
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch - 16 New Skills (2)!!

The skills in the magic Swordman skill tree were all good but the skills in it were all worth at least 5 Class points not even a single skill in it were worth 1 or 2 skill points . There were two skill that caught my eye first was Air Dissection and other was overwhelming Strike

------------Air Dissection(locked)(worth 5 class points)-------------

• Your sword swing creates an Air wave mixed with mana that damages the enemy in an area.

• Is an AOE skill

• Damage - 0 to 1000

• Cast time - 0.1sec

• Cooldown - non

• Mana - 20

------------ Overwhelming Strike(locked)(worth 10 class points)-

• Your next sword attack deal the damage of Intelligence times the Strength.

• Can only be used once a day.

• Debuff all stat by 10 percent for minutes and You will be stunned for 2 sec .

It took me atleast half an hour to decide which skill should I unlock and after an hour I came to decision to unlock Overwhelming Strike . I unlocked Overwhelming Strike because it give me the power to one strike kill any one even if they are 60 levels above me I think but atleast now that I have a ace up sleeves I will be able to protect myself now .

After I was done with choosing my skills A-16 told me to increase my profency of the skills this month A-16 told me that increasing skill Lvl will increase their powers and lower the casting time and any Debuff . Because this safe zone is rich in mana I will never run out of mana and to increase the Lvl of the skill I just have to keep using them . The more I use them the more they will Lvl up . So after this I started using all of them I activated and deactivated air dome armour while shooting fire ball , water ball , stone bullet and all other skills for a month . After a month all these skill Lvl up many times and grew stronger I again ate 1 more mana fruit and this time my Lvl increased by 40 right now my Lvl is 70 and am more energetic then ever.

I almost forgot that mana fruits increases magic power and defence I have eaten three of them and right now my mana attack and defence are 3 times stronger then the normal of the same level . Right now the level of my explosion skill is 19 but the damage it deals is of a explosion of Lvl 52 . These fruits are so damn op . They are even better than the Devil's fruit of one pea*e but still palled in the comparison of the chakra fruit of na*uto

In this one month I asked A-16 of how this stone of power works ?

She told me that stone of power takes you to another world. near a settlement of monster where a peice of power of stone is to come back to this world you have to touch that peice of stone which is the treasure of that settlement after completing a trail you can get a legendary class , legendary weapon or a legendary skill . Any of these skills, weapon, or class are enough for one to destroy a country. The rewards in the stone of power are even better than clearing any dungeon.

at the end of 2 month in dungeon in the floor 11 of Abyss my status was


Name -Arindam

Race - half demon-half elf

level - 70

HP - 11,000 / 11,000

exp - 30,000/100,000

mana -10,000/10,000

Title - non

Class 1 - Basic Elementalist

Class 2 - Basic Swordmanship

Class 3 - Phantom Magic Swordmam

Strength - 83+

Stamina - 72+

Agility - 70+

Dexterity - 55+

Toughness or endurance -56+

Vitality - 39+

Recovery - 55+

Intelligence - 70+

Wisdom - 25+

Will - 24+

Luck - Max

stat points - 0

Mage realm \ Mana core - Silver

Cultivation realm - Body tempering ( tier 1 primary stage)

Active Skill - Fire ball Lvl-7 , Water ball Lvl-6,Air Blade lvl-7 , Stone bullet lvl-9 , Earth wall Lvl-8 , Air dome lvl - 10 , Water Armour Lvl-12 , Explosion Lvl 19 , Mana Manipulation Lvl 15, Earth spear Lvl-20 , Concentrated Strike Lvl- 5 and Overwhelming Strike Lvl-3

passive skill - parry Lvl-1 and dodge Lvl-1

Affinity - All 3x (All magic power attack increased by 3and increased magic defence by 3 )

Body and Mind Condition - top-notch


My mana recovery rate is 55 mana per second (55/s)