
Is there any good thing about him?


     Tada(Sofia said after opening the door of her room)wow,it looks pretty(Tiya said as they enter into the room)it is really beautiful (Tiya said as they sat down on the couch in the room)what is it you wanted to tell me?(Sofia asked)i hope that there is no problem?(sofia asked again)mmm it's nothing serious or important(Tiya said).

     Then spill it out girl(Sofia said)well(Tiya said then got up)I am going out with Justin tomorrow(Tiya said)what the hell!!?(Sofia asked with a loud voice has she jumped up from the couch)please reduce the volume of your voice(Tiya said)so are you two going out now?(Sofia asked).

       No,not at all(Tiya said then sat on the bed)really?(Sofia asked then winkled her eye)it's my treat,am just going to repay him back,for helping me out the other time(Tiya said)your treat,repay him,hmm(Sofia said then sat near Tiya)it is a way to say thank you from me to him(Tiya said)yeah it's a thank treat not a repayment treat(Tiya added).

     Hmm,if you say so(Sofia said then smiled) but if anything else happen alert me(Sofia added)definitely(Tiya replied then chuckles) that aside,how is your new madam like?(Sofia asked)Emm,it's not a madam but a young master(Tiya said)a young what?(Sofia asked) master(Tiya answered).

    Why that?(Sofia asked)that is how he said I should be addressing him as(Tiya answered) that is bullshit(Sofia said)I know (Tiya said) anyways,how is he like?(Sofia asked)hmm, wait you want to know?(Tiya asked)yes of course(Sofia answered)you sure you want to know?(Tiya asked again) am freaking sure I want to know(sofia answered)come on,speak up(sofia said).

        (Tiya got up from the bed)he is so full of himself,rude,annoying,narcissist,he hardly smile,he has this bad aura and and oh gosh, he is mm(Tiya said walking to and fro in the room)just like Alex(Sofia said)yes sis,he is a carbon copy of Alex(Tiya said after snapping her fingers)ha ha ha,you are in serious trouble (Sofia said)you have one Alex in school who is giving you a hard time and now even in your work you have a another Alex(Sofia added).

     I know(Tiya said)baby sis,please be careful (Sofia advice)sure sis,I will always be careful (Tiya said)because the Alex in school is the same one I am working for(Tiya said in her mind then smiled)that means he is good-looking too(Sofia said)not too good looking (Tiya answered then turned her face)oh stop, don't lie to me(sofia said then started tickling Tiya)ha ha ha stop!!please stop!!ha ha(Tiya screamed as she laugh).

   I won't till you tell me the truth(Sofia said as she continue tickling her)there is nothing good about him ha ha(Tiya said laughing)you are still telling a lie(sofia said)okay,okay,(Tiya said then sofia stop tickling her)is there anything good about him?(Tiya asked) are you asking me?(sofia asked as she started to tickle her again)okay,I got it(Tiya said).

He is good looking,handsome,charming (Tiya finally said then sofia stop tickling her) he has this sparkling eyes,his lips are nice,he has this beautiful hair and his face is so smooth(Tiya said picturing her young master) oh that is adorable(Sofia said with her hands on her cheek).

      What is adorable?(Tiya asked)you,talking good about your young master(Sofia answered)you said I should(Tiya said)I know but the way you just spoke about him seems like you like him(Sofia said)no way,don't just think about it(Tiya said)I won't push further because I know you won't accept(Sofia said) you are right (Tiya said then sat down).

  Did you tell mom that you are going out with someone?(Sofia asked)nope(Tiya answered)I don't want her to know about it (Tiya added)oh,I know that feeling(Sofia said then they both started laughing)it's time for us to go(Sofia said then got up)before mom and dad starts suspecting us(Tiya said) exactly(Sofia said then they left).



      (Alex and granny was sitting down on the couch in the living room,they were having popcorn)granny,can I ask you for a favour?(Alex asked his granny)sure grandson(granny replied)please don't tell Justin and Frank that Tiya is working for me(Alex said)but why is that?(granny asked)well,Tiya and I have a little issue (Alex said).

    A little?(granny asked)hmm,not that little or let me say we are not in good terms (Alex said as he took from his popcorn)so I don't want them to find out about it(Alex added)but that is the more reason you should tell them (granny said then stood up)granny!!(Alex called got up too)what?(granny asked)but wait a second,what did Tiya ever do to you?(granny asked).

  You want to know?(Alex asked)yes of course(granny answered)well....she..fell me on the floor in front of other students(Alex said walking to and fro in the living room)are you serious?(granny asked then sat down) yes granny, she even hit me or should I say push me on my chest(Alex said)what!!?(granny screamed then got up)She pushed Alex Antonion on his chest?(granny asked).

    Yes granny,that was why i punished (Alex said)oh my God,Tiya did that to you?(granny asked)THE ALEX!!!(granny screamed)yes granny(Alex answered then took from his popcorn and ate)tiya is really great and brave too,I like her(granny said then Alex almost choked)what did you say?(Alex asked after he had almost choked).

    Yes,I like her,she is the only person that has been brave  enough to push you on your chest and even talk back to you(granny explained)i saw how both of your where aguring,no one in this house apart from me of course can talk back or challenge you,but Tiya did(granny said)are you serious?(Alex asked)yes,she is amazing(granny said).

Okay granny,stop praising her(Alex said)

please granny,don't tell them(Alex pleaded)let me think about it(granny said as she place her right hand on her jaw)granny please(Alex said shaking granny's hand) okay,stop,you know am not getting younger anymore (granny said)i know,does that mean that you won't tell my friends?(Alex asked)yes,I wont (granny said then went to sit down).

Oh thanks granny(Alex thanked his granny) it's alright,but you will have to tell them yourself(granny said)no problem,but not yet (Alex said)oh granny you are the best(Alex said then sat down)alright,but what if Tiya tells her friends?(granny asked) she won't dare(Alex answered)are you sure about it?(granny asked)certainly(Alex answered).

                        FLASH BACK 

      One more thing(Alex said)what?(Tiya asked)don't tell anyone that you are working for me(Alex said)but why?(Tiya asked)is there any problem?(Tiya asked again)no,there is no problem(Alex answered)okay,I am sure Sofia will ask me who my boss is,so i will just tell her that i am working for you(Tiya said) what!?(Alex asked with a loud voice).

    Why are you shouting?(Tiya asked)you said there is no problem,so why are you shouting?(Tiya asked)are you asking me a question?(Alex asked)not I just wanted to know if there is a problem(Tiya said)Is there any problem?(Tiya asked as shwe fake a smile)you ask too much question (Alex said).

     Okay then I will just call Sofia and inform her(Tiya said as she unlock her phone)will you just stop(Alex said as he drag the phone from her hand)give me back my phone(Tiya said)no(Alex said)you can't hold my phone because it is not yours,so give it back(Tiya said as she stretch her hand)on one condition (Alex said).

     And what is that?(Tiya asked)you won't tell Sofia that you are working for me(Alex said)I will only obey your condition on one condition (Tiya said)what are you giving me a condition?(Alex asked)if you are not ready to hear my condition,you can keep my phone (Tiya said and was about to leave)okay, wait (Alex said then Tiya stopped).

     What is the condition?(Alex asked)you will have to tell me the reason you don't want me to tell Sofia that am working for you(Tiya said)what the hell?(Alex asked)do you agree or not?(Tiya asked)time is going (Tiya said) alright,I accept(Alex said)my phone(Tiya said) mmm here(Alex said as he hand over the phone to her).

     Tell me the reason(Tiya said,but Alex was quite)Am waiting(Tiya said)or do you want me to call her?(Tiya asked)the reason is that...(Alex said then stop)go on(Tiya said waving her phone)we are not in good terms in school,so when other students out that you are working for me they will think you are trying to seduce me(Alex said) what?(Tiya asked)me??seduce you?(Tiya asked).

      Yes,that is what they may think(Alex said) why can't it be you trying to seduce me?(Tiya asked)you are not that beautiful(Alex whisper to himself)I mean that you will be the talk of the school(Alex said)oh that's true(Tiya said) but we will have to tell them one day(Tiya added)of course(Alex said and was about to leave)wait,why can't it be you trying to seduce me?(Tiya asked).

                FLASH BACK ENDS

    Sorry,I wasn't suppose to say that last part (Alex said as he got up from the couch) really?(granny asked)yes(Alex answered) alright then since you have spoken to her about it then my mouth is zip(granny said) thanks granny,you are the best(Alex said after pecking granny)but wait,why can't it be you trying to seduce her?(granny asked).

   What?(Alex asked)yes,I would like to know (granny said) well,well...(Alex said then pause)the discussion is over so i will just go to my room now(Alex said then turn to leave) Alex I need you to answered (granny said)no answer granny(Alex said as he walk away) Alex,you can't hide anything from me(granny said with a smile then got up and went to her room).