

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · สมัยใหม่
200 Chs




The three kids circled around Violla after getting into the house. They spoke endlessly about what happened in the kindergarten over the past few days, as well as how awesome their new house was.

Eliana stuck to Violla and was hugging her neck when she spoke coquettishly. "My room is so big, mommy. There's even a piano in there, and it's so beautiful. Let me show you."

"My room is really big too! There are tons of toy cars, model airplanes, and all sorts of toys," shared Jason eagerly. He crawled out of his wheelchair and onto the sofa because he wanted to be closer to his mommy.

"Jason and I are sleeping in different rooms now. We all have our own room," said Ryan. He couldn't wait to tell Violla, "There's a computer in my room, and there are tons of high-tech stuff in there."

"That's great," replied Violla. She stroked their tiny heads and said lovingly, "But I'm a little tired today. I'll go check your rooms out tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," replied the kids while nodding their heads.

"What's wrong, mommy? Are you still sick?" asked Eliana. She placed her tiny, chubby hand on Violla's forehead before comparing the temperature against her own head. "Hmm, but you don't have a fever."

"I'm just a little tired. I'll be fine after resting for a few days," said Violla, while stroking Eliana's chubby face.

"Let's not bother mommy anymore and let her rest," suggested the good boy, Ryan, immediately, "It's Monday tomorrow, so when we get back from school. We'll show you our rooms then."

"Okay," replied Violla. She nodded, then hugged her children before adding, "It's over nine. Go shower and sleep now."

"Okay. Goodnight, mommy."

"Good night." Violla waved at her three kids and watched as the nurses took them up the stairs.

They were delighted about their mommy being home, so they were skipping as they walked. They even hummed.

Violla's lips curved into a beautiful grin when she saw them skipping that happily.

"Why not spend more time with the kids?" asked Davon.He walked over with a glass of icy drink for himself and a cup of tea for her.

Violla sipped some tea and said, "I think the kids and I should move back to our place."

"Why?" asked Davon with a frown.

Violla shifted her attention to the maids and the security guards without saying anything.

"Leave us," ordered Davon.

"Understood." Everyone left after that.

Violla only spoke up after the door to the room was closed. "Is your grandpa sick?" asked Violla.

"Yes. He's being treated in Amelia's Hospital right now," replied Davon. He had never planned on hiding anything from her.

"I think the kids and I should move back to my place until he regains consciousness. Let's wait until he wakes up, and you can tell him everything about the kids. Once he accepts everything, we can…"

"The kids are mine, so it doesn't matter if he accepts them," interrupted Davon before he revealed, "Besides, he had always liked the triplets. I'm sure he will be ecstatic to hear this news."

"But…" murmured Violla uneasily, "I feel that it's inappropriate. I'm moving in without an actual title or anything."

"What's inappropriate about it?" demanded Davon while frowning, "This is my home, and I get to choose who I let stay here. No one can say anything about it, and you shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself, either."

"Okay, I will accept that, but it's not convenient for the kids to stay here. Their school…"

"I already hired a driver for that. Someone will drive them over and pick them up from school. The time taken to travel to school will remain the same because they won't need to wait for the school bus," shared Davon, who had thought of everything. "You should rest up and heal at home while my grandpa is hospitalized. Once he wakes up, I will discuss the matter with him and prep for the wedding."

"Wedding?" Violla had never even considered that before. That night from four years ago, and their reunion four years later… So much had happened in between that she didn't think she'd get to marry him.

"Why are you lost?" Davon was a little upset when he pinched Violla's face. He thought that she should've been touched by the gesture and tear up. He was definitely expecting a warm hug and a passionate kiss.

'But she's just stunned there.'

"It's nothing," replied Violla. She finally came around and grinned bitterly before saying, "I just felt like this happiness came too suddenly."

"You're not happy with it?" asked Davon as he stared at her in confusion.

"No, that's not it at all," answered Violla. She reached out to hug him and rested her face against his chest. She enjoyed the rhythm of his powerful heartbeat before she sighed and claimed, "I've been through so much over the past couple of years, and I feel like happiness will always be beyond my reach. I am finally happy, and it feels surreal. It's like I'm dreaming."

"Silly girl. This is not a dream," reassured Davon. He hugged her tightly in his arms.

"I hope not…" Violla buried her face by his neck and greedily inhaled his natural scent. She had been holding especially tight onto him lately because it felt like he would vanish if she let her guard down.

Davon carried her and placed her onto the bed. He wanted to have her then and there, but he worried that her body couldn't handle the fatigue.

Hence, he quietly held her and stroked her shoulder softly to coax her to bed.

"I'll nap now and wake up early tomorrow morning to make everyone some breakfast," murmured Violla wearily. She was like a cuddly kitten at that moment and was curled up obediently in Davon's arms. Her beautiful face was pressed against his heart, and she listened to his heartbeat as she slept. That made her feel especially warm and safe.

Davon rested his head on his arm and stared at Violla, who was lying sideways by his side.

Back then, he found it annoying that she was noisy and troublesome. Turned out, her being quiet just got him to worry.

'It's like she's completely changed after she got back. She's starting to act lost and looks like she's in a daze.Am I overthinking this? Or is there something off with her body and health?'

Davon was nervous. However, when he saw her sleeping that soundly, he comforted himself. 'Maybe she's just exhausted. She'll be fine after resting for a few days.'

Davon kissed her, then fell asleep with her in his arms.

That night, the rain suddenly poured, and the loud thunder woke Violla up. It made her tremble in fear.

Davon was obviously still asleep, but he instinctively held her closer and stroked her arm gently. His other hand covered her ears and pulled her face to his chest.

Violla listened to his heartbeat and slowly calmed herself down. She adjusted her position in his arms before she continued sleeping.

He was like her rock, and she felt like he was her protector that could shield her from everything.

'I don't need to be scared with him around.'

The children's gleeful laughter echoed in the morning. Davon woke up groggily, and he instinctively reached out to his side. However, Violla was nowhere to be found.

He jumped out of his bed immediately to look for her, but she wasn't in the washroom nor in the mini-study room.

Davon panicked. He opened the door to search for her. At the very next second, he saw Violla in a casual outfit. She had an apron on and was putting breakfast on the dining table.

The kids were chatting away and discussing whether their mommy's cooking had improved. Jason was sitting in a wheelchair, so it was difficult for him to move about. He sat by the dining table and looked like he was tempted to taste-test everything.

However, Ryan halted him and ordered sternly, "No, we can't eat until Mommy and Uncle Davon are here!"

"We may be kids, but we have to be courteous," agreed Eliana in her baby voice. She even tilted her tiny head to Finny and asked, "Am I right, Finny?"

"Yes!" Finny had always favored Eliana, so the former would agree to whatever the latter said.

"Okay," muttered Jason. He retracted his hand obediently, but his eyes remained stuck on the hot cross bunnies. His saliva was borderline leaking when he commented, "I wonder when Uncle Davon will be up. I'm so hungry."

"I'll go get Uncle Davon." Ryan was about to walk up the stairs when he saw Davon staring at them in the corridor. He instantly called out, "Uncle Davon, come and have breakfast."

"Mommy made hot cross bunnies and omelets. They're really delicious," said Eliana in her baby voice while waving her tiny hand at Davon, "Come quick!"

"Don't rush him. I haven't finished making the waffles," said Violla as she placed a fruit salad on the dining table. She smiled at Davon and instructed, "Go change your clothes."

Okay," replied Davon with a smile and a nod. "I've never started the day on such a beautiful note before."

"This is so great," exclaimed Cruze seeing all that. He couldn't help it. A simple morning like that may seem nothing to the ordinary folks, but for the great Mr. Roman, that was a luxury he had been craving ever since he was a kid.

'He finally has it now. No wonder his eyes have been exuding the kind of warmth that had never shown itself before.'

Violla had already served the waffles by the time Davon changed his clothes and walked down the stairs. There were seven dishes and three drinks for breakfast, so it was a plentiful breakfast.

Ryan helped set the table. Like a pro, he instructed, "We'll sit here, Mommy and Uncle Davon will sit there, and Finny will sit at the end."

"Thank you, Ryan."

The nurse helped Eliana into her seat, but Eliana put the napkin on herself.

Jason's eyes were practically glowing, and he was salivating at the food. He clapped his tiny hands excitedly before exclaiming, "Everything looks so delicious for breakfast. I can't wait any longer!"

Finny was sitting at the end. It stared at the pet food on its plate, then at the gorgeous breakfast that everyone else was having. That got it to kick its plate in dissatisfaction and waved its wings while complaining, "Want breakfast, want breakfast!"

"Quiet!" ordered Eliana, while frowning her tiny brows. Her baby features made her look cute even when she was glaring and scolding, "You can't eat these, okay? You have to eat pet food."

"No, no!" complained Finny. It spread its wings and tried to fly over.

"No!" said Eliana. Her tiny hands quickly shielded the food before she called out loudly, "Ryan, Jason come help. Finny is trying to steal breakfast."

"Finny, return to your seat at once," demanded Jason, while frowning. He then threatened with a tiny fork, "If you don't, I will lock you up in a cage!"

"Don't! Don't!" cried Finny in a heartbroken tone. It stopped some distance away from them before it reluctantly moved away from all that delicious food.

"Come now, I will give you some extra walnut later," cooed Ryan calmly, "Go back to your seat."

"Here's your walnut, Finny .Come have your breakfast," said Violla, who added some crushed walnut to Finny's plate.

Finny finally returned to its seat reluctantly. As it walked, it proudly kept its head high as if it was saying, "Hmph, I've got walnuts, and I'm not sharing!"

"This parrot has a terrible temper," commented Davon.

He saw everything from the stairs and thought that it was interesting. The place had turned noisy because of that incident, but it also turned the place lively and warm.

"Uncle Davon, its name is Finny!" Ryan had set the cutlery in place. He tiptoed and climbed onto his chair before he spread his napkin like a gentleman.

"Why was it given that name?" asked Davon warmly.

"It was just random," replied Jason as he tilted his head to the side. He later put on a straight face.

"Oh, I see," replied Davon while nodding.

"I also have some barbie dolls, but I gave them random names" shared Eliana while counting with her fingers. Her tiny lips informed, "They are all precious and are so cute. I'll introduce them to you someday."

"Sure," replied Davon with a smile. Even though he was looking at his children, he still had a hard time believing that he was actually a father. 'It's like a dream.'

The kids used to call him old man, and that infuriated him. They had since changed and started calling him Uncle Davon, but that made him a little uncomfortable as well. He wanted them to call him pops, but he didn't know how to make that request.

'Maybe I should build a better rapport with them first.'

"Come dig in," said Violla. She placed a cup of freshly made coffee in front of Davon.

"Thank you," said Davon before he sipped some coffee. He shifted his gaze to the kids and tested the water by asking, "How about I drive you guys to the kindergarten today?"

"Really?" asked Eliana, who was pleasantly surprised. A cheerful smile lit up on her beautiful face as she added, "That'd be awesome!"

"I think so too," agreed Jason excitedly, while having his tiny arm up to cast his vote, "Mommy is usually busy and can't drop us off at the kindergarten. I'm always so jealous when I see how the other kids have their parents at the kindergarten with them."

Hearing those words got Violla to feel guilty. 'He's right. I rarely drop the kids off at school, and I thought that they are okay with it. I never realized that they are envious of the other kids.'

"Uncle Davon, won't that make you late for work?" asked Ryan, who was more considerate.

"Not at all," replied Davon before he turned to Cruze and ordered, "Go set everything up."

"Huh?" blurted Cruze. He was stunned because he didn't know what was there to set up. 'He's just dropping the kids off at kindergarten, right? All he has to do is to tell the driver where to go. There's nothing to set up.'

"How many kids are there in your kindergarten?" asked Davon as he sipped his coffee.

"Huh? That is such a tough question." Eliana had a cute ponytail on her head, and her tiny lips pouted as she thought about it. Unfortunately, she still couldn't figure the answer out.

"All I know is that there are nineteen students in our class," answered Jason after he swallowed one of the hot cross bunnies. His tiny lips were oily, and his cheeks were bulging a little when he added, "There used to be twenty students, but Titus went to another school, so now there's only nineteen."

"Oh," murmured Davon while nodding.

"I know the answer to that," replied Ryan. He sipped some juice before counting with his fingers and answering, "The kindergarten divides its students into four age groups, and each age group makes seven classes. With each classroom comprising twenty students, there are five hundred and sixty students in total."

Ryan paused for a moment before adding, "Also, there are five teachers in each class, and that makes it a total of one hundred and forty teachers."

"You are brilliant!" Davon was astonished. 'In addition to having high EQ, the kid's logical thinking and mathematics are on point as well. He's not even four, but he can analyze situations and make deductions quickly. He's such an adorable genius! As expected of my son!'

"Thank you," replied Ryan . He was already used to receiving compliments like that, so he asked calmly, "Why do you want to know, Uncle Davon?"

"Because the idiot standing behind me doesn't know what to do," replied Davon, before shooting a frosty glare at Cruze.

"I got it," said Cruze, who quickly nodded. He finally understood what Davon meant by setting everything up. "I'll go work on it right away."

Cruze later bowed politely to everyone before rushing out of there.

"What's going on?" asked Violla in a confused tone.

"You don't need to worry about anything," promised Davon as he got some hot cross bunnies for her, "All you have to do is rest up at home. I'll take everyone out for a stroll after you've recovered."

"Okay," murmured Violla. She nodded with a smile. She never knew that Davon had a softer side, and seeing how he interacted with the kids and planned to send the kids to school.

'I don't need to worry about anything at all.'

"What else do you like aside from logical thinking and mathematics?" asked Davon while looking at Ryan.

"Anything to do with technology," replied Ryan as he stirred the vegetable broth in his bowl, "I like gadgets, so grandpa Roman got me a computer. He also hired someone to teach me foreign language as well as some basic technical know-how."

"Basic?" repeated Davon with his brows raised.

"Yeah. At first, I thought that everything he taught was interesting, but I later found the content to be too simple. I kept dozing off during his class." shared Ryan before yawning. He looked like he was bored and frustrated.