
Chapter 11: Loss of Mother (IV)

Hu Gong left the Lotus Wind Lounge went to Lan Yue Pavilion, Hu Gong arrived at Lan Yue Pavilion, Lin Nuan has long been changed into a moonlight white regular clothes, sideburns inserted in the white plum, just as her people are generally not shocked by the chaos.



Lin Nuan extremely disciplined to Hu Gong salute, and then peacefully stood on the side, Hu Gong saw his daughter so calm, earlier prepared to reprimand the words in turn do not know how to say, and made instead of the voice asked: "Since my father was young, you have taught you a lot, since I know that you are not rude people, you are so treating your concubine mother, but in the blame for my father?"



Lin Nuan also frankly, looking at Hu Gong's eyes that do not know whether suffered from the pain of losing a wife or the pain of losing a son and slightly red, only answered a "yes" word.



Hu Gong sighed, Hu Gong, a hallowed eight-foot man, in the face of this house wives and concubines due to competition for favor and the loss of life, as if the only response is to sigh.



Looking at Hu Gong's slightly whitened face and reddened eyes, and the behavior of such a wimp, Lin Nuan wanted to laugh a little, but obviously doing so was even more out of place, so Lin Nuan collected her laughter and looked straight at Hu Gong.



Duke Hu said, "For my father to do this is also have no choice but to suffer, if you really find out this behind the scenes to do the trick people, in terms of the Hu House, face embarrassing."



Lin Nuan slightly pulled the corner of her mouth and said coldly, "I didn't think that in father's heart, face was even more important than mother's life!"



"After all, you can't come back from the dead, so why bother?"



In the face of such a timid and fearful, not to spare the lives of people only care about the face of Hu Gong, Lin Nuan disappointed to the extreme, actually do not want to say a word, she is now waiting for the only Hu Gong on her hands to beat the concubine mother's disposition.



Hu Gong saw Lin Nuan gazing at himself for a split second, and his gaze was unusually cold without any warmth to speak of. Hu Gong coughed twice to release the embarrassment, as if saying to Lin Nuan, but also as if talking to himself, Hu Gong said: "I know you do not know Jin'er pregnant, even I do not know know how you know, I teach out of the daughter would not have this kind of cold heart!"



Lin Nuan was silent, not even bothering to argue.



Duke Hu added, "But no matter what, you hurt the fetus in her womb and lowered her face, although she is a concubine, but in the end, she is your concubine mother, it is a bit too much for you to do so."



Lin Nuan waited for the words and finally waited for them, so he also said without any fear, "In that case, let father do as he pleases!"



"Dispose?" Duke Hu smiled sarcastically and said, "You are my eldest daughter and first daughter, the hope of my Hu family, the pearl in my father's palm, how could my father be willing to dispose of you?"



Neither can I vindicate my wife nor protect my concubine, I am really a loser, Lin Nuan muttered a sentence in his heart.



Hu Gong said: "Although my father can not bear to be harsh on you, but for the sake of harmony in the house, my father can not keep you, coincidentally, the day of the draft is approaching, you will go to the capital earlier! First go to Ronghua Temple to live some time, your aunt will take care of you."



"Good! When will you depart?" Lin Nuan returned with determination, not dragging his feet at all, deviating from his usual indecisive nature.



"Let's leave tomorrow!" Duke Hu said disheveledly, as if he also had a million things in his heart for Yuan Xi.



"Master, there are still a dozen days left before New Year's Eve! Why don't we leave after New Year's Eve? No matter what, this will be the last New Year's Eve that Miss Hu spends in the Hu Mansion!" Ying Yun pleaded.



"Do you have a right to talk here too? It's really getting more and more unruly." Hu Gong rebuked.



Ying Yun know is not supposed to say, but if not to say will fail the lady's a lot of love, the lady just lost his mother was thrown out of the house, even if the New Year's Eve can reach Ronghua Temple and aunt reunion, but that is, after all, the place of the Buddha, aunt and has long been out of the house for more than a dozen years, since it is not compared to the father in the family stayed at home by the side of the comfortable.



However, Hu Gong's reprimand still cut off any illusion of Ying Yun, it seems that Miss will definitely spend this New Year's Eve outside.



When Hu Gong left the Lan Yue Pavilion, he turned slightly and said, "Ying Yun has been with you since you were a child, and Ying He is also very capable, so let her accompany you to the capital! If your brother Yin has not yet returned to Yecheng, I will have him escort you to your aunt at Ronghua Temple."



"Yes!" Lin Nuan replied with another word.



Duke Hu wanted to turn back and instruct Yuan Xi a few more times, but thinking about her attitude towards herself now, it was futile to say anything, so he sighed: "Your candidacy this time, if you can really get into the eyes of the Holy Spirit, it's a blessing for you, and also a blessing for the House of Hu!" After saying that, he left.



After Hu Gong left, Lin Nuan sat there woodenly, lifeless, Ying He packed packages on the side, Ying Yun accompanied by the side, seeing Lin Nuan in such a state of mind, Ying Yun was heartbroken and worried.



"Miss, the slave girl knows that you are suffering in your heart, if you feel bad, then cry it out! Don't suffocate yourself!"



The world is most accustomed to things, Lin Nuan and how will be difficult for it. The only person who could make Lin Nuan feel bad before was Ji Yan, but here there won't be anyone else to make her feel bad, and her attitude towards Mrs. Hu's death and Duke Hu's attitude is only uneven and disappointing, that's all.



Lin Nuan saw Ying Yun's expression and knew that she was genuinely worried about herself, so he stroked her hand and said, "Nothing! Settle down early, you still have to drive tomorrow."



"Miss, before you leave, do you still look at the young master?"



Lin Nuan pondered for a moment and said, "I won't go, since I can't protect it, I don't have to add to my worries."



The door of Lan Yue Pavilion was just about to go down the gate when Ming Xi barged in with Ying Yan and a few other maidservants.



Lin Nuan admonished without even lifting her head, "Really more and more unruly!"



How would Ming Xi pay attention to Lin Nuan's words, seeing Lin Nuan leisurely sitting on the collapse, she reached out her hand to fight. But she was not yet an adult, she was still short and not strong enough. When Lin Nuan saw her raise her hand, she knew what her intentions were and pushed her to the side.



Ming Xi stumbled and fell to the ground, seeing that in addition to the maidservants she brought with her are the maidservants of Lan Yue Pavilion in the house, she did not recover her mother's dignity, not to mention that she also lost face, and could not help but be annoyed and angry and said: "Rules? If you know the rules, how could you have beaten the concubine mother? Father has said since I was young that my eldest sister is my role model, so I naturally want to learn from her." At this time, Ming Xi did not yet know that the fetus in Lu Jin's womb was already gone, otherwise she would have been even more resentful.



Lin Nuan also ignore, sip tea, leisurely said: "What you say is not bad. Just your mother killed my mother, I hit her a few times is the lightest punishment, only pity the child in the womb, have not seen the day will be gone?"



"What did you say? The child in my mother's womb died?" Ming Xi was stunned.



Lin Nuan blew on the hot tea and ignored it.



"You wicked woman, not only did you beat my mother, you also killed the child in my mother's womb!" As if suddenly awakening from her pain, Ming Xi struggled to get up from the ground and once again stretched out her palm to hit Yuan Xi's face.



Lin Nuan grabbed Ming Xi's wrist and looked straight into Ming Xi's said eyes and said, "I'll tell you again, the wicked person is your mother, not me. If you don't want to be like your mother, get lost!"



Said a shove, Ming Xi and almost fell to the ground, Ming Xi knows Yuan Xi since childhood not only poetry, song and dance are proficient, but also know how to ride a horse and shoot arrows, even if she is now weak, they can not be compared with it, in the stay can not be any advantage, so they can only snappy and go.