
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Ch-18 Abyss Exploration (2)!

"Oye oye wake up you damn lazy pig you have already slept for 12 hours straight ain't you tired of sleeping. I know I was the one who told you to sleep but it's too much now. " A-16 was shouting while I was having a good night sleep.

"Hai Hai I have already woken up mam . Please stop shouting . " I said in half sleep state .

Hmm it's time to move huh ! Oh! god I never believed in you but protect me this time I will start worshiping you . Think about it. It's a good offer you will get a loyal worshiper . I thought .

"May God of misfortune smiles on you " A-16 said after reading my thoughts in a straight tone.

My lips started to Twitch unconsciously . "Mam please don't jinx when it's a matter of my life ." After waking up I stood up started streching and warm-up . After streching I asked A-16 when should we move out .

"Let's move out now . Go and start digging a tunnel to move out that tunnel that was blocked by the fire ball of those Wolf's ." A-16 said to me .

I moved towards the blocked tunnel and used Mana Manipulation and covered my hand with mana to increase the speed and lesser the efforts of digging after 5 min I was successful out .

It was still dark outside only a little lights from the small luminous stones can help me see the surrounding it took my eyes a minute adjust to light after I was able to to see clearly I took a rock big enough to block the entrance of the safe zone so that no monster will come inside .

"Mam what should I do now " I asked to A-16. And used water armour. My body was enveloped into water that came out of no where and turned into a light Armour made of water looked exactly like an aurmor made up of iron. Right now the durability of water aurmor is 3200 hp after 3x affinity and skill levels have increased but I pumped 500 mana instead of 100 so now it's durability is 16000 hp . Right now the durability of the aurmor is more than my Max hp .

"Hmm say map and you will be able to see everything around you in 5 meter radius and I will detect all the type of monster but to see road on map you have to discover it your self okay." She said to me .

I nodded and said "Map" A blue translucent map came in front of me I was only able to see a small area but the area which haven't discovered was black but there were many dots of different colors moving namely yellow , orange , red, purple and white.

"Mam what are these dots" I asked to A-16

"These dots shows where the enemies are Purple and white coloured dots are the strongest enemies on this floor if you came in their territory you won't even know how you died. Red ones are as strong as those Wolf's that you faught no ran away on first day when you came to this world , orange are not as strong as those Wolf's but they are still at level 190 or above okay" Said A-16 and waited for few seconds for me to digest all the knowledge then added "Yellow ones are of level 140 or above they are the ones we are going to fight today they are twice as power full as you but your magic attacks are strong because of affinity mana fruit so these should be easy for you but you should pray that you will find a small group otherwise you will . I will tell you the direction to reach them.Lets go move straight ." She said.

"Yes mam" I said and started walking toward the pointed direction.

"Turn left from here and stick close to the wall " she said .

I nodded and kept on walking after following the directions she told for an hour we reached our destination.

On the next turn there will be the the beast that I have to fight I thought took the next turn .

After looking at the monsters I thought I was lucky that there was only one monster in front of me but after seeing the appearance and the level of the beast in front I was shocked . My eyes were widened in the shock and was threatening to fall out of the socket and my mouth was also wide opened and was nearly touching the floor .

The beast I saw was ...