
The night ended well


     You girls are back?(Mrs Johnson asked as she saw them walking toward the dinning table)Yes mom(both Tiya and Sofia both answered)so what was your discussion all about?(Mr Donald asked) dad,its girls stuffs (Sofia answered as she she draw the dinning chair out then she sat down).

        Let them be,I know they will tell when you leave(Mrs Johnson said)am sorry mom, but we wont,it's a girly stuff(Tiya said) are you trying to say that am....(Mrs Johnson tried to speak but was cut short)a woman(Sofia interrupted her)yes,so now am a woman so you can't tell me anything that is girly anymore again?(Mrs Johnson asked facing Tiya).

    Because you now have a new sister?(Mrs Johnson asked)no mom,it's not like that (Tiya answered)no problem,I will still find out about your discussion(Mrs Johnson said)and how is that going to happen mom?(Sofia asked) mother's secret or should I say women's secrets(Mrs Johnson said then smile).

  Really?(Sofia asked then place her hand on her jaw trying to think about the secret) don't bother to think about it,that is  mothers for you(Mr Donald who was quite said)you are right,it is motherly stuff(Mrs Johnson said)ha ha ha nice one(Mr donald said after laughing) it was really nice, motherly stuff(Tiya said with a smile).

     Are you two ganging up against me Tiya?(Sofia asked)nooo(Mr Donald answered)how can we gang up against?(Mrs Johnson asked)we can only do so if you were the one that started it first(Mrs Johnson said)mom!!(Tiya and Sofia both exclaimed)it's alright(Mr donald said)i was just joking,just take a look at their faces (Mrs Johnson said turning sofia's face from one side to another).

      Ha ha ha(they all started laughing)my face is okay(Sofia said)are you sure?(Mrs Johnson asked smiling)mom!!(Sofia exclaimed)your face is alright,we can have this discussion after desert(Tiya said)I almost forgot about desert(Sofia said)then what are we waiting for,let's have desert(Mr Donald said as he claps his hands together).

    (Then the cook and two other maid came holding two trays each,they placed the trays on the dinning table,the cook removed all the plates on the trays then she started to open them one after the other) desert is ready(the cook said after she had opened all the plates) this is mint chocolate cookies,creamy butter cake,cup browny, tater tots,Apple juice and chocolate milk(the cook said pointing to them).

      It looks yummy(Sofia and Tiya both said) yes,go on take a bite(Mr Donald said to Mrs Johnson)okay(Mrs Johnson said wearing a smile,then she took a spoon of cup browny) hmm,it's really yummy,crush and soft(Mrs Johnson said)let's dig in then!(Sofia shouted) sure(Mr Donald said then they all started eating,they started talking as they were eating,after they were done eating they went to the living room,the plasma was switch on and they were all seated).


                30 MINUTES LATER 

     This movie is hilarious(Tiya said)you can say that again(Sofia said)what do you think will happen next?(Mrs Johnson asked)Mike will fall off the cliff(Mr Donald said)oh dad!!!!(Sofia and Tiya both shouted)why did you spoilt the move for us?(Sofia asked)am sorry (Mr Donald apologize)me too(Mrs Johnson said)it's alright,I already know the ending (Sofia said).

       Thanks for the dinner, we really enjoyed it(Mrs Johnson said)it was nothing mom (Sofia said)we better get going(Mrs Johnson said as she got up)you are right,it's already late(Mr Donald said as he got up too)let's go,we will escort you out(Mr Donald added, then they walked out including Sofia and Tiya).

     Are you free tomorrow?(Mr Donald asked after they had gotten out of the house)are you free tomorrow?(Mr Donald asked)well,I am(Mrs Johnson replied)that's great,i will come pick you up by 3pm tomorrow(Mr Donald said)wow!!!amazing(Tiya and sofia both shouted out as they clap their hands together).

     Nice one(sofia said then Mr Donald and Mrs Johnson started laughing)that's enough now,time to go(Tiya said then gave sofia a peck on her cheek)bye dad(Tiya said to Mr Donald)bye dear(Mr Donald said as he peck Tiya on her forehead)goodnight mom(sofia said hugging Mrs Johnson) same dear(Mrs Johnson said).

     (After breaking the hug,they all went to the limousine,Mr Donald opened the door for Mrs Johnson then she entered before Tiya)bye baby sis,bye mom(sofia said waving her hand)bye big sis,bye dad(Tiya said)bye dear (Mrs Johnson said then the driver drove away).

  (The driver dropped them at the front gate of their house,it was around 10pm)bye madam,bye miss Tiya(the man who was putting on a black suit said after he had opened the door for them)bye,goodnight (Mrs Johnson said after getting down from the limousine the man who was putting on a black suit entered into the limousine then the driver drove away).

    (Mrs Johnson opened the gate and they went into the compound,they walk to the door and she opened it and they went into the house)I am really tired(Tiya said)me too(Mrs Johnson said yawning) goodnight mom(Tiya said as she went upstairs)me too(Mrs Johnson said as she climb the upstair,they both went to their room and they slept).


            THE NEXT DAY(in Tiya's room)

     (The time was already after 10am and Tiya was still sleeping then her phone rang but she didn't get up,it rang again then Tiya opened her eyes and yawned,she turned to collect her phone that was on the reading table,she look at the number and it was an unknown number).

      Who could this be?(Tiya asked herself then she answered the call)hello,good morning l(Tiya greeted)good morning Tiya (the caller replied)please can I know who is speaking?(Tiya asked)it's Justin(Justin who was the caller answered)Justin?(Tiya asked as she jump up from the bed)Yes it's me (Justin replied).

      How was your night?(Justin asked)it was good(Tiya replied)it seems you are just waking up from sleep(Justin said)yes,your call woke me up(Tiya said)How did you know?(Tiya asked)through your voice (Justin said)okay(Tiya said)I called to remain you about our outting(Justin said) hope you didnt forget about it?(Justin asked).

   Not at all,I remember vividly(Tiya answered) okay,that's good(Justin said)so I will see you at the park by 1pm(Justin said) yes(Tiya said) alright,see you later(Justin said)okay bye (Tiya said then they ended the call)oh gosh!!(Tiya screamed when she saw the time on the phone of her screen,she rushed into the bathroom).

   (She brush her teeth,took her bath then came out of the bathroom,she went to her wardrobe,she opened it and took a gown, she wore it and she went downstairs)good morning mom(Tiya greeted)good morning dear(Mrs Johnson said)hope you slept well?(Mrs Johnson asked)I did mom,I over slept (Tiya answered).

     Thats good(Mrs Johnson said)but mom why didn't come to wake me up?(Tiya asked)I was about to come wake you up (Mrs Johnson replied)okay(Tiya said)let's go and eat(Mrs Johnson said then they both went to the dinning room)mom(Tiya said to get her mom's attention)Yes dear (Mrs Johnson answered as she sat down).

       I am going somewhere today(Tiya said then sat down)are you going to visit sofia?(Mrs Johnson asked)no(Tiya said)if you are not going to visit sofia then where are you going to?(Mrs Johnson asked,Tiya was slient for some second)I want to return a comic book a classmate gave to me(Tiya replied).

    Then maybe visit the park(Tiya added) really?(Mrs Johnson asked)yes(Tiya answered)are you going to the park alone?(Mrs Johnson asked)hmm...why are you asking?(Tiya asked)nothing,I just want to know(Mrs Johnson said then winkle her eyes)mom!!....(Tiya stressed)alright,I won't ask again(Mrs Johnson said).

   Thanks mom(Tiya said then started eating, they were having cornflakes with milk)mom, am done(Tiya said after eating,she got up and took her plate to the kitchen,she wash the plate,after she was done washing the plate she went to the fridge and collected a pack of honeycomb, then she came out of the kitchen).

      I will be in my room now(Tiya said to her mom)alright(Mrs Johnson said then Tiya started climbing the stairs)what time are you going to leave?(Mrs Johnson asked) hmm 12:30pm(Tiya answered)okay(Mrs Johnson said as she went to the kitchen then Tiya went to her room).