
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch-19 Rimuru ??

The beast I saw was translucent blue its shape was spherical Its level was 160 more then 2 times my level it's was the damn R*muru Tempe*st a slime !!!!! Da fuk it really is slime how the fuk is it even alive at at this level shouldn't slime be a starting and weakest monster and how the fuk is its level is 160 how the hell did it reach this level .

"Mam its level really is 160 or are you playing tricks with me " I asked her about how the fuk is its level is 160

"Its rea...!!!" She was going to say something but her words were cut in the middle because that damn rimuru attacked me with its body . I was in a state of panic when I saw it attacking me but then my passive skill dodge came to work and I dodged it's attack perfectly but it didn't stopped it's attack and and used water magic that was similar to the hydro pump of the Pokem*n but again my dodge came to my help and I successfully dodged it . But this damn slime didn't even wait for a second and again attacked me with its body attack like a big basket ball came straight to me this time dodge allow me to evade it's attack and the slime landed perfectly on my chest and my water aurmor was broken by it's one attack the water aurmor which had the durability of 16,000 hp was broken and I took hundred damage on my hp my left hp is 10,900. All these attacks happened in span of 2 seconds I didn't even got the chance to do anything . After my aurmor was broken I came out of my panicked state and understand how dangerous it is if one more hits me I will die for sure .

I created Air dome around me and used 1000 mana to create this dome the durability of this dome is right now is 63,000 hp and then I used Earth spears while putting 1000 mana instead of default 20 it took me a second to cast this magic and in this single second the durability of my air dome has been decreased to only 5000 hp . That damn slime was very active in attacking me tha fuk now that I looked at it closely it doesn't even have eye like rim*ru but it is still able to attack me perfectly . Whatever "EARTH SPEAR" I shauted and launched the the spear at the slime the spear hitted the slime but the damn slime is still alive Wtf that earth spear had the power damage of 60,000 at minimum how the fuck are you still alive rimur* . I cursed the slime after it didn't die from my single most powerfull magi attack I can't add more than 1000 in single attack because my level is so low and my will not be take the troll and I will become paralyse for 2 days and if I got paralyse in the middle abyss floor then nothing other than death awaits. Slime was stunned for a second after my attack hitted it I again used water aurmor using 500 mana and created a distance between us . It feels like I am playing Pokem*n firered that turn based game . Slime again used that hydro pump but my dodge kicked in and I was able to dodge that attack of the slime I cannot use that earth spear using 1000 mana anymore it took too much troll on my body right now even moving is very hard this time I started using using earth spear with only putting 100 mana in each and on the 5 spear I added explosion using 300 mana and this spear hitted the slime fair and square on its head (I don't know if that really was the head because it's whole body was a translucent Ball ) but befor it hitted that slime head that damn slime used hydro pump and it also hitted me fair and square on my stomach . Slime died from the explosion and that hydro pump broke my aurmor and took 8000 hp of my hp and I started coughing blood and I think some of my bones were broken but at last I won ! Like waiting for me to think I won many notifications started ringing in head they were ....

Every one this week I am going to release 2 ch a day and if you want me to realease 2 ch a day even after this day then please review my novel

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