
Your Smile My Book

Long time ago there was someone who fell in love, they wrote some poems about the whole situation and what was going on. The poems were written around the year 2018. They weren't sure what was going on, if their love will actually happen or not so they started writing and the writing was something that they loved to do. Eventually, the relationship sadly didn't happen the other party wasn't a good partner. These are short and long poems, the poems that should have been forgotten just like the memories they shared with "them".

Monichii · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

The Lovely Lie

Do I love you, I don't know.

I want to get to love you even if I don't love you right now.

Do you love me,I don't know that too.

You seem to me that you love me when I catch you looking at me in the eyes when I'm not looking at you.

The smile you are giving me is something sweet.

The laugh you are giving me is something awesome.

It's like nothing around the world is bothering me anymore.

It's like I don't have any problems.

We are the same ,I tell myself.

I don't think the laugh,the look in the eyes is not the same with everyone.

I think you are treating me differently.

I think I've fallen in love.

But,I also think that it's just my imagination.

The Lovely (Love) Lie