
Young Master Ye's All-Rounder Wife

Her mind resist all kind of emotions for her childhood experiences. Happiness, sadness, pain... She felts nothing. But for some reason she felts happy for him,felts the longing for wanting to being close to him. So her brother made some arrangements to make her stay close to him and requested him to help her to get ride off this Knot of her heart. But he never cared, neglected her, did whatever he wanted to do. Repeated disappointment made her heart to close for him too, her mind started to resist emotions even more. She distanced herself from him, but still stayed by his side for a chance to repay the favour. She got the chance very soon. After replying the favour, she left decisively. By the time he sorted out his feeling for her, before he could do anything she left his world without a trace. He almost gone crazy in order to find her but still could't find her. He found her again after many years later.But her eyes lost the beautiful smile she used to have whenever she saw him. Even if he beg her for it, she doesn’t smile at him anymore. But it doesn’t matter, he will remain persistent. He will make her smile again one day. (English is not my first or second language. I have never written English like this before, so I believe there might be many mistakes. I have tried to revise and correct it multiple times. If anyone feels that this book is written poorly, please overlook it or avoid my work. Thank you.)

WinterMorningDew · สมัยใหม่
56 Chs

Chapter 7 Three cute guys

Five years later...

At the international airport, a young lady pushed luggage while holding a cute baby boy's hand in one hand and two more baby boys sitting on the luggage. 

The woman wore sunglasses and a mask, so one couldn't tell what she looked like, but it was guessed she must be very beautiful from her hands and figure.

The babies also wore masks, but their beautiful, grape-like, big, round eyes were exposed. Currently, those babies were looking around curiously, apparently searching for someone.

Huo Shenyang looked around but still couldn't find his uncle. He pouted, "Mommy, Uncle said he's already waiting for us at the airport, but why can't I find him?"

Huo QingYuan and Huo Haoran also turned to their mother, looking aggrieved. They were also searching for their uncle but still didn't find him.

Huo Yao was talking to someone when she heard her eldest son's aggrieved voice. She patted his head gently, "Your uncle can't wait outside for his profession. He is waiting in the car; let's go."

Her voice was still cold, but one could detect gentleness if heard closely.

Huo Yao turned to look at her other two sons and messed up their hair after seeing them looking at her aggrievedly for not patting their heads. Satisfied, they turned to look ahead happily.

Seeing this, Huo Yao's expressionless face showed a little helpless look. Maybe they were her flesh and blood, so her mind didn't resist her feelings for them very much.

After she left the country five years ago, she found out she was pregnant after one month. She decided to give birth.

From the first check-up, she found out she was pregnant with triplets, and her nineteen -year-old body couldn't take the pressure of carrying three babies together.

But she was unwilling to abort them; that's three lives, and most importantly, they would be someone related to her by blood. In the end, she took the risk of giving birth.

She was cautious about every move she took back then, but still, accidents happened. Her water broke only at nine months, and she ended up giving birth prematurely. Her three baby boys were now her treasures. This time, she was returning to the country again for them.

They quickly reached the airport entrance. Her elder son, Yangyang, started to call the person who had just gotten out of the car that stopped before them.

This person covered himself tightly with sunglasses, a mask, and a hat, but her sons still recognized him. The other two little ones also jumped down from their luggage and were currently running towards the man.

Seeing them running towards him, the man's eyes narrowed behind his black sunglasses from his big smile. He squatted down and spread his arms to catch the three running guys. He quickly hugged them in his arms, and kissed their cheeks with his mask, "Babies, do you guys miss me?"

The little ones nodded, kissing him back, "We missed you, Uncle."

He picked them up and stood up, "That's my treasures. Let's go; Uncle will bring you guys to see Grandma, Uncle's brother and sister. Your grandma prepared a lot of delicious food for you guys," he said, talking about his mother, brother, and sister.

These three cuties nodded their heads adorably and turned to look at their mother, "Mommy, Uncle said Grandma is expecting us at their home; let's go to Uncle's home, okay?"

Huo Yao nodded at them. Yue Chen placed the babies in the back seat of the car in the baby seat he had fixed for them before, closed the door, and turned to look at the always-silent girl.

He waited for her to finish loading the luggage, then pulled her into his arms for a tight hug, "Welcome back, Tangtang."

Huo Yao let him hug her, at a loss for words. She didn't know how to handle emotional people like him.

Before meeting Yue Chen, nobody had treated her gently, and with love. She was always faced with cold, harsh cruelty.

Yue Chen also knew that she was not someone who could express her emotions. He loosened his arm but still held her,

"Don't make plans to leave again. Here, you also have a family, you know that. Me, Yueyue, my family. Everyone loves you. Why do you always run from it? Try to accept people's love. Not everyone is bad," he said as he kissed her forehead gently, "Meimei, try to understand my words."

He let go of her but held her hand, "Let's go; everyone is waiting for you guys, especially for your three little ones. Meimei, your status is about to fall."

When he started the car, Huo Yao suddenly dropped a bomb, "When you hugged me, someone took a photo."

With this single sentence, Yue Chen's face went from sunny to gloomy. He turned to look at the ruthless girl who had ruined his mood at the perfect time and gritted his teeth, "Tangtang, why didn't you tell me before? what did I do to you to take revenge like this?"

Huo Yao shrugged, "Nothing, but suddenly I wanted to make you unhappy."

Yue Chen looked at this indifferent but vengeful girl helplessly. Who knew what revenge she was taking?