
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · แฟนตาซี
44 Chs

Ch-17 Abyss Exploration!!

Hm! hmm! I nodded after checking my status once more . Everything is done ."Mam what should I do now may I now start the power stone trail ? I think I am ready now . What do you think mam " I asked to A-16 with a wide smile because I was very satisfied with my current status.

"ha ! you think you are ready ? what a joke . Once you enter the trail you won't even know how you died . You never even killed a pig in this world. How do you think your reflexes will keep up with your brain ."A-16 said in disdain .From her tone it felt like if she was a human she would have already spat on my face more than hundred times in this short conversation .

"Mam ,Then what should I do I can't eat next fruit there's still some days before the effect of third fruit ends ?" I said to A-16 with a very sulking expression . 'I can't become stronger without these fruits and if I ate another fruit before the effect of previous fruit ends I will explode .' I thought.

"Yep you will explode for sure ." A-16 said after reading my thoughts and added " Lets go for Abyss exploration tour . At wrost you will just die again it shouldn't matter to you . You have already died once . Right ?" A-16 said with righteous tone .

After hearing A-16 a sudden chill ran down my spine after imagining wolfs eating me alive . "Mam , how can you even think something like this about your disciple ? and at what why are saying this I such righteous tone" I said with a voice filled with injustice .

"Hmm ? You are not my disciple ok . I told you to call me mam as a figure of speech ok and I am not gonna let you die that easily let's go for exploration I will help you so that you will ignore the stronger enemy territory and their detection and I will help search for the most weakest enemy in this floor so that you will get battle experience and and your class and you yourself will level up. We will be killing 3 birds with a single stone . Is that okay now ? " A-16 said .

"Mam I knew it you are best I never doubted you " I said in sweet buttering tone that will make all the scammer in the world kneel toward me in admiration . " Mam when will we start our exploration ? " I added and asked A-16.

"Hmm.... You should rest for today we will move out tomorrow "She said because I just finished my every day exercise and and magic I was pretty much drained today so I nodded to her suggestion . "You should also think about how much experience will go to which class ." she added .

"Exp allocation ?" I asked in confusion .

"Yep class experience allocation ." she said "Like previously told you once you kill a beast you and your class both will get same exp but now that you have three class you will have make a decision of how much exp will go to which class right now by default all the experience will go to your permanent class which is basic Elementalist . " she said .

"I don't understand ." I said and shooked my head .

"huh ! you fool you don't even understand something this simple as expected from someone who had 3 wisdom . Now listen carefully you idiot I will tell you with an example let's say you killed a pig and got 100 exp points now this experience will go to your level and class both okay both of them will get 100 experience points but now that you have three classes you can either level up only one class or give all of them a equal share it upon you to decide on which class you want give how much experience . Do you understand now.

"Yes mam ! Mam please allocate 1st and 2nd class 30 percent exp each and the left 40 percent to magic Swordman . "I said to her after thinking for while .

"Ok very well after upgrading class you will earn class points and you attacks of the class will get stronger and new skill will be available for you be worth in the skill tree of the respective class " she said and added " Now you should go sleep to tommorow is going to be a little chaotic"

"Ok " I said and went to sleep . I knew when tommorow I will have to put myself in danger