

Have you ever fallen in love? How does it feel? Is it as magical as people say? Well, I wanna know.... It's not that I haven't fallen in love. I have fell in love too. But it's a little bit different. I fell in love with a dream, to be exact with the person from the dream. And since then, everyday I've desperately waited for that dream to come true. Seven years.... I waited for seven years until that dream became my reality, until I saw him.... The man from my dream standing infront me. That day even the reality felt like a dream to me.

Blue_Ocean_4710 · Fantasy
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58 Chs


This time I went back to the company for a very special reason, Lucy wishes to retire. She's one of the founding members of the company. And she's one of our best employees, so of course I don't want to let her go. And this time I went back to discuss this with her, trying to delay this thing. But she didn't budge... She said she's been working for all her life but now she wishes to retire and take time to roam around the world before her 100th years birthday . I couldn't possibly say anything to that so I just told her to wait until my wedding is done.... And we could talk about it after that. She didn't have another option but to agree.

There is one more thing I did but it's a secret.

Lam fell asleep right after our flight took off. She slept the whole way, and woke up briefly when we walked to our car. After that she fell asleep again. When we reached home I carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed very gently so that she doesn't wake up. She needs to freshen up but I didn't have the heart to wake her up after seeing how peacefully she was sleeping.

Well I had people reinstall all the electric devices around the house. Because I don't want to make the same mistake again but it's hard to not do so if I sleep next to her again tonight. So, I had to do it. I let her sleep in my bedroom and I, myself, slept in the guest room.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, being surprised at seeing her staring at me while l was sleeping, kneeling next to my bedside.

"Nothing, just... Why are you sleeping here?" she asked me trying to hide her blush with her hands that she got because of getting caught off-guard.

"Oh, last night you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, that's why I slept here", I wiped the sleep off my eyes.

She gave a halfhearted pout. And started to walk away but I stopped her by asking the question again.

"You are such a snob... This is my second time here today, first time I came to look for you because I got scared when I didn't find you on the bed beside me after I woke up. And this is the second time... I've come to call you to eat. I've made breakfast", she said with a frown and then a smile.

"Sounds delicious... I'll join you after I freshen up", I said to her as I gently pushed her out of the room.

"Raidan, don't we feel like newlyweds?" she suddenly asked in between our breakfast.

I almost choked on my sandwich hearing her. I mean she has got a wide range of imagination. It's really hard to imagine what goes on inside her head.

"Do we?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

"Don't we?" she asked with a pout.

"Maybe, we do!!!" I didn't want her to be upset.

"Or at least we will, after 9 days... This is how life will be after that", I added to sound more real.

"Lam, I've ordered a nightgown for you", I yelled across the room.

"A night gown? Why?" she came out of the room and leaned against the door frame.

"There will be an after party, after the seminar", I was finally done with the dishes so I washed my hands and dried them using the kitchen towel.

"I won't attend the seminar. So, I don't think I'll need it".

"Why won't you attend the seminar?"

"I don't need to. On top of that, I'm tired after yesterday, so, I'll just sleep in".

This can't be happening. I need Lam to attend this seminar otherwise my plan won't work. I don't know how but I'll have to make her go.

"You have to go", I ended up saying.

"My brother wants to meet you", I added to make it sound more realistic.

"Brother? You have more brothers?" she frowned.

"Elder brother, yeah".

"Ok, where is the dress? Do I need to try it?" she asked.

"I don't think so, I remember your size", as soon as I said it, I, myself felt like a pervert. She also looked at me... Almost without breathing.

"Lam, breath", finally she let out a breath. And the next moment she ran off to the bedroom.

I also went inside the bedroom but a while later. I saw her writing something in her laptop. Her iPad is resting below her phone. She closed the laptop as soon as she saw me and put it below her iPad. Both of us are too embarrassed to say anything. I mean why did I even had to say that? But I actually remember her size because I had noticed when she was buying her clothes the other day. I didn't mean it any other way. But there is no point in explaining.

I took my laptop after a few moments of staring at her in silence and opened up the file for today's seminar. It had all the details related to this seminar. Just in a minute I got too immersed in it that I had almost forgotten that she was present in there.

"Raidan, I'm curious about something", suddenly her voice filled the room. I was startled but then I looked at her.

"What?" I asked making eye contact.

"Upstairs", she said with excitement.

"Go and check it out then", I told her as I looked back at the screen of my laptop.

"What about the questions afterward?" she pouted. I've seen this pout for so many times in the past few days while I didn't know that she could pout for the last six months.

"Ask me", I said staring at her, intensely.

"Ok", she smiled and walked away.

She was heading upstairs but at that moment she got a call in messenger and it felt like she got anxious when she saw the contact name. She secluded to answer the call. When she came back after a while, she looked bliss. And her expressions made me tensed, made me wonder about who is this person that can influence her moods like this only through a phone call. She was heading for upstairs again but then I stopped her, because I'm curious about this person.

"Lam.... Who was that?" I asked being a little alarmed.

"Who was who?"

"The person who just called", I replied .