
Your in Wonderland my Cinderella

who am I? where am i? who are you? why? why did you take me here? don't leave me. I don't wanna wake you. please let me dream forever

Linacross16 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

chapter 1

Cool. It was the only thing to describe the nigh. The stars seemed to glow brightly as a thousand tiny suns. It was a purplish blue sky tonight. A full, moon seemed to glow.

"Cealla! Cealla! Are you even listening to me!" Bailey expressed very angry waving a hand in front of my face. Looking at him, his snow colored hair seemed to glow in the moonlight, giving it an unearthly shine to it. The rabbit ears on top of his head doesn't seem to do him justice. As they move right to left, left to right, searching for something that never seems to be there. I always wondered want he could hear that I couldn't. Not that I'm much help in that department.

"I'm sorry Bailey I got distracted by the sky." I said giving him a small smile. A smile I know he can never stay mad at. Sighing he sits down on his bed next to me. His tiny cotton tail twitching in annoyment next to the woolen sheet's.

"Whatever. I asked why are you in my room? It's almost midnight and I just came back from work literally ten minutes ago. And I have to be at work at seven so this should be good." He was tired. That much was obvious. Bailey speech was harder to understand then usual. He wasn't facing me while speaking. The red waist coat he's forced to wear was unbutton, the shirt under was wrinkled and untucked. Bailey was always nicely dressed not a single wrinkle to be found no matter how hard you looked (and trust me I have). He always looked me in the eye when speaking and spoke in way I could easily under stand him better. So him looking unkept and speaking harder to understand are keys to figure out he's had a very rough day.

"I didn't mean to bother you I'll just leave. It's not that important anyways. Good night Bails, love ya see you in the morning." Getting up from his bed I walked across his room, stopping at his door. My hand on the gold painted handle I speak not turning around. "Happy birthday Bails. Your 18 now." Opening the door I walk calmly down his stairs.

"Hay! Hay! Hay! Cealla! Happy birthday!" A young 8 year old Bailey said jumping up and down. "Ya. It's my birthday so what?" A now 8 year old Cealla said not really caring about today. "Well shouldn't you be excited! Your now 8!" He shouted holding up six fingers.

"What's the point in celebrating? it just another day. You just add another year."

Bailey frowned not liking his best friend not sharing in the excitement of a birthday. He stopped hopping and stood over Cealla. Both legs planted on either side of her Bailey sat down on Cealla.

Bailey's red crimson eyes stared right into Cealla's emerald green ones. Sighing Cealla gave I'm and asked. "What do you want Bailey?" Announce clear in her voice.

"Are birthdays are right next to each other. Yours on the twealth, mine on the tenth." He said smiling. 'I do not like were this is going.' Cealla thought bitterly.

"So from now on you and me will forever have are birthdays on the eleventh. End of story." Bailey said smiling so proud of himself.

"Hold on a moment! You can't just change someone's birthday because that don't want to celebrate it! This is ridiculously Bails!" Cealla shouted even more annoyed then before.

"For me Cell? Please?" Bailey said in a soft voice. Using his nickname for Cealla, she could not say no. she could never say not to him. Not her best friend. Not her (someone like a) brother. And especially not when he used that ridiculous nickname she'll never edment she likes. So she did the only this she could. She agreed.

Ten years later, May eleventh, the first time that weird packed has been broken. 'I will not cry. I don't even like birthdays anyways.' I thought to myself climbing into my window. Not bothering to change out of my work clothes, I plopped on my bed and stared. My last thought to myself was 'i never even asked why he was so upset.' Then darkness took ahold.