

Have you ever fallen in love? How does it feel? Is it as magical as people say? Well, I wanna know.... It's not that I haven't fallen in love. I have fell in love too. But it's a little bit different. I fell in love with a dream, to be exact with the person from the dream. And since then, everyday I've desperately waited for that dream to come true. Seven years.... I waited for seven years until that dream became my reality, until I saw him.... The man from my dream standing infront me. That day even the reality felt like a dream to me.

Blue_Ocean_4710 · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs


"Who was who?"

"The person who just called", I replied .

"Oh, that's my best friend", she said with a smile.


"No, not Alexia.... She's called Harisa", she replied.

"Oh, what did you talk about? I mean, you look blissed", I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing, she just agreed to attend the wedding. She's coming with my family", she said giving a soft genuine smile.

"Isn't that obvious? I mean she's your best friend so...." I narrowed my eyes.

"Raidan, do you want to know about me and her?" she asked as she took a seat on the edge of the bed.

The fact that she asked me, means she wants to tell me about them. And even though I don't have time but I should listen lest she feels hurt. Also, by knowing this, I'll able to know a little more about her. So, I guess I can listen, later I'll squeeze in time.

"Sure", I replied looking at her face, trying to make eye contact. But then she stood and sauntered over to the window to look outside. While looking outside, she began to tell me about her best friend,

"Her name is Afyan Harisa. I still remember the first day when I had seen her, it was 2012, she was playing house, with my cousin sister, and me and my friend Sam were being tutored by my auntie... At one time we made mistakes and my auntie explained the problem to us but we didn't understand, so my auntie told Harisa to tell us what she was teaching. She fluently repeated everything she said", she smiled to herself.

"I was jealous of her, both me and Sam. I wished that I'll never see her again during our tutoring time. But I still saw her once or twice, but briefly. She was actually a tenant of my auntie. Few months later she was admitted into my school. I still didn't like her, but that's all, no hard feelings. At the beginning of the year we didn't talk that much. You know, she used to write poems but we thought she was lying. Until oneday, when I saw her writing poem infront of me. I guess that's where it began, I started admiring her. You know, she had things I never had, she had dreams, she had ambitions, she knew what she was doing, she loved reading, she was really focused in everything, she loved her mom...." she took a deep breath.

"I still hate myself for how I treated my mom around that time. But I was young, I just did what I saw my friends doing. She taught me how to love my mom, how to love my family and how to be proud of everything that we have, I used to be embarrassed before, you know", She took a deep breath.

Did a tear rolled down her face? I don't know, I wouldn't know, she isn't letting me see, she is hiding her face behind the curtain.

"In the middle of 2013 we became friends, just friends. You know, one of the friends whom you would invite in your birthday party. In 2014, our high school started, all our friends were in different schools, only me and her were in the same school. She was the first girl, I was third. And our high school is where our journey of being best friends began. In high school we only knew each other, and that was enough, we didn't know anyone else, until our seventh grade. We would sit at the same bench, we would share our tiffin and we would visit each other homes, after school we would go home together sometimes. And so we grew closer. In the seventh grade, she still was the first girl and I was the second. Ask me if I was jealous of her? No, I wasn't, because I knew that she deserves it, in fact she deserves everything great, because she's such a good... perfect girl", a chuckle left her mouth.

"In seventh grade our two friends transfered to our school. At first everything was going good... But then during half yearly exam.... Things changed... We spilt".

This got me curious, I realized that I was actually into her story. Maybe because it's hers.

"Who?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Our new comer friends and we. They were a group, we were a group. You know we both shared everything, lessons, and during our national anthem time we would sing our favourite songs, during exam we would spilt the syllabus into half, she would read half, I would read half. Because of her, I never felt the necessity of having other friend. In 2016 she changed school because someone was getting on her nerves and making her mentally stressed. Then, there I was, all alone at school. We would meet after school, for tuition. We would even hang out sometimes. Then gradually time changed and we were already in our college. We were supposed to go to the same college but God had different plans for us. We weren't together anymore because our colleges were different and none of our teachers were same. We would just meet sometimes, she would visit me and I would visit her. But then, she started to distance herself. At first I thought it was normal but then she wouldn't answer my calls anymore. And we were out of touch, for more than a year. Everytime I called her auntie would answer only to tell me that she isn't available. I would text her but she wouldn't reply. One time she said, she needs time to get her life back on track. Told me to wait, that one-day we'll be like before. I kept on waiting. Finally that one day came... Things were getting better, but then again something happened, I don't exactly remember..... But we fixed it. Now, we are still best friends. You know she's the only best friend I've had so far.... I'm grateful to her for so many things, angry with her for a few things but mostly I love her so much.... So, none of those things really mattered. I'm just glad that I have her", she ended taking a deep breath.

"Can I ask you why she pushed you away?" I was concerned.

"Because I always said that I don't believe in friendship and also because I didn't express my feelings that well with her . But you, even though I said it, I always knew that she's the only true friend I'll ever have", she finally turned to look at me, a smile has filled her face.

"Seems like you love her a lot", I asked her looking at her eyes.

"Yeah, I do. She's as important to me as M is to you", she sat back down on the bed.

"How can you compare them? M is my brother", I retorted.

"She's also my sister, just from different mother. You know my mom often said that, if Mason was older, she would definitely marry Harisa with Mason", she laughed.

I just stared at her. This is maybe the first time she's opened up about herself. Maybe a little but still I'm just glad that she choosed to trust me with it.

"Do I need to be jealous?" I asked as this thought suddenly came into my mind.

"Do you want to be jealous?" she questioned back instead of answering.

"It's a simple question, is it so hard to answer?" I frowned.

She didn't reply, she just shrugged.

"What do you mean by this? I just want to know if she'll get more priority in the future or I will", I felt like a baby as I complained.

Once again she didn't reply and just shrugged.

"Lam, always remember that, her and the other friends that you have, they are just a part of your life. But I'm your whole life", I said being serious cause I didn't like it how her friend could influence her mood and how she couldn't answer my simple question. But she took it as a joke..

"Sweet talks!!" she said with a smirk and walked her way up the stairs.