
you are (i am) hero

A story that will get more and more fantastical as it goes from gang wars to fighting aztec gods ,written by a lazy author!

dakumasuta · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

you are (i am) a hero

you are (I am) a hero

First chapter:

We zoom in to the main cast ,purple hair man ,pink haired man ,green haired girl and black haired girl ,all around 16-17 (10th-11th grade) they are all getting ready for school ,leave their house ,the morning is cold ,its February and the wind is sharp and cold ,snow hasn't set itself upon the ground nor does it seem it will this winter ,they each take their steps and enter the school ,a run out 20 year old bus with a bus driver even older ,ahh the bus driver ,an obnoxious dinosaur that not even the teachers don't like.

The students are quite restful ,but its not that bad just chattering and watching stuff on their phones ,the driver is though quite the hot headed ,you know ,at that old age you no longer have patience ,snap faster at people who don't really deserve it and with a hoarse deep voice he yells ''SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU NASTY LITTLE SHITS ,ONE DAY ,I CANT HAVE ONE DAY OF PEACE ,FOR FUCKS SAKE'' 

Well the situation is quite awkward ,you've probably been though that kind of situation before ,maybe when that one nice teachers finally yells at you ,that kind of awkwardness ,anyway those type of people should not be around children ,children will always act like that ,what do you expect ,but schools don't really care.

They get to school after a long awkward drive and they immediately start badmouthing the awful bus driver and among the many bad mouths you hear 

''I wish he was dead'' 


~an hour goes by~


The first class has finished ,math ,I never liked math ,why do you need to learn so many useless things ,what do they think every student is gonna go and become a physicist.

Average school bathroom moment: we see Rams ,ah that is the pink haired boy ,kissing passionately another man ,I feel sorry for whoever was in the bathroom stall before they entered .The green haired girl ,Amanda is going around parading her ass like she's a model or something (she is not ,this is not a webtoon).Meanwhile Asmond the town sheriff's son is fighting a guy ,that's quite common as people start talking shit about his sister who is known for ,you know ,going around. Mara the last teenager is lecturing the boys for peeking into girls changing room 


~two hours go by~


The door opens violently making Asmond jump like a frog ,everyone's a little agitated about by the one who came in so furiously ,Rams ,who with an angry voice goes straight for Asmond who is clearly confused and nervous ''ASMOND!WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO !'' Asmond even more confused talks back ''the hell did I do????'' ''people are going around talking about me ,something only you know about me'' it seems the whole school has started to talk about the now not so secret secret that Rams is gay ,that in of itself would not be that bad ,Rams couldn't care less about what they think ,BUT if word gets to his father ,Rams ,is dead ''yo ,I didn't say none ,I ain't no snitch '' 

~three hours go by~


''I gotta find out who''

Who is an interesting question ,who would have done this perhaps a friend ? a betrayal never comes from your enemies after all. And as such six hours have passed and school is over ,they each go at the school bus station ,and they wait ,and wait ,and wait ,the bus is not coming ''fuck man ,I'm calling someone to come pick me up ,Amanda ,wanna come?'' Rams yells ''hell yeah free ride'' Amanda yells back ''godamnit its to damn cold for this shit''Asmond sighs as he starts walking in his house's direction 

~and a day has gone by and the bus had never come~

As they stand in the bus station Asmond asks with a morning voice ''oh my god ,are we gonna have to walk again?'' and just like Asmond says they end up walking to school where there is no bus in sight just police cars ,it seems ,that the bus driver ,has been murdered. Mara goes straight to the principals office where the town sheriff is ,as the school committee president she demands an explanation 

''you see Mara ,our …dear bus driver ,has been cold bloodedly killed in yesterday somewhere between 10 am and 13 pm''

The principal explains to Mara while the sheriff gives a weird look to him ''that's not the kind of information you should give around'' ''AH ,well you see'' the principal tries to explain ''yeah I don't care''


~another hour goes by~


The principal activates the school microphones ''we are very sorry to announce that a very dear and long time working member of our school ,bus driver Jarvis ,has been murdered yesterday''