
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Action
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110 Chs

Chapter 66: Fake boyfriend

Abhimanyu remarked, "For the first time, this guy has spoken something sensible."

Neha interjected, "But why did he kill the assistant? That's no small matter, Abhimanyu. Tell us."

Abhimanyu responded, "Perhaps he had been betrayed or felt cheated in some way. There might have been treachery involved. What should we do now? My clothes are ruined, and in this state, no taxi will stop, and no hotel will let us in."

Nitya suggested, "You can come to my house."

Abhimanyu questioned, "Will that be okay?"

Nitya reassured, "Yes, everything will be fine. Don't worry."

Sunder, feeling furious at Abhimanyu, thought to himself, "You may be leaving now, but I'll soon take revenge for this humiliation."

As they sat in the car, Nitya asked Abhimanyu, "Did you really plan something with that girl, Hina?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Sunder paid Hina 20,000 rupees to defame me so that I would lose your trust."

Nitya was astonished, "You gave her a crore?"

Abhimanyu clarified, "Consider it an investment. Either she'll turn that one crore into a hundred crore, or she'll spend it and stop these activities for a while."

Nitya exclaimed, "Still, a crore!"

Abhimanyu teased, "Do you want a crore too?"

Nitya quickly responded, "No, no, I was just thinking."

Abhimanyu joked, "So, you want that ring?"

Nitya blurted out, "No, no, that's not what I meant... I mean, I don't want that. I mean, someone else should give it to me."

Abhimanyu teased her, "I know, I was just kidding. You'll find a guy to give you that ring soon."

Nitya, approaching Abhimanyu, said, "You don't understand. I meant it for you," and kissed him before blushing and moving away.

Abhimanyu then showed Karishma's photo on his phone and said, "I respect your feelings, but I have a girlfriend."

Nitya retorted, "Girlfriend, not a wife."

Abhimanyu explained, "She'll be my future wife."

Nitya remained silent for a while and then said, "I've heard that some people have two or three marriages. Can't you marry me too?"

Abhimanyu replied, "What are you saying? First, you barely know me, and on top of that, we haven't even stayed together for long. You don't know anything about me yet."

Nitya confessed, "I don't care whether you're a goon, a thief, a bodyguard, the CM's nephew, or the grandson of a friend's grandfather. Since you left, I've felt very lonely, and I've missed you a lot. I know I can't live without you, so I'm ready to share you with someone else too. But accept me, and if you don't, I'll become a ghost haunting you."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "What's happening these days? All the girls seem to be getting overly attracted. Earlier, when I was in Bihar, many girls used to get attracted to me, to the extent that they even started a fan club for me. But now, things seem to have gone beyond that. I wonder if it's because of that elixir."

Arjun chimed in, "This elixir is also amazing, and your charm adds to it. Your personality is such that girls inevitably fall for you."

Abhimanyu replied, "But I've seen many girls who aren't attracted to me, like Neha."

Arjun explained, "Some girls only look for money and fame. If she finds out about your wealth and fame, she'll probably kick Sahil and be ready to spend just one night with you."

Abhimanyu rebuked, "Stop talking nonsense, and don't speak ill of anyone."

Arjun teased him, "You talk like an old man."

Abhimanyu chuckled, "You're even older than me here, but I always have to explain everything."

Saily remarked, "In my opinion, Abhimanyu has a very pure heart and always speaks the truth. His soul is also very pure, which is why only girls with clean hearts are attracted to him."

Arjun teased, "You could teach someone how to be sweet, Saily. I think if I weren't here, you'd strip down and sleep with Abhimanyu every day. But it's because of me that you sleep with clothes."

Saily threatened, "If you don't stop talking nonsense, I'll twist your ear."

Arjun immediately fell silent, knowing she was capable of doing so.

Abhimanyu told Nitya, "Look, you don't understand."

Nitya, in anger, said, "Fine, if you don't meet me, what will I do with my life? If you don't accept me, I'll commit suicide."

Abhimanyu slapped her cheek lightly as the driver, driving the car, overheard everything but chose to ignore it. He had known Nitya for a long time; he was a 60-year-old man who had perhaps seen Nitya since childhood. He knew she was usually very lonely. Maybe he genuinely loved Abhimanyu, and perhaps Abhimanyu wasn't such a bad person. That's why he had already informed Abhimanyu about everything.

The driver told Abhimanyu, "She's always considered herself very lonely. Her mother died when she was young, and Sir, to take care of her, kept her stepmother here. However, her stepmother only cared for Nitya when Sir was at home. After his departure, she would completely ignore Nitya. Sir was also very busy with work. Seeing this, Sir took in a girl, Nitya grew up with her, but in these two to three years, even she became busy with work, and now Nitya feels very alone."

Abhimanyu said, "She's misunderstanding things. Her sister loves her so much that she puts Nitya's desires before her own. Her father was ready to give me his property just to save Nitya. As long as these two are with you, why do you think you're alone? Do you think they'll be happy after you die? They're not doing all this hard work just to enjoy their old age; they want to keep you safe. And for some guy who came yesterday, you want to commit suicide? Shame on you."

Nitya grabbed his cheek and said, "I am sorry. I just don't want to lose you. I know what kind of person you are, and I won't find someone like you again. Please accept me and always protect me."

Abhimanyu promised, "I'll always protect you. And as for marriage, let's leave it for now. Besides, we have plenty of time."

Nitya said, "Okay, so I'm your second girlfriend now. You can keep it a secret if you want."

Abhimanyu looked at the driver and asked, "Is his mind loose?"

The driver chuckled and said, "Yes, a little."

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright just a pretending boyfriend, but no forcing with me."

Nitya giggled and said, "Thank you," before embracing Abhimanyu and tried to kiss him again.

Abhimanyu blished and stopped her and said, "Have some shame, Nitya. The driver uncle is watching."

The driver replied, "My focus is on driving, you two carry on. I won't disturb you." He then adjusted the rearview mirror, and Nitya continued tried to passionately kiss Abhimanyu, perhaps caught up in the moment but Abhimanyu stayed away from her and keep his hand on her lips.

Abhimanyu distances himself from her and says, "If you try to kiss me again, I'll break up with you."

Nitya apologizes, "Sorry, sorry. I just got a little excited. I can't believe you've actually become my boyfriend. Finally, I have a boyfriend too."

Abhimanyu tells her, "I'm going to Korea tomorrow night, and I may return after a few weeks. After that, I'll go back to Delhi for final exams."

Nitya suggests, "I could come to Korea with you."

Abhimanyu replies, "You focus on your studies. I'll call you."

Nitya asks, "By the way, would you like to tell me about your background?"

Abhimanyu declines, "No, not now. Right now, I'm just your boyfriend, nothing more."

Nitya inquires, "Okay, if Karishma is your girlfriend, then who is Ammy?"

Abhimanyu explains, "You can consider her my close friend."

Nitya is surprised, "And what do you think of her?"

Abhimanyu responds, "I consider myself responsible for her. In this world, there's no one else for her except me."

Nitya is astonished, "Really, you mean she's an orphan?"

Abhimanyu confirms, "Yes, from the outside, it looked like an orphanage."

Nitya asks, "And from the inside?"

Abhimanyu confesses, "Actually, he kidnapped those children for illegal activities, but let's leave the rest as private matters."

Nitya wonders, "But maybe the people at the orphanage know who Ammy's parents are?"

Abhimanyu clarifies, "No, long before she was kidnapped, Ammy had already been separated from her parents."

Nitya remains silent after that.

Ravish Kapoor wasn't pleased with his daughter returning home so late at night, but because it was her birthday, he allowed her to go. As the party was held at the Lion Club, which was owned by Abhimanyu, he had taken care of all the arrangements. Despite this, Ravish was still worried and pacing around, while Rishama was sitting on the couch reading a magazine featuring the world's richest youngsters, including Ridhima Sinha and Yuvaan Raijada, along with The Dominator, though there was no photo of him. Additionally, the magazine mentioned Nina Watson and Jasmine, as they both managed the Singh Empire.

Ridhima asked Ravish Kapoor why he let Nitya go if he was so worried.

Ravish Kapoor replied, "It's her birthday today. How could I not let her go? She was celebrating her birthday with her friends for the first time."

Just then, Nitya and Abhimanyu entered through the gate.

Ravish was relieved to see Nitya but concerned about the red marks on her cheeks and the bloodstains on Abhimanyu's clothes. He asked, "What happened? Nitya, what are these red marks on your cheeks? They look like someone's handprints. And why is there blood on Abhimanyu's clothes? What happened?"

Nitya quickly replied, "Nothing, Dad. There was an accident on the road."

Abhimanyu interjected, "Shukla shot the assistant manager at The Lion Club because he aimed his gun at me, and due to that, when he was shot, his blood splattered on my clothes."

Nitya knew Abhimanyu always told the truth, but one shouldn't reveal everything. She worried that he might get banned from leaving the house.

Ravish asked, "But your name wasn't mentioned in any of this?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, we all left immediately after the incident."

Ravish said, "Well, that's fine then. But how did these marks appear on her cheeks?"

Nitya changed the subject, "Are you stuck on trivial matters? It's very late; let's go to sleep."

Ravish wished her a happy birthday and handed her a packet of chocolates from his pocket.

Nitya was delighted and thanked him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Abhimanyu smiled to himself, thinking, "Is this innocent girl really getting so excited in the car?"

Arjun commented, "Bro, I think there's something weird about you. If this innocent girl can get so excited, then..."

Saily added, "It's not just her. And if Abhimanyu makes someone horny just by his looks, what's his fault? he's naturally hot."

Nitya became emotional upon receiving the locket from Ridhima, which contained a photo of her mother and her together on one side and a photo of Nitya, Ridhima, and her father on the other side. Tears welled up in her eyes as memories of her mother flooded her mind.

Abhimanyu observed Nitya's emotional outburst and thought to himself, "This girl is a rollercoaster of emotions; her feelings are always intense."

Arjun commented, "You lack emotions, that's why this seems weird to you, but for others, it's normal."

Saily said, "I think Nitya is very cute. What are you doing? Comfort her."

Ridhima quickly hugged Nitya and tried to console her, saying, "Why are you crying? I'm here with you." She wiped Nitya's tears and hugged her tightly, showing the affection of an elder sister.

After a while, Ridhima separated from Nitya and asked, "Didn't you like my gift?"

Nitya immediately put on the locket and replied, "I loved it. Thank you, Di. I just got a little emotional seeing my mom's photo."

Abhimanyu then asked, "By the way, haven't you seen Aunty lately? Is she sleeping?"

Ravish Kapoor sighed and replied, "These days, she's hardly visible at home. She goes to bars and casinos at night and comes back straight until morning. She sleeps all day; that's become her routine now. If only she hadn't signed that contract, and if I hadn't married her, things would have been better."

Abhimanyu remarked, "But how could you have known that all this would happen? At that time, you were only thinking about Nitya."

Ravish instructed Abhimanyu to change his clothes, and Nitya offered to bring him some clothes she had for him. As Nitya went to fetch the clothes, Abhimanyu headed towards his room. Everyone else went to bed soon after.

After a while, Abhimanyu was in his room, and Nitya brought him a flower-printed nightdress. He accepted it and told her to leave as he needed to change.

Nitya mischievously asked him to take off his shirt and show her his body. Abhimanyu obliged, flexing his muscles and abs, which were well-defined due to his regular exercise and martial arts training. Nitya couldn't help but feel a bit aroused, and she teasingly admired his physique before quickly leaving the room.

Abhimanyu smiled to himself and changed into the nightdress that Nitya had brought. It was a bit tight, but he managed to button it up and went to bed.

Meanwhile, at The Lion Casino, Anita Kapoor, Ravish's current wife, was playing cards with a man named Rajiv, her former boyfriend. Anita had married Ravish for money, but she still maintained her relationship with Rajiv, who had become quite wealthy himself.

Anita, still youthful and beautiful at thirty, wore a sky-blue one-piece dress that accentuated her cleavage. Despite her marriage to Ravish, Anita was still involved with Rajiv, meeting him frequently for intimate encounters.

After spending the night together at a hotel, Rajiv mentioned attending their daughter's birthday party. However, Anita expressed resentment towards her supposed daughter, claiming that Ravish and Ridhima were having an affair. She harbored deep hatred towards everyone in Ravish's household.

Rajiv suggested that Anita could join him in South Korea, where he had a successful business. However, Anita was hesitant because divorcing Ravish would mean losing her financial security. She feared that her affair with Rajiv getting exposed would ruin her marriage contract and leave her with nothing.

Rajiv proposed keeping their relationship secret and suggested Anita talk to Ravish about his business, as he had heard that the Kapoor family handled the distribution of Amritjal in Korea, which could benefit Rajiv's company.

Anita asked, "How much will I get in this?"

Rajiv replied, "I'm ready to give you my entire company for it, but just seal this deal once, and 10% of the profit will be yours."

Anita said, "Okay, let's get back to your work," and then she started kissing Rajiv again, resuming their intimacy. After a while, morning arrived.

Abhimanyu was outside at this time, going through his training routine, and Ammy had completed a month of training by now. She had been practicing the angel technique, and she was now close to Abhimanyu. He was also practicing the angel technique.

As Abhimanyu stepped out in the morning, it was around 7 o'clock. He saw that Ravish Kapoor was busy preparing for his daughter's birthday party, inviting many people.

Abhimanyu asked, "Uncle, hasn't aunty arrived yet?"

Ravish replied, "What difference does it make whether she comes or not?"

Abhimanyu said, "Uncle, on such a big matter, you should try to sort things out with aunty. I mean, you married her, so you should treat her somewhat like a wife."

Ravish replied, "Even if I did, she should treat my children like her own first."

Abhimanyu continued, "But have you heard, the first step is always taken by the lion. Who knows, she might also start treating Nitya right, and she might find a mother who she was crying for last night."

Ravish thought about Abhimanyu's words for a while and then smiled, saying, "You talk like an old man. Okay, forget about Nitya, what do you think about her?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You know many organizations have placed a bounty on me."

Ravish said, "Yes, I know you're capable enough to handle everything. After all, you managed Andrews and Justin, and even included Nina with you. I think you can easily handle any trouble."

Abhimanyu added, "You know I also have a girlfriend."

Ravish said, "What's the big deal about it? In ancient families, a man could have multiple wives. Your grandfather also had two marriages. Did his children fight among themselves? No, right? They all lived together in harmony."

Abhimanyu's grandmother was actually his grandfather's second wife, but he never differentiated between them and treated everyone equally. His rules were very strict, and he treated everyone like a soldier. It was because of these rules that his family stood tall. Lalita's father was actually from his grandfather's second marriage, but he treated everyone equally, whether it was Abhimanyu or anyone else. In fact, Abhimanyu faced ten times more strictness than his grandfather, and his family, which included some orphaned children being raised by his grandfather's old companions, lived with him. Dadaji had made it clear that whoever performed best in the military would become the new head. However, Abhimanyu's uncles had already sidestepped positions and entered politics, while Lalit's position in the military, which was next in line to become the head, still had some time to go.

Abhimanyu said, "I am not Dadaji."

Ravish replied, "Yes, your grandfather was saying that you are much better than him."

Abhimanyu said, "He must be praising me, but I can never match up to him."

Changing the subject, Ravish said, "Okay, now help me with arranging this birthday party."

Abhimanyu then took out the ring and called all his friends to the Kapoor mansion, and they started preparing for the birthday party.

Vayu said, "Brother, there's a flight at 11 o'clock at night. Will we be able to make it?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Why are you worrying? We'll leave here before 9."

The party was going to be held at the Kapoor mansion, and Abhimanyu's team was taking care of decorations, security, and everything else. Ridhima was also helping them, and Ammy was passing the time with Nitya, talking about Abhimanyu.

Ammy said, "This Abhimanyu is becoming greedier day by day. What was I lacking?"

Nitya, holding Ammy's hand, asked, "Why, didn't you like me?"

Ammy replied, "No, that's not it. But if this continues, his future wives' army might rebel."

Nitya laughed and said, "Is that even possible?"

Ammy replied, "I don't know much about him, but he's very powerful."

Nitya said, "I've never seen him fight. My dad also says he's a great fighter."

Ammy said, "It seems you don't know much about Abhimanyu."

Nitya asked, "Then tell me, what do you know? Abhimanyu told me you're from an orphanage and there's no one else in his world except him, but he never mentioned the orphanage. What happened?"

Ammy replied, "It's better if you don't know, or else you'll be very scared."

Nitya said, "I'm a few days older than you and I'm saying that I'll be scared?"

Ammy said, "You may be older than me, but we both grew up in different environments."

Nitya said, "I want to know. You're my good friend now, and besides Abhimanyu, I'm also here in your world."

Ammy said, "That orphanage was actually a training ground for killers managed by a group."

Nitya exclaimed, "Killers? Does such a thing even exist?"

Ammy said, "Yes, initially I thought that group was very powerful, but it was just a small group that started recently and wanted to become like The Grim Reaper Organization."

Nitya asked, "The Grim Reaper?"