

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




"Violla, I've bought tickets for an opera. Shall we go see it together later?" Lewis asked tentatively.

"I can't. I have other things to attend to." Feeling bored, Violla got up and left.

"Violla, Vio..." Watching as Violla left, Lewis didn't feel reluctant; instead, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Looking down, there was a scar on the purlicue of his right palm.It was a bite mark left by the pet snake kept by Leon. He almost died then.Hence, even until then, he was still terrified of feral wild animals.

Initially, he thought that Violla would be different from her brother, but he didn't expect that.Thinking about ferocious beasts sent a chill down his spine.

Davon was still driving on the road when a dash of silver darted forward at the speed of lightning by his car.Eyeing the silver glint in front of him, his lips curled up into a half-smile.

"Is that someone from the Landiana family?" Clyde saw the silver dash, and he was greatly astonished. "Such staggering driving skills!"

"Yeah," Davon responded and then added, "Go after it."

"Yes." His bodyguard floored the gas pedal and chased after it.

Nevertheless, the speed of the car in front was too fast for him to catch up.

Davon frowned and ordered, "Move. Let me drive!"

"Yes, Mr. Roman." The bodyguard activated the cruise control and shifted to the passenger seat.

Davon took over the driver seat from the backseat, and with several smooth operations, the car accelerated immediately and shot ahead at the speed of light toward the car in front.

In the blink of an eye, Davon's car had already caught up with the silver one.

Staring at the rearview mirror, Belly shouted , "Damn, they've caught up."

"It can't be. They were so far behind just moments ago." Lucky quickly turned around. There it was. The car has really caught up to them.

Very soon, both cars were in parallelism and unison. They were like two flashes of lightning, one black and one silver, which dashed forward at a heightened speed.

Belly turned around and gasped. "The driver seems to be Davon!"

"Not the bodyguard?" Lucky turned around again.

Violla followed suit, and from the blurred sight outside the window, she saw the familiar figure.At the same time, he was also looking that way.

"Drive faster!" Violla ordered.

"Yes." Belly was still speeding up, but no matter how she accelerated, the Rolls-Royce next to her could always keep up without slowing down by even a wee bit.

She was so flustered that she broke into a sweat, and her grip on the steering wheel tightened. At that instant, she dared not slack at all.

"It seems like Davon's skills surpassed that of his bodyguards greatly." Lucky was very concerned for Belly.

"You're stating the obvious!" Belly's eyebrows were almost knitted together. "His bodyguard's skill is on par with mine, but Davon's adeptness was far beyond my level."

"Is he really that incredible?" Violla stared at the car beside them and uttered all of a sudden, "Get off the highway from the side exit."

"What?" Belly was very surprised. That was a sudden change of route.

"Just do as I said," Violla growled out lowly.

"Yes." Belly immediately changed lanes and slid down the ramp.

The sudden departure of the silver Rolls-Royce left its black twin deserted. It was back on its own again.

However deft he was, without any competition and comparison, there was no one to witness his pre-eminence.

Back in the black car, Davon was rendered utterly speechless. He could never understand how the mind of a woman worked.

He thought that it could be another match for him to showcase his driving skills, but never would he have expected that they were playing foul again.

'Women are indeed naturally shameless!' Davon was disinterested and didn't even feel like driving anymore, but since the speed had already been heightened, there was no way he could return to the backseat and let the bodyguard drive anymore. Thus, he could only continue driving.Soon, they arrived at Amelia's Hospital.

As soon as he got off the car, Davon saw Douglas, which caught him by surprise. "Mr. Douglas, you're here?"

"Mr. Old Roman was worried and insisted on coming, so I had to accompany him," Douglas explained. "He asked me to come and wait for you here when he saw that it was about time."

"That's even better than how he treats me." Davon was a little surprised. He knew that Carol had been taking care of D'barl in those two years, which created a bond between them. Nonetheless, Davon didn't expect that it would be so strong.

"Mr. Old Roman is a decent man who cherishes the people around him," Douglas lamented. "Miss Carol has been sparing no effort in taking care of Mr. Old Roman these two years. Now that she met an accident, it's only normal for Mr. Old Roman to be concerned."

"Yeah." Davon nodded and didn't say anything else.

Reaching the ward, they were about to knock on the door and enter when they heard D'barl's voice from the ward. "Just stay with us with for some peace of mind . It so happens that a small building there has been modified into a clinic, which will be convenient for you to recuperate."

Hearing that, Davon pushed open the door and stepped in.

"Davon, here you are!" Tarique Junior greeted him enthusiastically, "Quick, come and take a seat."

"Alright." Davon nodded politely and acknowledged D'barl, "Grandpa!"

"What took you so long?" D'barl glowered at him in displeasure.

"Something's up with Lewis, so I went over," Davon explained again patiently.

"That's fine. Come and sit." Tarique Junior beckoned him with great warmth.

Davon walked over to the side of the hospital bed, and it was only then, did he finally look at Carol and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks." Carol gestured in sign language.

She had recovered a lot even though her countenance was still pale. Generally, there was no problem with her situation anymore.

"That's good. Get treated and recover soon," Davon uttered courteously.

"Alright. Thanks." Carol nodded and smiled at him.

Rather awkwardly, Davon sat by the bed. He was at a loss for words, and such was the situation he was most afraid of dealing with as he had nothing to talk about.

"Carol would be discharged tomorrow." D'barl announced directly, "I've already told them to let her stay at your house. It's more convenient for her to receive treatment."

"I'm afraid that's not really appropriate." Davon frowned.

"What's wrong with that? It's not like she has never stayed there." D'barl was very insistent. "When Eliana was sick, Carol stayed there for a month and spent all her time taking care of Eliana. Have you forgotten about that?"

Davon was speechless, but he refrained from saying too much in front of Tarique Junior and Carol.

Besides, Carol did take care of Eliana and she deserved credits for that.

After the incident with Violla, Eliana,had been falling sick very frequently. At first, it was still manageable for Immaculate. However, as time passed, the drug resistance accelerated, and most of the medication was rendered ineffective.

Eliana fell sick again, and even Immaculate was panicked. At that time, D'barl arranged for Carol to treat Eliana. She applied the acupuncture treatment in traditional medicine, physiotherapy, and massage to help cure Eliana.

Under her attentive care and treatment for a month, not only did Eliana recover, but her body had also grown stronger.

Because of that, Davon always felt indebted to Carol.

"It's settled then." Seeing that Davon didn't object to it, D'barl proceeded with affirming his decision. He said to Immaculate, who was waiting by the side, "Arrange to send Carol over in the morning."

Immaculate took one look at Davon and replied to D'barl respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Old Roman. I will."

"Wouldn't that be too much of a hassle for you?" Tarique only showed courtesy after it had been decided.

"Of course not. It's such a spacious house with so many maids around. What hassle is there?" D'barl laughed as he added, "Besides, we're like a family. Don't worry about that!"

"Thank you so much." Tarique Junior nodded with a smile and continued, "Mr. Old Roman, it's too stuffy in here. Let me wheel you outside to get some air."

"Sure, I need some fresh air as well." D'barl tapped Davon's leg with his crutch and uttered, "You stay here with Carol."

There was nothing Davon could do but only remain silent.

As soon as the two men left, he suddenly remembered something, so he asked, "What happened in that car crash? Was it accidental or intentional?"

Listening to that, Carol's expression turned nervous, and the glint in her eyes flickered with guilt as she gestured in agitation, "It was an accident!"

"Really?" Davon looked at her with a long gaze and sensed that there was something wrong. Despite that, he didn't say anything.

Davon nodded and didn't dare to look at him.

"Rest well then." Davon got up and left.

Carol wanted him to stay, but he had already turned around and couldn't see her sign language. Her silent call for him to stay was in vain.

She could only look at his back and watch him leave with a dejected feeling.

When Davon walked out of the ward, Douglas was baffled. "You're out so soon? Shouldn't you be chatting with Miss Carol for a little longer?"

"There's nothing to talk about," Davon replied placidly. "Oh, right, Mr. Douglas, there should be news from the police, right? What actually happened with the car crash?"

Douglas looked at Carol, who was in the ward, and took Davon to the other side before he replied in a hushed voice, "It was said to be intentional."

"Intentional?" Davon raised an eyebrow. "Who's behind it?"

"It might be…" Douglas toned down again, "Miss Laura."

"So it was her." Davon had seen it coming, and he had asked Cruze to investigate it. The incident happened at a T-junction, which was only two kilometers away from the Tarique's residence. That location had multiple surveillance cameras installed. Hence, it was impossible that the case couldn't be solved.

How could the Tariques just let it be when the perpetrator had escaped? Something didn't seem right.

That was the reason that Davon had asked Carol that question .

"But I'm not too sure either." Douglas added lowly, "Mr. Tarique Junior refused to talk about it, so I didn't press him."

Davon recalled the night when the incident happened. Laura was maddened by Violla in Garden golf. Given her temper, how could she have just let it be? Nevertheless, she had nowhere to vent her rage, and she ran into Carol on her way home, so she ran her car over.

"Mr. Tarique Junior was worried that Miss Laura would harass Miss Carol when she goes home, so Mr. Old Roman asked Miss Carol to stay with us." Douglas added, "Mr. Tarique Junior doesn't usually stay in this City. He's concerned about Miss Carol's safety when he's not around, and that's understandable."

"If that's the case, why doesn't he punish Laura?" Davon couldn't reason with it. "She could do this even to her own sister. It's deliberate murder. Carol could have been killed if she wasn't lucky."

"You're right. That's what I've been thinking as well." Douglas heaved a sigh. "Nevertheless, both of them are his daughters. Mr. Tarique Junior may have his own concerns. I heard that in the past few days, they have locked her up and are ready to teach her some lesson."

"Tarique Junior is too gentle. Sooner or later, his parenting style would cause him troubles." Davon was lazy to comment further, so he turned to leave. "Tell grandpa that I'm leaving first."

"Aren't you going to stay a little longer? Mr. Old Roman is going to get mad again when he doesn't see you around …" Before Douglas could finish his sentence, Davon had already entered the elevator.

Douglas let out a sigh and turned around to find D'barl.

As soon as Davon got in the car, his other phone rang. Even though that person had changed their number, he immediately recognized that it was Violla.

Gesturing, he signaled Clyde and the rest to stay quiet as he picked up the call.


"Come pick me up." She was like a queen giving her command.

"Where are you?"

"Empire Night."

"I'll be there in thirty minutes." Hanging up the call, Davon ordered Clyde instantly, "Ask Marco to drive the Pagani over, and we shall meet up at somewhere near Empire Night."

"Got it." Clyde immediately contacted Marco.

Meanwhile, poor Marco was still on his knees. When he got the call asking him to meet up with Davon, he leaped excitedly, but his knees weakened, and he almost slumped to the ground.

"Are you okay? Can you still drive?"

"Yes, I can. I'll get there right away." Marco hurried over to the underground garage.

Looking at Marco's joyful figure leaving, Cruze was both envious and dejected.

'Mr. Roman is heartless. How can he forget about me? I've been kneeling here for the entire day. Why isn't he making up any excuse to let me go?'

"Cruze!" Suddenly, Marco turned around to Cruze.

Cruze immediately straightened his back.

"Mr. Roman asked you to head over to Empire Night with the rest."

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute!" Cruze and the other bodyguards were exhilarated.

They could finally stop kneeling and would even have the opportunity to see the pretty women at Empire Night. 'Mr. Roman isn't that heartless after all.'

Twenty minutes later, both cars met after going down.

Davon commanded when he boarded the car. "Squad One, follow me to the Empire Night. Squad Two, head back."

"Sure." Cruze was elated when he heard that.On the contrary, Clyde felt a little upset.

Whenever Davon went to Empire Night, Garden golf, or other fun places, he would take Cruze and Marco, who were both in Squad One. Whereas he always had to do tiresome yet fruitless work since he was in the other squad.

"Have a good rest." Davon gave a casual reminder.

Cruze straightened his back immediately. It was as if he gained a huge amount of strength.

"Thank you." Cruze patted Clyde's shoulder and took his men to the car.

Cruze watched them leave, and his subordinates behind sighed. "When will Mr. Roman take us to Empire Night too."

"There'll be a chance!" When they reached Empire Night, Davon got changed and fixed his hair. He then checked himself in the mirror before getting down the car.

Empire Night had always been flooded with clubbers who were mostly young and attractive people.

Davon squeezed his way into the crowd, trying to get into the private room. But he was stopped by three rich plus-sized ladies.

The three of them scrutinized him in excitement, and one of them said in surprise, "It's really you. I really didn't expect to meet Mr. Escort here after two years, hahaha."

"We were regretful for the longest time ever since we lost our chance to sleep with you," another one piped up.

"Hey, handsome, name your price. We can afford anything. As long as you manage to please us greatly, you can request as much as you want!" The three ladies were getting more excited, and they got even closer when they spoke.

Davon didn't want to deal with them, but he saw a familiar silhouette looking at him nearby. So he didn't avoid them and said nonchalantly, "I already have plans!"

He wanted to walk past them .But one of the women grabbed onto his clothes and refused to let him leave.

"Don't go, handsome. We can afford tenfold of what the others can give you."

"Yes, there's three of us here, and that would be thirtyfold in total."

"C'mon, please consider it. We're very experienced." At the same time, the three rich ladies were reaching out to Davon, craving thirstily for him.

Davon frowned and quickly stepped back to dodge them. But the three women came up to him immediately.

When the three of them were about to pin Davon down on the couch, a hand suddenly grabbed Davon away from the back.

Davon turned his head and saw Violla, who was in a white outfit, looking cool yet alluring. Pulling him behind her, she shielded and protected him like a queen.

On the other hand, the three women were sprawled out on the couch, looking disheveled.

They got up angrily and yelled, "Which one of you b*tches dares to steal our man away!"

"Mind you language." Lucky growled.

"He is my man." Violla rested an arm on Davon's shoulder and announced domineeringly. "Are you guys trying to hit on him? Are you tired of living?"

Davon curled his lips, his eyes glistening with bizarre radiance.

'Even with a different personality, this woman is quite charming!'

The three ladies finally stood up. One was calling someone on the phone, one was adjusting her dress, and the other one was cursing at Violla. "You b*tch, how dare you…"

Before she could finish her words, she was stunned and looked at Violla in a daze. "It's you?"

Violla frowned at her response. 'What's going on? Do they know me?'

"You again?"

"That's outrageous. You b*tch. Two years ago, you sold him to us for a million, then drugged us and ran away with him, together with the money. Luckily, we canceled the cheque in time, or we would have fallen for your tricks!"

"We're not letting you go today!"