
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

☆13: Opening The Curtains

"Professor Crowler!"

Chazz approached Crowler from behind, based on his frustrated expression, Crowler thought maybe there was something important he wanted to talk to his teacher about.

"Oh, isn't it Signore Princeton?", greets him.

"Professor... I heard that Slacker and Kusanagi would be expelled"

Crowler nods, "News spread so fast, but yes... it is!", told him, sneering as he was thinking about The Hero users' impending fate.

"Is it true also true that The Academy would hold a special tag-team duel to decide if they expulsion?", asked him.

Crowler nods, "Yes, that's right!"

Chazz brings his clenched fist in front of his chest, asking Crowler.

"Please, let me be the opponent for these two", said Chazz looking at his teacher with eyes sharp as a hawk.

But rather than accepting his plea, Crowler laughs.

"Nyohohoho, there will be no need for that!", told him as he waved his hand with shooing gesture.

"Why?!", asked Chazz as he took steps closer.

"Because, I already called them!", told him proudly, as he's showing his elongated nose like an arrogant noble.

"Who's them?", asked Chazz.

Crowler chuckles, "You'll see soon enough!"

Chazz grits his teeth, frustrated because the slot for dueling Jaden and Yuji had been filled.

Crowler turned back, showing his student his strong back (lol), as he then reminds him.

"Rather than worrying about them, you should worry about yourself, Signore Princeton. At this rate, you'll be transported into RA Yellow", sneered him, secretly.


Before he finished his words, Crowler said goodbye to him.

"Arrivederci, Signore Princeton", told him as he then walks away, leaving his student behind.

Chazz, who listened to his word, become angrier as the sound of gnashing teeth become louder.

[Bastard!!! Why? Since they appeared, everything's going wrong?!!]

After Crowler walks away from Chazz, he shows lively smiles as he is happy about Jaden and Yuji who's about to be expelled.

"Nyonyo? Isn't that...?"

Suddenly he stops.

He squinted his eyes, as he saw Sakura leaning her back on the wall. Looking at her, it seems she is troubled about something.

[Lucky! It's Signora Sakura]

Rather than being afraid of her, Crowler laughs and then approached her with playful expression.

It is unknown what kind of idea lying in his mind, but looking at his smile, maybe it's something distasteful.


Duel Academy, Chancellor's office

"Chancellor Shepphard, about the news that The Academy will hold a tag team duel to decide Jaden and Yuji's expulsion, is it... true?!"

Alexis heard the news about Jaden and Yuji expulsion, and now facing against Chancellor Shepphard pleading for him so that he removed Jaden and Yuji's expulsion with her instead.

"I'm afraid that is true, Ms. Alexis...", told him casually while resting his chin on top of his folded hands.

Alexis bring his right hand in front of her bountiful bosom, then said.

"If that's true, then... let me be the one who replaced the both of them!", plead her.

"I'm sorry Ms. Alexis, but the decision already been made by The Court of Inquiry", said Chancellor Shepphard as he slowly shakes his head.

To her surprise... or maybe not, Chancellor Shepphard rejected her plea. Even so, she can't give up so fast here and then requested it again.

"It was my fault they break in into The Old Dormitory in the first place! If you still have any heart, please... let me be the replacement for Jaden and Yuji", explained her.

No matter what reasons, the one who breaking into The Old Dormitory first is her. If she didn't lower her guard and being held hostage, this whole ordeal about Jaden and Yuji's expulsion won't even happen.

Not only they saved her from the unknown assailant, and now they also took the fall for her with their expulsion on the line.

She hasn't even payback her first debt to them, yet another one which is the most crucial already weighing on her shoulder.

[Could... could it be The Academy exempt me from punishment because of my grades?], thought her.

As a proud girl and duelist, her self-esteem can't accept this!

"I'm begging you, Chancellor. Please let me be their replacement!", plead Alexis, as she's bowing her head.

Chancellor Shepphard scratches his bald head, looking at Alexis' firm conviction made him touched.

"I understand, Ms. Alexis..."

Alexis quickly raised her head, feeling happy as Chancellor Shepphard accepted her request.

That'll be good if that is true...

"Even so, I can't change the decision", said Shepphard with a stern look.

Why?!", asked Alexis, with eyes widened in shock.

"The one who decide Jaden and Yuji pairing was Court of Inquiry. Also, both of them also agreeing to the decision", Chancellor Shepphard apologized.

Alexis pondered for a moment, "Jaden and Yuji did?", asked her.

Chancellor Sheppard didn't say a word, and only nods.

Alexis clenched her hand, then asked him, "At least Chancellor Shepphard, ca- can you please lessen their punishment?!"

Chancellor Sheppard held his chin while his eyes are closed, "Hmm, I'll try it"

Hearing his answers, Alexis secretly clenched her hand like a winning gesture, as the corners of her mouth bend upward creating a soft feminine smile.

"I understand. Thank you for listening, and sorry if I bothering you", told her in low tone.

Alexis turned back, then quickly left from Chancellor Shepphard's office. Before she took the last step toward outside, Alexis bent over and bowed to Chancellor Shephard to give respect and thank you, and then exits from the room.

After Alexis left his office, Chancellor Shepphard let out a deep breath, as he then shifted his gaze from the door where she just leaves, toward the four files regarding Jaden, Yuji, Syrus, and Chumley's information in it.

"Yuji Kusanagi..."

Chancellor Shepphard read his name slowly, as he's looking at Yuji's photo that captured his youthful smiling and calm face that belong to an innocent that will never hurt a fly.

"What an interesting kid, but...", smiles him.

Chancellor Shepphard grabs a pen, then without a second though, he crossed out the name "Yuji Kusanagi" with thick red ink.

After that, he starts to write something above the crossed out name.

"Don't think we won't realize your trick, Mr. Yuji Kusanagi, or should I call you... Yuji Araki?"


Alexis left Chancellor Sheppard's office.

She felt a bit disappointed in her effort because she can't to replace Jaden and Yuji, but at least she made Chancellor Sheppard to consider lessening Jaden and Yuji's punishment.

Alexis just on her way to Slifer Red Dormitory, thinking in a trance while she is walking until she saw a familiar figure.

"Yu... Yuji?!"

The moment she lays her eyes on his figure or more especially his expression, Alexis was surprised as she felt something off from him, as if this Yuji isn't the one she knew.

His face is paler than before with vacant eyes like frozen dead fish, and he excludes a particular feeling like he was on edge, ready to fall any minute.

No greetings, Not asking if she is okay or not, Not even sparring a word nor glance.

Yuji walked passing her as if she is just a stranger or worse, as if she didn't exist at all in his eyes.

Alexis clenched her hand, then quickly turned back, shouting his name.

"Wait, Yuji!", but the moment she turned back, his friend's figure already disappear, it almost likes a ghost.

Alexis lowered her head, thinking that Yuji giving her the cold shoulder as an act to blaming her for the trouble she had cause.

Even though she had speaking to Chancellor Sheppard about to lessen his punishment, but the main reason they're in this predicament (tag team) is because of her.

If only she isn't careless and being taken as hostage. If only Jaden didn't duel her kidnapper to save her, it wouldn't have attracted extra attention.

Alexis let out a deep breath, it's no use to cry over spilled milk.

Something that has already happened, can not be returned to the way it was.

As so, if she met her Slifer Red friends, she would express her gratitude and apologize, especially toward Jaden and Yuji.


Duel Research Society's Headquarters.

"Yaw, lawli sis-uh deed yaw knaw bawt te news bawt Te Reddees?"

"Drop the accent, it hurts my head"


The one who held a conversation with Kei is a DRS member from RA Yellow 2nd year named James Oda.

An African-American descent duelist who prefer to be called Yasuke instead of his real name.

He has a black undercut hair, a little diagonal scar on his nose bridge, and was dressed in standard RA Yellow uniform with blue jeans.

"So, what's the news about Slifer Red?", asked Kei as she then drank her Fanta.

Another member of DRS joined the conversation to answers Kei's question.

She has medium dark blue hair, with a long bang that covered her right face, and wear a custom male Obelisk's jacket that resemble the tuxedo for a Butler.

If it's not for the huge bump on her chest, many would have mistaken her for a boy.

Duel Research Society's secretary and also a 3rd year Obelisk Blue student like Kei Mavis and Zane Truesdale.

Ixa Crown, that's her name.

"Our new members... Jaden Yuki and Yuji Kusanagi, they had broken into Obelisk Blue Old Dormitory", answered her.


Kei spats the Fanta she just drank, staining the white tablecloth in a red stain like blood, as she was surprised by the news.

"Are they insane?!", asked Kei, as she swept her mouth with her hand.

"Yeah... they are insane, I wonder who they resembled with?", asked Ixa, full of sarcasm.

"Hey! I'm crazy, not insane!", replied Kei, pouting.

Yasuke, who watched their conversation like it was a banter between a comedic duo, laughs.

"Lawl! Se gawt yaw lawli sis-uh", laughed him while pointing his index finger at Kei's face.

Listening to his laughs and weird accents, the both of them give Yasuke a threatening gaze, almost belonging to an Oni.

"Drop the accent!" x 2

Kei: "or I Bitch Slap you to J*sus!"

Ixa: "or I'll turn your ***** inside-out!"

Yasuke, who was being threatened by them, gulped his saliva, and then lowered his head as to apologize.

"Awkey...", replied him, a bit dejected.

Kei then placed her legs on the table, asking Ixa again.

"So, are they already been expelled?"

Ixa shakes her head, "No... I heard The Academy will hold a tag team duel to decide if they're going to be expelled or not"

Kei snorted, "Heh! They've got it easy. So, who are the opponents for them?"

Yasuke then quickly raised his hand like a hyperactive student.

"Me! Me! Me!! I overheard Crowler in his room that their opponent would be...", he paused for a moment to raised their curiosity.

"The legendary duelists Paradox Brother!", answers him.

"Paradox Brother? You mean...", asked Kei slightly tilted her head.

Ixa nods, "Yeah... the duelist sibling you had fought back in China", answers her.

"You mean... that poor excuse of boiled eggs, who jumps like monkey duelists?", asked her with disgusted expression.

"The very same", answered her, straight and flat like a cutting board.


Kei slightly grits his teeth, somehow talking about the Paradox Brother made her uncomfortable.

"If their opponents are that frauds, then it'll be so easy! God... Paradox Brother... The Academy sure is stingy"

Crowler in his room: Hyakuuu!

Kei then shifted her gaze to Ixa, "Is there a way to make it more interesting?"

Ixa held her chin, thinking about the solution for Kei's question as how they can make the tag duel more exciting.

"Should we make a Gambling platform?", suggests Ixa.

Hearing her suggestion, Kei snaps her fingers.

"Good Idea! Let's make it before someone make it ahea-"

When they are still talking about how to make the tag team more interesting, the sudden sound from the door being opened stole their attention away, and to their surprise the one who opened it was the subject of their very conversation that entered the room.

Looking at him, Kei grins.

"Oh, speak of the devil"


Chancellor Sheppard's Office, Evening.

"I'm Sheppard, the principal of this Duel Academy"

Chancellor Sheppard introducing himself to the two peoples who just arrived.

Right now in his office, including himself and Professor Crowler there are at least four peoples in the room.

"It's been an honor to work with you, oh strong duelists", told him as he bowed his head, showing the radiant shine of his bald head like a mirror to his employers.

One of the employers waved their hand, insisting toward Chancellor Sheppard to skip the formality, and straight to the point.

Crowler who stood near The Chancellor walk forward, demanding that person not to speak that way to him.

The one who insisted that Chancellor to skip formality let out a smile, then stares directly at Crowler's eyes, stopping him by asserting their domination.

Crowler who intimidate by a mere stares, took a single back step, as he gulped his own saliva.

Another person, beside the one who intimidate Crowler, stood still and watch the event silently with crossed arms, not uttering a single word.

"Kohom!", Chancellor Sheppard let out a cough to break the awkward atmosphere, then continues.

"As I explained, our purpose for summoning you is to fight them both in the Tag-Duel event we have prepared", told him as Chancellor Sheppard shows the two of them Jaden and Yuji's photos.

The one who intimidate Crowler took Jaden's photo. After looking at his smiling face, that person let out a smirk as if victory already been grasped.

While the silent one who took Yuji's photo, only nods, then tucked away his photo into the pocket.

After knowing their target, both of them quickly left the room, leaving Chancellor Sheppard and Professor Crowler to get a quality time together (lol).

After they had left, Crowler let out a sigh of relief.

"Fuh... what a scary person, no...né!"

Chancellor Shepphard nods his head, then shifted his gaze to Crowler as he laughs.

"That's right. But, aren't you the one who called them?"

Crowler scratches his cheek, "That's right, no...né"

Chancellor Sheppard tilted his head slightly, "Oh, are you already regretting your decision?", asked him, smiling.

But Crowler shakes his head, as he then shows Chancellor Sheppard the biggest grin in his life.

"None! With their power, Ai'm certain that Troublemakers from Slifer Red would be expelled from The Academy no...né"

"Is that so?"

Chancellor Shepphard laughs, then turned back, walking toward the glass wall behind his deck that overlook the island and ocean ahead.

"Jaden Yuki and Yuji Araki, in the upcoming tag duel... you two must bring your best!"


Obelisk Blue's Duel Arena, The Day of Tag Duel.

"What's wrong with him?", asked Misawa kinda surprised.

"Yuji kinda wants a new look, so... he changed his hairstyle", answers Syrus who sit beside him.

Yuji's hairstyle had changed, and it is much longer than before, which spikes backward.

His left sidelock hair is gone, now divided into two braided lines on the left side of his head.

But the most extraordinary part is his bangs, which resembling dragon's claws (way longer and appeared spiked downward a bit to the left).

"Yeah, that is shocking, I know. But did you find something different about him? About... his presence?", asked Misawa kinda troubled as to how to explain it.

More important than his hairstyle, Misawa felt something off from him, as if this Yuji isn't the one he knew.

It's very subtle, but there's certainly a change. The question is, he didn't know what part of it (except the new hairstyle).

Misawa then shifted his attention to Syrus.

"Beside that, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?", replied him.

Misawa held his chin, as he then brought his face closer to stares at Syrus' face, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I heard that you're breaking into The Abandoned Dorm... then why aren't you getting punished?", asked him.

"Eto...", Syrus scratches his cheek, he wanted to answer his question but kinda troubled of how to explain it.

"Maybe, I'm just... lucky?", answers him in a low tone.

Misawa closed his eyes, and then shifted his attention to the duelists on the stage.

"I see...", told him with a 'I'm already expected it' kinda tone.

Syrus let out a deep breath, it seems among the first year Slifer Red students, especially Jaden and Yuji, he was kinda unnoticeable, thinks him which made him relieved and dejected at the same time.

"Don't look so down, the fact that you didn't get punished is a good thing"

"Alexis!", said Syrus, surprised to see her sitting beside Misawa.

Misawa then turned his head toward her.

"You are Alexis Rhodes from Obelisk Blue..."

Alexis nods, then asked him, "You've also had considerable dealing with them, correct?"

"Yeah...", answers him.

Alexis then shifted her attention to Jaden, "He- Jaden said that this is his first tag duel, but somehow... I felt that he'll be alright"

Syrus joined the conversation, "Of course he'll be alright, this is Big Bro we're talking about, and if something bad happened, there's still Yuji beside him!", said with full confidence.

Alexis and Misawa nods, agree about Syrus' comment that it'll be alright if they joined force.

On the stage, Jaden looks around the room with expression kinda down.

"Isn't it me or The Duel Arena is kinda-"

"Empty? Yeah...", answered Yuji, as he searches for Sakura's figure among the spectators present.

Even though this is a special event that can decided the fate of student's enrollment, but many students didn't come to watch, as shown by the many empty seats which estimated roughly about 70% which still empty.

Jaden shrug it off, then patted Yuji on the shoulder.

"Yo, Yuji! Ready for the tag duel?", asked him, smiling.

Yuji let out a smirk, "Heh! What do you think?!"

Just when they're still talking, Professor Crowler walk toward the center of the stage.

Noticing that Crowler finally has arrived, Jaden quickly run approaching the guy, as he wanted to ask him about something.

"Yo, Crowler teacher! Where are our opponents?!", shouts Jaden as he's waving his hand.

When he noticed Jaden's presence, Crowler's face become soured looking.

[Geh! It's him... Jaden Yucky!]

Crowler crossed his arms, and nonchalantly answered his question.

"Don't you worry Signore Yuki, they'll soon be here"

The moment when Crowler already answered Jaden's question. From the left gate of the arena specifically build for duelist's entrance.

Their opponents for this tag duel finally showed their face. When Yuji realized who are they, his eyes and pupils widened as if he was electrocuted.

That silverish white hair, a pair of blue colored eye like Sapphire, and beautiful face with blank expression belonging to a bisque doll.

"Saku... ra?"

Yuji didn't know if he must laugh or not, to think that one of their opponent in this duel that will decide their expulsion from The Academy is his close friend.

Noticing his gaze, Sakura smiles and waved her hand as to greet him.

"Hehe...", Yuji waved back at her while letting out an awkward laugh.

But, the surprise isn't over yet.

"No way...", When Yuji realized who her tag partner is, he was extremely surprised.

That gray hair like volcanic ashes, the charming smile like a prince which melted a maiden's heart, and the matchless aura like a Chivalric noble.

Yuji knew very well who this person is.

When everyone present were shocked by his arrival, Jaden crossed his arms, wondering why is the room becoming much noisier.

"Nee Professor Crowler, who's the guy?"

Professor Crowler do a facepalm, he can't believe that Jaden didn't know who is that person.

But before he answered, Yuji already walked to Jaden's side and answered his question.

"Aster Phoenix... a Pro Duelist!!!"