
Chapter 10: Loss of Mother (III)

Ying Yun and Ying He followed behind Lin Nuan, not daring to say a word, straight back to Lan Yue Pavilion, Lin Nuan said in a warm voice: "What's wrong? Scared? Am I different from the past!"



Ying Yun and Ying He nodded.



Lin Nuan added: "My mother, who has been generous to others all her life, didn't expect to end up like this! I won't let people bully me like that anymore!"



The two maids nodded their heads as if they did not understand. Ying Yun spoke rather worriedly, "Miss, if the Second Mistress really slips out of the womb, what should we do? Will the master be blamed?"



"Heh ..." Lin Nuan kindly laughed and said, "Big no I'll go and fend off this life, what's so scary about it!"



Ying Yun listen to Yuan Xi today's words really different from the past, also no longer speak, only bent his head to stand aside.



Lin Nuan took off her heavy mourning clothes and handed them to Ying He, then said, "The child my mother gave birth to in a desperate attempt to die, can someone take care of it now?"



"Master has invited two milkmaids back and has Aunt Yingmei to look after them, so there should be no harm!"



"That's good!" After Lin Nuan finished speaking, she changed into a bedclothes with broken flowers on a white background, took off the white silk flowers at her temples, and lay down on the bed with her eyes closed.









And then look at the lotus wind fast side, Ming Xi this side just back to the east room to change back to the regular clothes, will hear the main house of the second lady's voice, Ming Xi did not do much thinking, girded his loincloth will get up and come this way. Who knows just arrived at the door, will see Hu Yuanxi gloomy face from the inside out, this kind of color Mingxi has never seen, can not help but be a little frightened.



Pushing the door open, a rush of blood hit his face, contrasting with the snow-washed air outside.



Ming Xi felt bad in her heart and called out, "Mother!"



How could Lu Jin still have the strength to speak, only Qiu Lan returned, "Eldest Miss, come here quickly."



Ming Xi took three steps around the screen and came to the bedroom, but she saw that Lu Jin was lying on the floor with his eyes closed, half leaning on Qiu Lan and half on the floor, but underneath his body was a streak of blood and water.



Ming Xi was instantly alarmed and asked in a trembling voice, "What's wrong with my mother?"



Qiu Lan slightly ground her head, not daring to look at Ming Xi's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Beaten by the eldest miss!"



"My mother is her concubine mother. How dare she hit her own concubine mother?" Ming Xi raised her tone incredulously.



Qiu Lan did not make a sound, but only slightly raised her eyes to meet Ming Xi's questioning gaze, and Ming Xi also read the affirmation in her eyes.



Since the beating has become a fact, for today the most important thing is naturally medical, Ming Xi did not know that his mother is pregnant, only as that blood is the water of menstruation, then asked: "Father know? Did you ask the doctor?"



Autumn Orchid returned, "All went to be invited."



"Then why are you still lying on the ground? Quickly help Mother to the bed with me!" Ming Xi wanted to reach out to help.



"And slow down! Madame has moved the fetus, I wonder if she's moving?"



"Moving the fetus?" Ming Xi was shocked and added, "Mother is pregnant, why didn't I know?"



Qiu Lan sighed and said, "Not to mention you, even the Master doesn't know yet!"



"Why haven't you told Father?"



Qiu Lan wanted to say something, Lu Jin waved his hand, Qiu Lan understood and said, "It's not the right time to say this, we'll talk to Miss again later!"



Seeing that Lu Jin had woken up leisurely, Ming Xi hurriedly asked, "Mother, how do you feel?"



Lu Jin didn't have the strength to speak, and only faintly had to shake his head, when the door happened to be opened, and Hu Gong and the Langzhong entered one after the other.









The smell of blood in the room was very heavy, although Hu Gong knew the general course of events from the maidservant beforehand, but he could not help but be stunned to see how badly Lu Jin was hurt.



Lu Jin is also really good at making small ambushes, and when she saw Hu Gong coming, she was busy crying out in a soft voice in pain, "Master!"



The short two-word moan and call contained a great deal of aggravation.



When Duke Hu saw his beloved concubine like this, he was also heartbroken and was busy trying to pick her up himself.



Chen Langzhong probed the pulse, only a single pulse, the little life has long since ceased to exist. Bone-setter Chen shook his head and said, "It's a pity, it's a male fetus, but it hasn't stayed clean yet, so I still have to take two pairs of abortion medicine before I can abort it cleanly."



When Lu Jin heard that it was a male fetus, she cried bitterly, and Hu Gong also felt very sorry.



Seeing her mother like this, Ming Xi's heart was very painless, and after Bone-setter Chen left, she knelt on the ground and cried, "Just now, it was the eldest sister who hit her mother! The first daughter beating the concubine mother is really unforgivable, please ask father to make a decision!"



Lu Jin did not say anything, but only cried lowly, but the dots of teardrops on that jade face were very endearing.



Hu Gong Gong's hand stroked away the tear tracks on Lu Jin's face and sighed softly, "Today's events have wronged you!"



When Lu Jin heard Hu Gong's good coaxing words, not only did she not stop crying, but she cried more and more.



Mr. Hu asked again, "When did you get pregnant?"



The pain in her abdomen came faintly, Lu Jin's face was pale and she didn't have the strength to say, so Qiu Lan returned for the Second Lady, "It's been nearly three months."



"Why didn't you tell me earlier, if Yuan Xi knew that the concubine mother was pregnant, I'm afraid he wouldn't have done such a rebellious act!"



Listening to Hu Gong, it seems that there is a little blame Lu Jin to hide the intention of pregnancy, but also for the suspicion of Yuan Xi excused, Qiu Lan since childhood with Lu Jin's body, more than ten years of life in the house has taught her to observe the words and colors, she saw Hu Gong said, busy said: "The second lady of the month letter is not permitted, the master is aware of, the second lady is a few days ago to know that she is pregnant. The second lady didn't say anything, but she wanted to choose a happy day to tell the master."



"Hey! It's all God's will!" Duke Hu lamented and comforted Lu Jin again, "You rest well, I'll go check on Yuan Xi!"









After Hu Gong left, Ming Xi cried and sat in front of Lu Jin's bed, saying, "This unfilial daughter beat her concubine mother and did such things that made her mother lose face, but father didn't even give her a statement, which is really chilling!"



Lu Jin let out a bitter smile and glanced at Qiu Lan, who was busy understanding and said, "Miss, the Lady needs to rest at the moment, so you should go back and take a nap first and come back later!"



Ming Xi looked at Lu Jin's pale face and unhelpful spirit, it was in need of rest, so she said, "Please ask Auntie Qiu to take good care of my mother, I'll come back later!" Ming Xi covered the corner of the quilt for the Second Mistress, bent down and left.









After Ming Xi left, Lu Jin slept for a while, and in her dream, that lovely child in her abdomen had already been born, and was smiling and beckoning to her, and there was another gripping pain in her abdomen, and Lu Jin was awakened by the pain, and then she touched that empty abdomen, and she couldn't help but have a fine layer of cold sweat on her body, but after this sleep, her spirit was much better in the end.



Qiu Lan saw Lu Jin waking up, busy padding a lumbar pillow around Lu Jin's waist, helping the Second Lady to sit up slightly, handing over the bowl of soup medicine warmed in the stove, saying, "Madam, the temperature is just right, you drink it while it's hot!"



Lu Jin took the bowl of medicine and drank it all in one go, handing the empty bowl to Qiu Lan after drinking it and testing the clear tears at the corners of her eyes.



Qiu Lan saw this and busily consoled, "The young master's blessings are thin, ma'am, I'm sorry for your loss, people can't live after death!"



"Where is my son's blessing thin? It is clearly Yuan Xi this bitch killed my son!" Lu Jin said these words with gritted teeth, so it can be imagined that he really hated Yuan Xi.



"Madam! Listening to the master's words, he didn't mean to dispose of the young lady!"



"If he can't dispose of it, I'll do it myself! In short, she killed my son, and I can't let her get away with it!"