
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · แอคชั่น
77 Chs

Chapter 67:kapoor mansion party

Ammy said, "It's a very mysterious and secretive organization, but forget about that."

Continuing, Ammy said, "But even I failed to escape from that small group, but Abhimanyu exposed the orphanage and provided all the evidence to the military to set me free."

Nitya asked, "Okay, but you didn't tell me how you met Abhimanyu."

Ammy said, "You can ask Abhimanyu about that."

Just then, Abhimanyu was passing by.

Nitya said, "Hey, baby!"

Abhimanyu looked around and gestured towards himself, asking, "Are you talking to me?"

Nitya said, "Yes, come here for a moment."

When Abhimanyu approached, Nitya asked him, "How did you meet Ammy?"

Abhimanyu glanced at Ammy and said, "She barged into my house to kill me."

Nitya, surprised, said, "So, that killer organization was all true?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, but it was just a small group. There are many such groups in the world, but the most dangerous one is The Grim Reaper. It's hard to escape from them."

Nitya asked, "But why did you go to kill Abhimanyu?"

Abhimanyu said, "There was a bounty on my head."

Ammy said, "I had to do it because a new training batch had arrived there, and I had to save them."

Abhimanyu said, "Anyway, let's not dwell on such things. That's all in the past, and that organization has also been dismantled. Just forget about the past."

Abhimanyu than walked away from there

Ammy and Nitya started talking about something else, but Nitya sensed that Ammy's life hadn't been particularly good, so she took her out for a walk, and Ridhima also joined them. Meanwhile, the boys were playing cricket in the ground with guards around, and when Ammy, Nitya, and Ridhima returned in the evening, they found Priya there too. They saw the state of the ground; tables were lying around, decorations were unfinished, and guests were about to arrive, but the boys were still engrossed in playing cricket. Abhimanyu was batting, and Ravish Kapoor was bowling. As Ravish threw the ball, Abhimanyu hit it, and it went flying towards their mansion, hitting the front windshield of a car, causing it to crack.

The car's door opened, and Anita stepped out in the same blue dress, shouting, "What are you all doing? Is this how you guard our house?" Her gaze fell on Abhimanyu, his friends, and Ravish Kapoor, and she fell silent. She went back to her room, changed her clothes, and came out again. By then, Abhimanyu and his friends had set up tables and covered them.

Anita approached Ravish and asked, "What is he doing back here? He had failed the test, hadn't he?"

Ravish replied, "Who said he failed the test? I gave him another test, and he has been working for me for quite some time now. My tests are still ongoing. You should be proud of your husband. Look how I'm making him do all my work. You should feel proud of yourself." Anita didn't respond.

Ravish continued, "By the way, you look quite beautiful today."

Anita, surprised, asked, "Today?"

Ravish clarified, "Yes, you usually look quite bold, but today, you look like Nitya's mother. If you continue like this every day, we might resolve some issues between us."

Anita asked in disbelief, "Are you saying there could be something between us?"

Ravish said, "You've wanted it for a long time, haven't you? Besides, Nitya has grown up; she might soon have a little brother."

Anita asked, "Are you feeling okay, or am I dreaming?"

Ravish chuckled and left to welcome the guests as they were arriving for the party in the garden. Many prominent people were coming, so the security was tight. Abhimanyu and his friends went to get ready, and when they returned, many guests had already arrived. Abhimanyu always liked to play pranks at such parties, and he was thinking of pulling one off this time too.

The party had started, and everyone was engrossed in business discussions. A renowned businessman from the city had arrived, and the city's top businesspeople were yet to come. At that moment, Kunal Desai and his wife, Sunder Desai, from the Desai family, arrived. Ravish Kapoor welcomed them. However, Nitya, Ammy, and Ridhima were still in Nitya's room.

Abhimanyu, Samarth, Vayu, Sanjay, Manoj, and Ravi were standing together, observing the arriving guests. There were many boys and girls around.

Vayu said, "Look at that girl standing with that man."

Vayu gestured towards a man in his forties standing with a nineteen-year-old girl who seemed to be his daughter.

Ravi replied, "Yes, I see. So what?"

Vayu said, "Whoever brings her number, I'll give them a thousand rupees."

Abhimanyu remarked, "You always make such bets."

Vayu challenged, "Do you have the courage to bring her number or not?"

Samarth said, "This time, I'll go."

Samarth approached the girl and first greeted the man, "Hello, sir. How are you?"

The man asked, "Who are you?"

Samarth replied, "I'm Nitya's friend from Delhi. Although I don't know anyone here, I felt like I've seen you somewhere. Who are you?"

The man introduced himself, "I'm Kripal Bhaskar, and this is my wife, Riya Bhaskar."

Samarth was shocked to hear this, realizing that the girl he assumed to be the man's daughter was actually his wife. However, he didn't show any reaction on his face and casually said, "Your pairing is superb. Would you like to meet Mr. Kapoor? I can introduce you."

Kripal Bhaskar asked in surprise, "Can you really arrange a meeting with him?"

Samarth replied confidently, "Since it's his party, I don't need anyone's permission to introduce you. Do you want to meet him or not?"

Excitedly, Kripal Bhaskar said, "Yes, yes, of course!"

Samarth then led them to Mr. Kapoor and introduced them. Mr. Kapoor greeted them warmly.

After some conversation, Samarth said to Riya Bhaskar, "Hello, Miss Riya Bhaskar."

Riya corrected him, "Didn't you hear? I'm Mrs. Riya Bhaskar."

Samarth replied, "I did hear, but I couldn't believe it. You look like his daughter and are very beautiful."

Samarth said again, "Well, that's not my fault. You look sweet sixteen to me. Is this a love marriage or arranged?"

Riya answered, "It's a love marriage."

Samarth asked, "So, is there still love?"

Riya replied, "We got married just a month ago."

Samarth inquired, "Then, what's left to love?"

Riya asked, "Why are you asking such strange questions?"

Samarth said, "I mean, getting married so quickly leaves no room for love later on because then children come, and all the attention shifts to them—the worry about their studies, their careers, their marriages, and then grandchildren. After that, old age sets in, and it feels like one would miss out on life, as if it would fly by in just 20 years. After that, who knows if anyone would care or not."

Riya Bhaskar replied, "Wow, you're in such a rush! I'm not even 18 yet, and here you are, showing me visions of old age."

Samarth said, "My grandmother used to say the same thing when my grandfather left for heaven, leaving her alone."

Riya Bhaskar asked, "So, what are you trying to say? Just tell me."

Samarth replied, "I was just talking about love, that after marriage, where do you find the opportunity to love?"

Riya Bhaskar responded, "You haven't seen the world yet. Many couples love each other after marriage; that's why they have children, and their love grows with their children. And when they are alone, they are intimate, which is why they have more children."

Samarth explained, "I've never had a girlfriend, so I don't know how love feels."

Riya teased, "You're inexperienced, yet you're trying to hit a married woman."

Samarth replied, "I said you don't seem married. Anyway, can I have the chance to be friends with you?"

Unaware of Samarth's background, Riya found him youthful and handsome and innocent, and since he was close with the Kapoor family, she agreed to be friends but only that. She then gave him her number.

Samarth noted down her number and left. He showed his phone to Vayu and said, "Here, check it out."

Vayu exclaimed, "You really get her number! So, what happened there?"

Samarth said, "I mean she's not his daughter but his wife."

Vayu, surprised, exclaimed, "Really?"

Samarth affirmed, "Yes."

Vayu asked, "Is that number real then?"

Samarth replied, "Check by dialing it."

Vayu and others looked towards the girl. She was back with Kripal, who was introducing her to Ravish Kapoor.

Abhimanyu, mimicking Ravish's thoughts, said, "This 18-year-old girl is this old man's wife. What compulsion must she have?"

Then Ravish said something to Riya Bhaskar, but Abhimanyu, mimicking from afar, said, "Alright, Mrs. Bhaskar, was yours a love marriage?"

Sanjay, mimicking Riya, said, "Yes, Kapoor uncle. We met at a party, I liked him, and you know, when it comes to love, words come easily."

Vayu commented, "Bro, you're a treasure trove of talent."

Abhimanyu said, "Maybe, indeed, it's true love."

Samarth said, "Yes, her words made me feel she's quite sorted."

Vayu joked, "Okay, so why did she give her number then?"

Samarth said, "Well, let's see. Hand over the 1000 now."

Vayu handed him two 500 rupee notes.

In a little while, some big actors and other prominent families arrived at the party. Sahil Khan and his parents, Irfan Khan and Shaguffta Khan, were among them. Besides them, many other influential people were present. Mr. Ravish Kapoor was busy welcoming each guest, while Anita stood to the side. Suddenly, a man walked up to her and complimented her, saying she looked beautiful. It was Rajiv.

Anita smiled and replied, "Hello, Rajiv," but she didn't get too close because it was a public place.

Rajiv asked, "When will you introduce me to your husband?"

Anita said, "I'll talk to you about that in a while."

Looking towards Nitya, Rajiv licked his lips and said, "Wow, your daughter is very beautiful."

Rajiv was quite a flirt, and Anita knew it, but as long as he spent money and she kept him under control, she didn't mind.

Anita, in anger, said, "If you lay eyes on her, I'll tear them out. If you betray me, it won't be good."

Rajiv chuckled, "Oh, my love, do you have anyone else besides me? I should taste this young bud at least once."

Suddenly, there was silence throughout the party, and everyone looked towards the gate.

Several guards arrived and lined up on both sides of the road.

Just then, a girl gracefully entered the place, dressed in fashionable yet decent business attire, accompanied by Ratik Pathan, Shukla, and a few others. The girl was none other than Nina Watson.

Upon seeing Nina, everyone immediately knelt down and respectfully welcomed her.

Ravish Kapoor was about to welcome Nina, but she extended her hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Kapoor, where's the birthday girl?"

Kapoor gestured towards Nitya, but Nina started walking towards Nitya. Nitya was quite frightened because no one had shown her respect by kneeling down yet.

Neha whispered, "She's coming towards us."

Everyone present at the party was extremely nervous because Nina Watson commanded such respect that no one dared to even make a slight noise in her presence.

Sahil commented, "I think she's Miss Nina Watson, who now rules over the Mumbai underworld. Rumor has it that she's a shape-shifting serpent."

Sunder replied, "You've only heard about it, but I've seen her transform into a serpent once. Quick, kneel down, or else our heads will roll."

Nitya was trembling with fear as she listened to their conversation.

When Abhimanyu placed his hand on her shoulder, Nitya glanced at him, and Abhimanyu reassured her to remain calm and not be afraid. Nitya then knelt down, but Abhimanyu stopped her and discouraged her from bowing. Her other friends were waiting for Abhimanyu to bow down, but when he didn't, they didn't either.

By the time Nina reached them, she had noticed Abhimanyu and greeted him with a nod. Abhimanyu nodded back.

Nina then turned to Nitya and said, "Happy birthday, Miss Nitya," extending her hand.

Nitya hesitantly reached out her hand and shook Nina's hand, nervously thanking her.

Nina remarked, "You seem quite nervous. I think I shouldn't have come here. I'm actually a very good friend of your dad's, and we also do business together. That's why I thought I should wish you on your birthday."

Nitya glanced at her father, who was standing behind Nina, smiling. Understanding that her father had risen to a high position, Nitya smiled back nervously and said, "Thank you for coming. It's my first time meeting you, so I'm feeling a bit nervous."

Nina reassured her, "Oh, why be nervous with me? I'm just a simple and honest businesswoman."

Nitya then confessed, "I heard a rumor that you're a shape-shifting serpent, so I thought it might be true."

Nina chuckled, "Are you afraid of snakes?"

Nitya replied, "No, I'm just not used to seeing magical things."

Nina responded, "So, what do you think? Am I a snake or not?" With that, she turned around twice.

Nitya complimented, "You look very beautiful."

Everyone was still kneeling down.

Nina then glanced at Abhimanyu and his friends.

Sahil, softly gripping Abhimanyu's pants, whispered for him to bow down.

Abhimanyu asked, "What's wrong? Why are you pulling my pants?" He then stepped forward and greeted Nina with a handshake. "Hi, Miss Nina, I'm Abhimanyu."

Nina shook his hand and teased, "Hello, Mr. Handsome."

Abhimanyu flirted, "Have you heard of love at first sight?"

Everyone was surprised by Abhimanyu's boldness. Despite the fear everyone had of Nina, Abhimanyu was attempting to flirt with her.

Sahil commented to his friends, "He's going to get us all in trouble today."

Nina chuckled, "I've heard of it, but I believe it now."

Abhimanyu, looking into her eyes, advised her to stay in character.

Nina, understanding his intentions, remarked, "You're quite playful. I like it." With that, she shook hands with Abhimanyu's friends and exchanged a few hellos.

Addressing everyone present, Nina instructed, "You can all stand up. This is a party, no need to be afraid of me."

Everyone rose from their kneeling positions.

Observing that Nina had respectfully conversed with Nitya and then with Abhimanyu and his friends, Sunder gained some courage. He thought that perhaps Nina's status was almost equal to Kapoor's, so he extended his hand towards her and introduced himself as Sunder, Nitya's friend.

Nina gave him a death stare and reminded him that he had been kneeling just a moment ago.

Sunder replied, "Yes, out of respect for you."

Nina scolded, "And now where's your respect? By reaching out to shake my hand, you've lost the right you had the moment you knelt before me. Do you understand now?"

Kunal Desai rushed in, apologizing to Nina, saying, "Please forgive him, Miss Nina. He doesn't understand the ways of the world yet."

Ignoring both of them, Nina turned to Ravish and asked if anyone else was coming and if they were going to cut the cake.

Ravish replied, "Yes, I'll bring the cake now."

Abhimanyu volunteered, "I'll bring it," and went inside to get the cake, accompanied by his friends.

While waiting for Abhimanyu to return, Nina complimented Ridhima's beauty and suggested she become an actress.

Ridhima replied, "You're talking about yourself; you could easily be a model."

They both laughed together.

Nitya was surprised by her sister's behavior.

Ridhima said to Nina, "You're not as scary as the rumors say; in fact, you're quite nice."

Nina, smiling, said, "Are you praising me or mocking me?"

Ridhima assured her, "Of course, I'm praising you."

After Sunder's humiliation, he didn't dare to be friendly with Nina. Nina, looking at Nitya, asked if she had a boyfriend.

Nitya blushed in response.

Ridhima was surprised and teased, "Do you really have a boyfriend that you're blushing so much?"

Nitya replied, "Sister, stop teasing me."

At that moment, Abhimanyu and his friends returned with a trolley carrying a large cake, four-tiered.

Abhimanyu lit the candles, and Nitya blew them out. Everyone sang the birthday song and cheered. Nitya cut the cake and fed it first to her father, then to Ridhima, then to Abhimanyu, Nina, Priya, Ammy, Rihanna, Neha, and the rest of her friends. However, she didn't feed cake to any of her male friends because she was upset with Sahil and Sunder.

Seeing this, Abhimanyu was even more angry with Nitya. But to reassure his friends, Abhimanyu cut some pieces and fed them himself, saying, "Don't worry, I'm here for you guys."

Ammy chuckled at this.

Vayu suggested, "Bro, we can eat ourselves; you don't need to feed us. But if Ammy feeds us, it's different."

Ammy agreed, "Alright, I'll feed them, but it'll cost 500 per person."

Vayu agreed.

Hearing this, Nitya said, "I'm already feeding them, there's no need to mock me," and then she fed cake to Ammy and the others. However, she didn't feed cake to Sahil and Sunder.

Sunder's anger intensified. He had hired some goons the previous night to teach Hina a lesson, but he hadn't heard back from them yet. Abhimanyu's men had already dealt with them, and Hina was secretly being provided security because Sunder was after her.

Sunder found a packet in his pocket and thought, "This is expensive, but it should be worth it. I've heard that cocaine gives a terrible high to even a grand martial artist. I wouldn't spend so much on this usually, but I got this from Dad's antique treasure chest."

Just then, Anita approached Ravish and introduced Mr. Rajiv, the general manager of a major medicine distribution company in South Korea.

Ravish greeted Rajiv and expressed interest in his proposal, but he needed to discuss it with his boss.

Rajiv thanked him and left his card with Ravish. Nina glanced at the card and then at Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu remarked, "Looks like I'm also going to South Korea. Seems like we'll be on the same flight." He took the card, which had "Herbs" written on it in English, along with an address written in korean and phone number in Seoul, And through Saily's help he read the address which was in seol.

Rajiv asked if he understood Korean.

Abhimanyu Replied, "I don't understand much, but I can read a little."