

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs




Those utterances brought about an even sullen look on Davon's face. With his eyebrows closely knitted together, he strode over.

The duo at the piano were smiling tenderly at each other.

Lewis' keen blue eyes were looking at Violla with a doting gaze. On his face, his lips curved into a sweet half-moon which portrayed the gratification within his heart.

As with Violla, there was also a broad, genial smile on her face. The glint in her eyes was particularly gentle when she looked at Lewis.

Side by side, they were sitting on the piano stool, looking so intimate and affectionate toward one another.

Out of the blue, they heard someone rapping their knuckles on the piano.Everyone in the restaurant shifted their gaze at the mysterious, arrogant, and indifferent dark-suited man.

There was inherent savagery emanating from him, which propelled others to stay away in fear.

Not only that but there was also a piercingly cold glint in his eyes. It was as though he was lucifer who had risen from hell just to shatter the relationship between those two lovebirds.

In that instance, the dreamy atmosphere dissipated.

All the onlookers retreated timidly and didn't dare to get too close for fear of being involved in the forthcoming peril.

"Davon?" Violla looked up and showed a long face as soon as she saw that it was him. "What are you doing here?"

"He- He's coming for me." Lewis didn't know the complicated relationship between Davon and Violla and thought that Davon had indeed come to the restaurant to look for him. Hence, he yanked Davon to the side and spoke in a hushed voice, "Haven't I told you not to come? Why are you here?"

"I told you…" Davon took a glance at Violla and reminded him in a solemn manner, "This woman is not a kind soul."

"Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing." Lewis sighed and elbowed Davon . "Leave now. Otherwise, Violla would be chiding you. She already knew that it was you who took me to Empire Night last night."

"So what if she did?" Davon raised his eyebrows and stared at Violla dispassionately.

In return, Violla was also glaring bitterly at him.

The two of them regarded each other as enemies, and none of them would yield before the other did.

"I know you're doing this for me, and you've come to warn me because you're worried that I might be deceived." Lewis put his hand around Davon's shoulder and added in a low voice, "But I'm already a grown-up. I'm able to discern the difference between what is good and bad."

"You're too naive. You don't understand." Davon leaned over and whispered in Lewis' ear, "Not only does this woman have a dangerous identity, but she's also sulky and violent. Plus, she keeps a wild animal as her pet. It's said to be an eagle which specifically feeds on men's eyes!"

"What?" Lewis paled in an instant as he was terribly frightened. "It can't be."

Clyde, who was watching by the side, lamented in silence. 'Sir Lewis is really a kind and simple soul.'

Meanwhile, Davon was not relenting yet.

"Why not? Why don't you ask her yourself if you don't believe me?" Seeing that Lewis started wavering, Davon continued persuading him, "There's one more thing. I heard that she's sadomasochistic!"

"No!" Lewis' eyes widened in horror, and he turned around, taking a gander at Violla, and quickly turned back as he said hurriedly, "Where did you hear all these things? That's impossible! Violla is such a virtuous and impeccable girl. She's not that kind of person!"

"You're such a silly man. Why would she reveal this hidden side of her to you?"


"Alright, let's cut this out." Not giving Lewis the chance to say anything else, Davon held his wrist and was about to take him away, "Come with me!"

"Hold on." Lewis turned around to look at Violla and then at Davon again. He was in two minds.

Right then, the onlookers couldn't stand by in silence anymore and started lamenting.

"My goodness. All this while I was under the impression that this blue-eyed handsome was a couple with the lady. And it turns out..."

"I thought this fine young man in the dark suit was here for the girl. Who would have expected he's actually here for the guy!"

"I know!"

"You people are way too conservative. I've seen it coming. This is true love!" A pretty young girl in the crowd rolled her eyes and continued with a smug on her face, "These two handsomes are a glaring contrast which also complements one another. They're like pull and push – one is stand-offish when the other is amiable. They are a truly perfect match together!"

Listening to these tittle-tattles rendered Clyde in relief. 'I told you so.These two men are more like a couple than Lewis and Violla.'

Davon glowered upon hearing the whisperings. That gossip happened to back Clyde's suggestive remark .

"Goodness! What are they talking about?" Lewis was so embarrassed that his cheeks flushed. "They actually think that you and I…"

He pointed at Davon and then at himself. Right after that, he covered his face bashfully.

Davon couldn't help but roll his eyes. 'Ugh… this is just great. How typical of you to use such exaggerated body language.'

"Lewis!" Violla called out.

"Here!" Lewis was just about to rush to her side, but Davon held him back. Tensed, Lewis tried to push Davon away. "Hey, let go of me. Everyone is thinking that there's something fishy going on between the two of us, and yet, you're still holding my hand. We're never going to be able to clarify this."

"You trust her instead of me?" Davon asked with his furrowed eyebrows.

"No." Lewis was hesitant to make a choice, so he returned, "Well, you can stay and dine with us. Whatever there is, let's leave it until after the meal, alright?"

"Okay!" Davon released his grip on Lewis.

The three of them took their seats, with Davon and Lewis sitting on one side while Violla sat on the other side.

The restaurant was still abuzz with the murmurs and chatters of the onlookers.

Tentatively, Lewis asked, "Violla, can I sit with you?"

"Sure." Violla agreed heartily.

Immediately, Lewis changed his seat to the other side and sat next to Violla.

His movement was so swift that it seemed like he was running away from some sort of threat.

Davon shot him daggers and took the menu handed over by the restaurant manager. He quickly ordered a bottle of wine and then passed the menu to Lewis.

"I've pre-ordered the meals for Violla and myself." Lewis added as he took the menu over, "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

"I've had dinner." Davon raised his glass and took a sip.

"Then why are you here?" Violla raised her eyebrows and glared at Davon surlily.

Davon shot an indifferent glance at her but didn't say anything.

"Violla, don't be like that." Lewis quickly defended Davon, "Davon is my best friend!"

"Then what about me?" Violla asked purposefully.

"You…" Lewis was a little nervous as he continued, "You're my favorite girl."

"I see!" Violla raised a glass of red wine and asked Lewis, "If this was a glass of poison and in between him and me, one of us had to drink it so that the other could survive, how would you decide?"

"I…" Lewis was in a distressing predicament and couldn't make a choice.

Right then, Davon took the glass from Violla directly and downed everything in one gulp.Both Violla and Lewis were utterly stunned.

Violla's expression turned inexplicably complicated, and she frowned, glancing at Davon.

Lewis was astounded at first, and then, he was sensibly touched.

Davon put down the glass and looked up at Violla. "Are you satisfied now?"

"What do you mean?" Violla was plainly puzzled.

"I won't let you be in danger again…" Davon splurted out, but he diverted hastily, "Women are made to be protected. Hence, it is men's duty to be gentlemen."

"That's right! Well said, Davon!" Lewis couldn't stop complimenting him and cast him a grateful look in appreciation of Davon giving him an out.

"You must understand that it was supposed to be a glass of poison. You'd die for taking it." Violla gave him a displeased stare. "Did you really pay attention to what I said?"

"Yes, I did." Davon looked at her with a deep gaze and answered in an earnest manner, "I'd rather die than to let you die, okay?"

A sudden brief chill came over Violla, and she was a little moved hearing those words.

It was as if she had been waiting a long time just to hear those words.

"Davon, you…" Lewis was baffled as he looked at Davon. "Wh-What did you say?"

"That should solve your problem." Davon was quick-witted as he added promptly, "So what do you think about this friend in me?"

"What a great friend you are!" Lewis nodded his head repetitively.

Looking deeply into Davon's eyes, Violla understood perfectly that his words were clearly some fibs that a lecher would use to lure and woo girls.But she was touched.

Davon could feel Violla glancing at him, but he didn't turn to her. He continued savoring the wine in silence and engaged in a casual chat with Lewis.

Lewis and Davon had a lot in common, so the exchanges and interactions between them were frequent and relaxed.

Davon was also much friendlier around Lewis compared to how distant and overbearing he was in front of others.

As they chatted, a sumptuous dinner was served.

Violla ate in silence while Lewis was taking care of her very considerately. Even so, she could feel that he was paying closer attention to his discussion with Davon.

That made Violla rather speechless as she felt like she was unwelcomed at that dining table when the only person who was supposed to have that feeling was Davon.

At the same time, other diners and waiters at the restaurant also started another round of hushed gossiping when they saw what happened at the table.

"See? Among them, he's really closer to the other man than the woman. Goodness, it looks like she's unwanted. How sad is that?"

"I know, right? I have a feeling that these two men are setting her up for a sham marriage. Ugh, how shameless!"

"Well, it's not really shamming though. That girl seems to know about their relationship…"

"Gosh! It's too tangled and complicated."

"I know…"

Surely, none of those subdued tattles were overheard by any of the persons in question. Instead, it was the bodyguards – Clyde, Lucky, and Belly, who caught every word of the chitter-chatter distinctly.

Clyde didn't care as he was mentally tough and impervious. Besides, he knew the actual intention of Davon so he wasn't affected at all.

However, the same could not be said about Lucky and Belly. Both their faces flushed red with anger, and they were disgruntled for Violla.

Davon's phone chimed all of a sudden, and seeing the caller identification shown on the screen, he waved at Lewis and Violla and went out to answer the call.

Finally, only Lewis and Violla were left at the table.

Seeing as such, Lewis quickly took out an exquisite gift box and handed it to Violla. " Violla, open it and see if you like it."

"Thank you." Violla took the box and lifted the lid. It was a sparkling diamond necklace. "It's beautiful. I like it very much. Thank you."

After that, she placed the lid back on the box, put it aside, and continued eating.

"You don't seem to like it." Lewis glanced at her with a hesitant look. "Is it the diamond or the necklace? What is it that you don't like about it? I'll buy you something else next time."

"She just doesn't like you." A young good-looking man from the table next to them couldn't hold back his rage anymore and lashed out, "What a shameless person you are! Fooling with other girls when you already have a boyfriend."

As soon as others heard that, they started gesticulating again.

"You shouldn't hoodwink a young girl just because you're good-looking."

"Yes. That's immoral!"

Lewis was notably dismayed and looked at them perplexedly as he hurriedly explained, "No, you've misunderstood."

Unfortunately, his voice was soon drowned out by the chatters around.

Lewis was on the brink of tears. If he had known things would turn out that way, he would have booked the entire restaurant.

He thought the more the merrier, and such a romantic and memorable moment between him and Violla should be blessed with a cheerful and lively atmosphere. Thus, he did not proceed with booking the entire restaurant. However, never would he have expected things to unfold into such a regrettable embarrassment.

Violla restrained herself from laughing and asked Lewis deliberately, "No wonder I've always thought there's something fishy between the two of you. Be honest and tell me. Are you two really in a relationship?"

"No, I swear." Lewis raised his hand as he exclaimed, "Davon and I are just friends. We're not in a relationship."

"Then why did you ask him to come?" Violla asked rather sullenly. "I thought it was only you and I."

"I really didn't invite him. He came on his own." In a hurry, Lewis blurted out, "He was afraid that I would be deceived, so he came to warn me."

"Deceived? What do you mean by that?" Violla gave him a dubious look.

"Um…" It was only then that Lewis realized that he had let it slip out, and all of a sudden, he was at a loss for words.

Right in that instance, Davon walked in from outside.

Lewis uttered hastily, " Violla, we'll talk about that later."

Violla didn't press him, but the gaze she cast at Davon turned even more piercing.

'This filthy man took Lewis to Empire Night on purpose and even slandered me in front of Lewis, huh? I'll take care of this. Just you wait.'

Davon had received a call from D'barl, who questioned why he wasn't with Carol at the hospital and where he was.

Davon told him that he had some business to deal with Lewis and would be visiting Carol later.

As a result, D'barl compelled him to be at the hospital before ten o'clock.

At that, Davon agreed.

Looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock, and it would take some time for him to get to the hospital. Hence, he was only left with around ten minutes before he had to leave.

"Davon, your wine is ready. Let's taste it." Lewis felt guilty for letting it slip earlier, so he tried to please Davon.

The waiter had already poured half a glass of wine for him.

Davon took a sip and returned placidly, "Not bad.

"Mr. Roman, stalking is against the law. Are you aware of that?" Violla started suddenly.

"What?" Davon squinted.

"Why? Do you want me to show you the evidence?" Violla scrolled for a picture on her phone. "Isn't this a gadget from your company?"

Davon turned and saw two mechanical doves which had been blown up completely.

'Isn't that the prototype of Ryan's research project? How did it end up with her?'

"It's been twice in a row that you infiltrated my house with this sort of inferior technological products to film and stalk me." Violla took her phone back and added detachedly, "I'm considering taking legal action against you."

"Stalking? Is that true?" Lewis looked at Davon with an appalled expression. It seemed as though he didn't think that Davon would actually commit such an act.

"Sue me then." Davon didn't seem to be bothered. "I can sue you for trespassing and triggering your pet's prey drive to attack others. Oh, right, that pet eagle of yours is one of the nation's protected species of which breeding is prohibited!"

"Oh, what do you know? I've obtained a permit, and I'm a legal breeder." Violla glowered at him indifferently.

"Are you really keeping an eagle?" Lewis paled upon listening to that.

"I do keep one," Violla answered placidly.

"That eagle is predacious. Here's what it did to me." Davon raised his hand and showed the few deep scars on it which had yet to fully recover.

"My goodness, are these left by the eagle?" Lewis was utterly perturbed. "Even a person like you have been hurt, let alone me."

"That time at the forest near Garden golf," Davon looked at Violla indifferently as he continued, "If it wasn't for me, your pretty big eyes would have been long gone."

"I didn't ask you to save me." Violla returned crankily.

"Fine." Davon nodded and solemnly warned, "Your pet eagle frightened my children at home today, and I have yet to settle this score with you. This is the first warning. If it happens again, I'll be sure to rid it of its feathers and braise it!"

"How dare you!" Violla raised an eyebrow.

"Try me." Davon shot her daggers and rose from his seat to leave. "I'm leaving. Take care, Lewis."

"Davon, Davon!" Lewis called out to him. But Davon didn't respond.

Lewis watched as Davon's figure slowly disappeared from his sight, and he then turned to Violla agitatedly. " Violla, why are you keeping an eagle as your pet?"

"I like it, so I keep it," Violla replied coldly. "Is there any problem with that?"

"No…" Lewis continued to look at her meekly. "I just think that an eagle is too ferocious, so I have a suggestion. Why don't you keep some other small pets? If you like birds, I'd recommend keeping a little parrot!"

Violla's heart skipped a beat.