
Your in Wonderland my Cinderella

who am I? where am i? who are you? why? why did you take me here? don't leave me. I don't wanna wake you. please let me dream forever

Linacross16 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

Bright. The sun has just finished coming up behind the purple shade mountains. Golden shades of red having just finished fading from the sky. While everyone was asleep I am working. 18. That all I have to keep saying to myself. Thirteen years of hell is now behind me the moment I walk out of the front door.

Grabbing my bag of what little stuff I own, I swing it over my shoulder and walked over to the door. Taking a deep breath of my once so called "room" I walk out. Hopefully to never come back.

Red velvet carpet covers the wide stairs, feeling the rough silk fabric under my feet as I run down them. My old bag containing all my things jingles as I move. The smooth wood of the railing rub against the palm of my hand.

Reaching the door some one knocked. 'Wow someone must have really good timing'. I thought opening the door.

"Hey Cealla. Sorry it early, happy birthday by the way. This came in as a rush order. All mail carriers have to deliver these by the end of the day. I knew you be up, so I made you my first stop of the day! Here you go. Say hi to Distella for me? Anyway nice seei- oh uh, I mean nice talking to you again. Bye!" Maxx said. Giving me whatever he ment to deliver and then leaving right afterwards.

Maxx Silver. 22 years old. Mail carrier for the royal family. Raised in a working family. Single mother, two older sisters. All three turned to prostitution to make ends meat. Father left when Maxx wasn't even born. When old enough he took on any job possible to help his family. Worked from the bottom sence the age of 13 and become one of the most trusted people in the royal court. Now his family doesn't have to work, his mother retired, and sisters working as waitress at a local pub. Nice guy, loyal, works hard for his family, and from what the lady's in town say also very handsome, but also completely love sick. He had to fall for any woman and it had to be Distella. Poor boy is going to get his heart broken.

Closing the door rub the paper in-between my fingers. Braille. A small smile spreads across my face. 'Thank you old man at the post office who's name I really need to learn. Running my fingers over the dots I slowly pice together what is written on the paper.

Dear Lady Teramen,

You are here by invited to the prince's birthday gala. He will came of age in two weeks. We are looking forward to your presence Lady Teramen. As well as your three daughters Distella, Tem, and Cealla Remon. The gala will be held on the day of his birth a fortnight from today. We will be so pleased by your presence, we hope you can make it. Please show this invitation to the gourds at the castle gates and you shall be let threw.


The King

Birthday gala my ass. This is some stupid matchmaking ploy. Well I want no part of this and despite how much I hate nobility no one deserves to marry Distella. And as much as I dislike Tem, she does not deserve to marry a spoiled royal bratty prince.

"Cealla, why isn't my breakfast ready!" Lady Teramen yelled, shaking me out of my thoughts. Shoving the invite in my dress pocket I throw open the door and run out, the door slamming behind me.

Ever sense I was five, I was living with Lady Teramen and her two daughters Distella and Tem. Got no clue what happened to my parents. All I know was that Mother was a prostatute. The old man never knew I exicted. And that my two older sisters took care of me and my older brother. Then when I was five there was some kind of fire or something and I lost most of my memory's, as well as my light. Somehow I made it to Lady Teramen and I've been stuck with her ever since.

Oh no point in thinks of the past. Time for the future. My pale blue thigh length skirt moves over my thighs. The soft fabric torn with age. Dirt covered the ends of my white skirt, with my courset tight around my waist. My feet tied with loose bandages. I walk twords my future. The wind blowing my hair and a small smile on my face.