
Chapter Four

The next morning when I woke up, I quickly went into my cabinet and grabbed a sports bra and running shorts. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed. I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail, applied my de-o, and then brushed my teeth. I quickly walked back into the room, grabbed my socks and running shoes and put them on. I attached my FitBit to my wrist and checked the time.

Six a.m., just in time.

I grabbed a small old lanyard out of my school bag and put my dorm key on it, that way I would always have it with me. I went over to the door, looking behind me to make sure everything was in order before I left. I took the elevator down to the main lobby, eventually making my way outside with the cool breeze.

One foot out of the door and I began to take off into a jog, starting my running for the morning. It felt as if I was running on air as I jogged down the street, the cool breeze all around me as I breathed in and out steadily.

The wind lifted me off of my feet, the ground barely grazing my heels as I moved across the sidewalk.

The small city that surrounded Celestial Wood College was still asleep, only a few cars were out and about. A small amount of lights lit up the area around me, making the area a little more vibrant against the dark sky.

Since it was around August, it was a bit chillier than usual, but then again it felt better than the scorching hot weather of summer. I'd prefer spring and fall over any other time of year.

. . .

By the time I walked back into the building, I realized that it was seven-thirty a.m. Must've been a short jog, then.

Making my way up the elevator and to my dorm, I took off my lanyard and placed the key in the hole, turning it and unlocking the door.

Careful not to make a sound, I opened the door slightly and noticed that Mark and Jack were awake, so was Dark and Anti. They were huddled together, talking about something.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I closed the door behind me as I walked in, setting my lanyard on my bed.

They all seemed to stare at me as if I just killed an innocent person. "What?" I questioned.

"What were you doing out there looking like that?" Dark asked, gesturing at me as he knitted his brows, his eyes narrowed and fixed to my face.

"Morning run—told you yesterday. What else would I do dressed like this? I'm not a prostitute nor am I a stripper. Don't judge people by the way they're dressed."

Storming past him, I grab a sweater and a pair of jeans out of my dresser before heading out the door that connects our rooms to take a shower.

Five minutes later, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. Digging through my clothes, I realized I forgot my bra. "Shit."

Heading back into the room, I noticed that everyone's gaze was on me. To be honest, I didn't care. They've probably seen prettier women than me in a towel—or even naked.

I quickly grabbed my bra from the dresser and went back through the hall. I placed my hand on the door knob, about to open it until an arm wrapped around my waist. Fuck.

"What do you want, Anti?" I asked, turning around to meet his gaze. He eyed me up and down.

"I don't think you need that." He wrapped his hands around my bra, trying to rip it out of my own. However, I wasn't having this today so I ripped it out of his grip instead.

"I think I do need this. Now leave." He smirked at me, not showing any signs of moving.

I sighed as I walked into the bathroom. Sensing him behind me, I slammed the door in his face and quickly locked it. "Dammit, (Y/n)!" His fists pounded against the door. I smirked in victory. "You're going to have to try harder than that." My smile dropped.


I stared at the now double-occupied room.

How the hell did he get through?

"Magic, darling."

"Stop reading my fucking thoughts, Anti! Get the hell out of here so I can have some privacy!"

"I don't think that's necessary." He reached out and grabbed the hand that was holding my towel, allowing it to drape down my body. I swiftly caught it with my other hand trying to rewrap it around myself.

"Get the hell out!"

Someone banged on the door. "What's going on in there?" Mark—good.

"Anti is being a creep! Tell him to give me some privacy while I change!" I sound like a little kid.

"Anti, get your ass out here."

Anti stared at me, some-sort of lust-filled amusement in his eyes. "No."

"Do I need to get Jack?"

"He can't—"

"Or should I get Dark?"

Anti stared at me, his eyes scanning over my body as he bit the inside of his cheek. He let out a sigh and slid through the wall. How the hell—

"Good. Get to your dorm. Now."

I heard footsteps walk down the hall to the other bedroom.

"You okay, (Y/n)?" Mark asked, still standing at the door.

"Yes, thank you."

. . .

"Need I remind you the promise you made?" Dark held out the controller to me, several bottles of alcohol, whiskey, and beer beside him.

Snarling at him, I grabbed the remote and sat down with everyone else, playing Call of Duty once again. I watched as everyone smashed random buttons on their controllers. Amateurs. Do they even realize there's a certain technique?

Laughing silently to myself, I wall-run over to the next set of trees, attacking a guy in mid-air. Climbing back down, I ran into the open and duck behind a small building.

"Knife-kill! Y'all have to take a shot." I looked over to see Sean smiling triumphantly.

Sighing to myself, I take a shot glass from Dark and swallow it whole before placing it down beside me and focusing.

I put my gun away and whipped out my knife, slicing the guy next to me. However, my victory was cut short when I died. "Everyone takes a shot. Including me," I stated sighing, handing my shot glass to Dark and letting him refill it.

Gulping it down, I quickly get back into the game once again, focusing until my eyes were too strained. Then...

Someone knifed me.

"Shit!" I cursed.

"Tsk, tsk, (Y/n). Double-shot," Dark said, grabbing my cup and filling it up.

Taking the two shots, I started to feel a little woozy. Dark and Anti were on their third and Mark and Sean were on their fifths. Well, actually Dark and Anti are on their sixth because they kept drinking extra shots for the fun of it.

"Guys, we have class tomorrow and it's almost ten," I stated looking at the clock, trying to get away from this the best I could.

"Come on, (Y/n). Loosin' up a bit before class. This is one of the only nights you get to have fun—abuse it."

"F-fine," I agreed with Anti. I was still pissed at him, but I couldn't break a promise. I continued to smash the buttons on my controller in a certain pattern, knife-killing the enemy next to me. "Extra shot!"

Sean and Mark groaned, grabbing another shot with Dark and Anti. I smiled goofily, staring at the screen.

"New game," Sean said after gulping down his shot. "Free for all."

"Okay." Mark exited the game out, disconnecting us all as he went into the settings and changed it to a free-for-all multiplayer game.

Quickly customizing my gun after everyone else finished, I changed it to an ICR-1 and used the Ash paint job. Randomizing all of my optics and extra attachments, I clicked start.

The game loaded, the screens splitting as the five of us played (don't even ask me how the screen split into five sections. I honestly didn't think it would work either). I quickly rushed over to the building on the far side, knowing I could have a good sniping spot set there if someone were to come through the door.

"Oh, (Y/n)," Dark purred, telling me that he was screen-cheating and looking for me.

"Hey, no screen-cheats, jackass."

"I thought you were a good girl, (Y/n)," he replied. "Didn't know you were so competitive."

"Watch and learn."

I quickly slid out from my hiding spot, heading towards the door. Looking out the window, I spotted Sean trying to shoot at me. I quickly dodged, aiming my gun back at his before taking his head off.

Then, I went through the door way and walked down the stairs slowly in a crouch, spotting Anti in a matter of seconds. I quickly shot him in the chest, killing him as well. Mark seemed to be right next to him behind a computer terminal, taking a few bullets to the wall behind me. Lining up my sights, I shot his head, his body falling limp to the ground.

"And finally," I said with a smirk, "Dark." I went outside the building, seeing Dark up against the wall. I slid through the dirt and pulled my gun on him, barely able to aim but just to wing-it as I shot—

And hit his head off.

"Boom!" I shouted, throwing my hands up in victory.

"Nice job, (Y/n). Everyone take a shot."

I watched them continue drinking as I sat down my controller and went to use the bathroom. I was starting to feel those drinks hit me. It was...foreign. I've never drank before. All I could say was, I didn't like it.

After washing my hands, I walked back out into the room, seeing that the guys have logged out of the game and were now chugging bottles of alcohol, whiskey, and beer. The two darker components were drinking the most, Mark being one of those drinking the least.

"Hey, baby," Sean slurs out. "You're looking damn fine."

I ball the ends of my sleeves in my fists as a small blush rose to my face.

"Yeah. What do you say we head back to my place?" Dark grins widely, lust filled in his eyes.

"No. Let's head over to my place. I've got the whooooooole night." Anti drags the word "whole" out for more emphasis on his statement.

"Umm, I'm just going to—"

"No. You're going to stay here with us," Dark stated, suddenly right behind me as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "We are going to have some fun tonight," he purred. He held up the bottle of alcohol in his hand and grabbed my chin. He forced my mouth open as he poured more of the disgusting liquid into my mouth. I was about to spit it out when he said, "Relax, swallow it all. Or else." I did as told, drinking the rest of the bottle. I began to gag at the end before speaking up.

"No! We are not! You guys should really stop drinking!" I said, removing Dark's arm from around my waist and pulling out of his grasp. I felt a little tipsy, but quickly regained myself, trying to act strong.

"Come on, (Y/n), we know you want some pleasure in your life. After all, from what we heard you've never had it before. Why not start now?" Mark stared at me, a goofy smile etched across his face.

I glared back at them, the effects of what I drank finally taking over me as I gave in, stumbling into Dark. Even if it was a little bit of alcohol, it was completely new to me. I placed my hand on the top of Dark's arm, feeling his strong muscles as I dragged it down slowly, feeling him as I ran my hand down his chest until I reached his belt buckle. I undid his belt and threw it behind him, watching as the three other males did the same to themselves.

Mark walked up behind me and grabbed the hem of my sweater, pulling it over my head and off of my body, leaving me in my bra and jeans. His hands roamed up and down my body as he kissed my neck. In the meantime, Anti approached me, standing next to Dark. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off of him before doing Dark, Sean, and then turning around to do Mark beside me.

Sean took over Mark's job and began feeling my breasts while planting kisses all along my back and neck. I moved over to Anti and began to palm him through his jeans. He let out a small moan, tilting his head back a bit. I unclasped his jeans and pulled them off of him. Behind me, Sean took off my pants and undid his own as well. I helped Dark and Mark with their jeans as well.

Once everyone was left in their underwear, I felt the ground leave my feet as I was placed down on the carpet. I felt someone captivate my mouth. Not even bothering to look at who it was, I kissed them back. The sensation felt so real—so good. It's almost as if I never wanted it to stop. My hands roamed up his back and wove through his hair, begging for more. He deepened the kiss, a more passionate and rougher one breaking on to my lips.

Stop, my mind thought. But my body craved more, more.

The male in front of me broke the kiss. I opened up my eyes to see Mark in front of me, lust clouded in his eyes as he looked at me with desire. In fact, all four of the males did. It's almost as if they were trying to share me, but were having trouble with it. Next, Sean leaned down and kissed me, much softer than Mark. His fingers drew designs and shapes on my neck as they slid underneath my back. I arched my back to help him as he unclasped my bra. He flung the article of clothing somewhere in the room as my breasts bounced, now free from its cage. Sean looked down at them in marvel as he bent his face down, capturing one of my buds in his mouth. He began to suck on the skin, earning a few moans to escape my mouth.

"My turn." Sean let go and backed out of the way, making room as Anti approached. He didn't even bother to kiss me as his lips sucked on my neck. His hands went immediately to my breasts as he began to jiggle and play with them. He moved his mouth to the other untouched bud as he moved his hands to my thighs. He stroked them up and down until one hand moved towards my panties. He rubbed me threw my underwear causing several strings of moans to come out of my mouth. The pleasure was so wonderful. I've never felt anything like it before.

Just as Anti was about to remove my panties, Dark tapped his shoulder and took over. He immediately gripped my hips and pulled off my panties. Dark gripped my thighs tightly as he spread my legs open. He brought his right hand over to my entrance as he stuck a finger inside of me and began pumping. I moaned much louder than I did the last couple of times as he brought in another finger, then another until his whole fist was inside of me, pumping in and out.

"Dark," I whispered, moans laced within my voice. "Don't—don't ever stop!"

He smiled as he pumped faster and faster, almost at inhuman speed. A knot began to form in my core, but before I could tell him, he took his fist out, the knot slowly disappearing. He licked his hand before grinning and bringing his mouth towards my entrance as he flickered his tongue inside of me.


"Shh," Dark stated, sliding his tongue in more. I bit my tongue, trying so hard not to moan, but the pleasure was to great and I let them out as he began sucking and slurping against me. The knot soon returned as he hit a certain spot, hearing me release a squeak as he did so. He repeatedly began to lick there again and again, the knot growing tighter.


"Cum for me baby girl."

The knot released as a white liquid spilt all over my thighs. Dark quickly licked my thighs and every last bit of the liquid on me. His tongue felt so good against my skin, it was almost as if he was teasing me.

Dark stood up, grabbing my hand and making me sit up. I was the only one naked in the room which made me feel a little conscious but I didn't mind it.

The boys all looked at each other before nodding and taking there underwear off. I felt my face heat up to the extreme as their big bulges all stood in front of me. "Looks like we are sharing you, (Y/n)."

Before I knew what was happening, I felt one male spread open my legs and lick my core, another played with my breasts, one of the others grabbed my hands and placed them around his cock, and another one conquered my mouth. Knowing what to do from other books I've read, I grab the males dick and begin pumping. I could hear moans of pleasure all throughout the room as everyone did something.

The males all switched places several times, making sure to get the most of it. By the end of the night, Mark, Sean, and Anti all passed out, leaving Dark and I still awake. He laid me down on my back and hovered over my naked body. He leaned down and whispered huskily in my ear, "You know I can take you now. I may be drunk, but it's what I want. You're going to feel so good, (Y/n). I want to hear your moans."

Dark brought his lips down upon mine, kissing me roughly and pinning me down helplessly on the ground as he took control. His hands roamed my entire body, feeling me. It was so delectably good. I never wanted it to stop.

However, things were cut off when I felt Dark slump down on top of me. His sexy body was covered in sweat and pleasure, yet he passed out. I was about to get up and get changed, but I felt Dark's tip at my entrance and I debated whether or not to push it in just to feel the pleasure of full intercourse, but was cut short when darkness hit me. So this was what it's like...


Yes, I know Mark/ Dark can't drink but it will be crucial to the story. Other than that, sorry for missing the update. School has been hectic. I'll try to get back on the schedule!