yuji.

"Yeah" reply Yuji, as he nodded.

Then his spiritual elder brother help him escape the cold gazes of everyone by indirectly mocking the teacher, as he reminds him of his defeat to both him and Yuji.

"Hahahahaha!!!" Even the students, who mock Syrus earlier, laughs at Crowler's defeat in the hand of Yuji and Jaden.

"Mamma mia!" grunts Crowler, as he bit his handkerchief tightly.

[Jaden Yucky!!! Ai won't forgi-]

Then just like having an epiphany, Chronos suddenly struct with an idea, or a question to be exact.

The corners of his mouth arched upward, too upward perhaps, that it's resembling a certain grinning pot mixed with "Nyeh" or the grins of a certain legendary gambling card effects lover duelist, albeit more malicious.

"Then, Signore Jaden... what would happen if Elemental HERO Wildedge attacking revival jam (anime effect)?" sneer him.

Jaden surprised hearing Crowler's question, he then close his eyes, thinking very hard what would happen if E•HERO Wildedge attacking Revival Jam?

"E- etto..."

He keeps rubbing his temple, thinking hard, his ears and face gradually become redder and steams comes out of his ear canals like steam whistle on the old train.

"Argh! I don't know" shout Jaden, as he scratches his head.

Crowler, and the other student laughs at him. he and the other student also uses this chance to mocks him.

"Signore Jaden, as duelist who use HERO deck, shouldn't you know the ANS.WER?" grin him.

With maroon cheeks, Jaden sat down while looking sideways as Syrus patted his shoulder to cheer him up.

"See everybody, this why even as a duelist we need knowledge. As if we're encountering something unknown, at least with knowledge no matter how little, it can help us when facing it! It also can apply in actual combat too. Simply put knowledge brings advantage"

But Crowler hasn't stopped yet, because his eyes now are lock on to Yuji.

Because of Jaden's words, Crowler also reminds his shameful defeat to Yuji, and the first one to smear his image first is also Yuji.

"Signore Kusanagi, what is your answer? Don't tell moi you also don't know, no-ne?!" Sneer him.

Yuji stands up and think calmly to answer his question.


"In?" Ask Crowler, as he brought his magically enlarged right ear to hear Yuji's answer.

"Infinite loop"

Crowler face stretch down, he was disappointed because Yuji answered him right, he wants to embarrass Yuji like he did with Jaden.

But Crowler hasn't given up yet, "Then tell us how it can be an infinite loop? Signooore Yuji-kun?" ordered him, with eyes narrowed like a fox.

Yuji took a deep breath, and starts to explain,

"First, let's talk about the effect of revival jam and Elemental HERO Wildedge"

Revival Jam's effect: The monster has the ability to regenerate (anime).

In other words, when he was destroyed, he would reappear endlessly.

E•HERO Wildedge's effect: This card can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field once each.

Meaning, if there's still a monster on the field, he can attack it again and again.

Yuji then continue, "So in short, Elemental HERO Wildedge would destroy Revival Jam endlessly, and the destroyed Revival Jam would regenerate and be destroyed endlessly by Wildedge"

Crowler's face become solemn, his malicious grins already disappear on his face. Just like a professional teacher, he's now listening attentively to Yuji's explanations.

"I... say, good work Signore Kusanagi, then let's review about the question and the answer!"

Fortunately, Criwker didn't continue to give trouble to both Yuji and Jadeb. Instead, he started reviewing about what happens if E•HERO Wildedge attacks Revival Jam, and the similar cases of Infinite loop.

He also lectured them about how it can begin in the first place, and how to counter and even stops the infinite loop combo.

Even so, Crowler vengeance hasn't over yet, because when he starts explaining it, he takes a secret glances at both of them.

[Kuh! No matter if it was Signore Yuki or Kusanagi, both of them are Faccia di culo!!]

Shocked and angry to see that Jadeb already fall asleep and snoring with Syrus. On the other hand, Yuji were taking notes like everyone else, albeit with listless bored eyes and constantly yawning.

Veins appears on his forehead, as he grabs the marker tightly, and writing down the words so deeply that squeaking sound appears and become much louder.

[Just wait! Ai will make you both expelled!!]