
Your Smile My Book

Long time ago there was someone who fell in love, they wrote some poems about the whole situation and what was going on. The poems were written around the year 2018. They weren't sure what was going on, if their love will actually happen or not so they started writing and the writing was something that they loved to do. Eventually, the relationship sadly didn't happen the other party wasn't a good partner. These are short and long poems, the poems that should have been forgotten just like the memories they shared with "them".

Monichii · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Who Will Tell First?

Who will be the one who will say "I like you!"

Will that me me or will that be you?

I still don't know what my real feeling are ,but

I do know that I won't be the one who will say that.

If you are sure,when will you tell me that,I will wait

for you, and I will accept,like I never did before.

I let this happen,little by little,I think my feeling are [IC]growing,slowly,blooming into a beautiful flower.

But, even that little flower can die,but it can also bloom again.

I feel in love really slowly,but I can also forget about

all of that,but it will stay somewhere in my heart.

I want to get to know you more,just like you want to know me.

You are remembering little things about me,that I didn't ask you to remember.

When you wasn't sure if I was seriously asking you to go out to eat,and on that day you didn't show up,I was disappointed in you for not showing up.

I was ready to go out ,but now I'm not sure if I will give it another chance again.

But,after some days passes I forgave you,I let it go.

Who will be the one to tell first?

I already know how you feel,so I'll wait for you,even if you won't tell me,I will still wait for you to say these words to me.