
Your Smile My Book

Long time ago there was someone who fell in love, they wrote some poems about the whole situation and what was going on. The poems were written around the year 2018. They weren't sure what was going on, if their love will actually happen or not so they started writing and the writing was something that they loved to do. Eventually, the relationship sadly didn't happen the other party wasn't a good partner. These are short and long poems, the poems that should have been forgotten just like the memories they shared with "them".

Monichii · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs


There was someone, who never loved and who was never loved my someone expect from their family and friends, who never experienced the love and who never actually wished to experience love. But eventually the need of having someone beside them, struck and they decided to try it out only "this once". That time was when they seemed the most happy but also there was confusion and the resentment of oneself. And there they were, trying it out, feeling alone even in a relationship, feeling the love and ending up being betrayed by the person they slowly feel in love. They felt helpless, angry, and sad hoping to never get into a relationship again, hoping to never love anyone and hoping to stay forever alone. Isn't that ironic? From strangers to falling in love, to loving, and then strangers again as they never met before.

"Am I the one that is wrong?",

Is what they thought, no my dear it wasn't you, it will never be you, you tried your best and they have fostaken that love of yours.

Who would know that loving someone would be this tiring and that it will be hurting you from inside and out?

Who would have known that when loving someone you might get hurt, betrayed and be feeling like a trash.

Letting go of something that they have done after hurting you multiple times is the worst thing ever, do my dear reader, don't ever let go of something that you think it's wrong.