

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urban
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200 Chs




Afterwards, while violla snuggled and fell asleep in Davon's arms, he stroked her hair gently and stared at her tenderly. It seemed like she wasn't getting enough sleep as she had been feeling rather sleepy for the past few days.

When he got to the hospital, Immaculate told him that she was very calm that day and there wasn't anything abnormal about her. Besides sleeping and being in a daze, she had hardly eaten anything.

'She must be exhausted and terrified.'

At the thought of that, he decided to give her more assurance and care in order to bring her out of the darkness once and for all.

"My escort, I don't want to stay in the hospital. I want to go home." Violla suddenly whispered hazily.

"Alright." That was exactly what Davon intended for her as well. Even a normal person would go crazy after spending so much time in a hospital.

"The children are waiting for you at home and you'll feel better after returning too." Davon kissed Violla's forehead and continued, "You can sleep a little longer. I'll go and talk to someone to make the necessary arrangements."

"Alright." Violla closed her eyes and nodded her head in response.

Davon got up and dressed, then he went out and told cruze to settle the arrangements for her discharge.

At the same time, Cruze was on the phone while he uttered hurriedly, "Just in time, the three children called to say that they wish to visit their Mommy. Should we let them wait for her at home instead?"

"Yes, we will get home in an hour," Davon nodded.

"Alright." Cruze relayed the message instantly.

On the other end of the call, the three children cheered excitedly after receiving the news. Cruze's eardrums vibrated from the loud noise.

Cruze put down his cell phone and looked at Davon with a puzzled expression. "It's going to be noisy when we reach there ."

"That's good. It'll be lively!" Davon smiled.

"That's true, I'll go and make the arrangements immediately." Cruze uttered smilingly and left.

Davon turned his head and looked at Violla, who was in bed. Then he spoke to Immaculate, "Do look after her, I'll go and see Grandpa."

Immaculate nodded and responded, "Alright, don't worry."

Arriving at D'barl's ward, Davon noticed that Tarique Junior was there as well.

Accompanied by Douglas, he was visiting D'barl and they were just walking out from the ward.

Just when Tarique Junior was about to utter something, he caught a glimpse of Davon and acknowledged instantaneously, "Davon, you're here!"

"Mr. Tarique junior, thank you for visiting Grandpa again!" Davon responded politely.

"I'm returning to North Nation tomorrow, that's why I decided to come and visit Mr. Old Roman." Tarique Junior stared at Davon and continued to ask, "Are you free now? Can we have a chat?"

"I have to rush home after seeing Grandpa." Davon took a glance at his watch.

"Then don't let me hold you back. I'll make a move first, goodbye!" Tarique Junior uttered helplessly with a tight smile.

"Goodbye." Davon made way for him as he watched him leave.

Douglas returned after escorting Tarique Junior out, then he furrowed his brows and said, "Mr. Young Roman, Mr. Tarique Junior meant no harm, why did you have to turn him away?"

Davon responded in a serious manner, "There's no use beating around the bush when it comes to certain topics. When grandpa gets better, I'll give the Tariques a thorough explanation then."

Douglas' brows were tightly knitted. "Maybe Mr. Tarique Junior wasn't thinking of talking about that matter? Seeing that he was hesitant earlier, I can't help but feel like he had something important to say."

"Even if there is, it has nothing to do with me, right?" Davon replied flatly as he walked into the isolation room to change his clothes.

Douglas sighed and remained silent.

D'barl was in a rather good condition that day. The moment Davon entered, his eyes opened slightly as he looked at him weakly. Then, with immense effort, he reached out his hand to him.

"Grandpa…" Davon walked over instantly and held his hand.

"Do not… Do not… cancel… the engagement," D'barl uttered strenuously.

His voice sounded very weak as he had difficulty breathing. Even after he said a few words, he would start gasping for air. However, his grip was strong as he grabbed onto Davon's hand, it was as if he was trying to remind Davon of the importance of the matter.

Davon furrowed his brows as he was torn. He didn't want D'barl to get agitated, but at the same time, he didn't want to obey him either. So, he simply said, "Focus on your recovery now. We will talk about it when you get better."

"Never… Never let the Landiana family… get the upper hand." D'barl struggled while saying to him between breaths.

D'barl instantly understood that D'barl knew about Landiana Corporation's plan to penetrate the domestic market. He was also thinking that if the engagement were to be called off, Tariques Group would probably collaborate with Landiana Corporation instead.

Seeing that Landiana Corporation had already joined forces with the Blacks, if Tarique Group were to join them as well, it would only make them even more powerful.

And if the two families were to battle it out, it would be detrimental to the Roman family.

Seeing the struggling look on D'barl's face, Davon was utterly perplexed.He was surrounded by guilt and anger at the same time.

He felt guilty because even though D'barl was already old and laying in a hospital bed weakly while fighting for his life, he still had to worry about the family's well-being. As for the anger he was feeling, it was because Tarique Junior had approached D'barl and told him such news at a time like that.

'Was he trying to threaten him or was it a warning from him? What kindness and gentleness? He seems like a despicably vicious person!'

"Mr. Old Roman, please calm down, Mr. Old Roman…" Douglas comforted him instantly, "Leave the family's matters to Mr. Young Roman instead, you can't overburden yourself anymore. I'll ask the doctor to come over immediately."

Then Douglas left to look for the doctor.

Davon squeezed D'barl's hand and said, "Grandpa, don't worry. We will sort things out after you have recovered."

After a while, Davon got up and was about to leave while D'barl stared at him with widened eyes. With his arm stretched out, he looked as if he wanted to utter something but he was too weak for that.Soon after, the doctor arrived with Douglas.

While Davon stood at the door furiously, the doctor entered the room and took care of D'barl.

D'barl's condition stabilized in no time and the doctor remained in the room to look after him.

Douglas came out of the room and explained the situation to Davon, then he added, "Mr. Young Roman, you mustn't misunderstand. I was next to Mr. Tarique Junior the entire time during his visit and he did not say anything."

"Then how did grandpa know?" Davon's brows furrowed.

"That night before he collapsed, he already knew about Landiana Corporation entering the domestic market. He also received news about the Blacks joining forces with Landiana Corporation."

Douglas tried to recall that night's situation carefully, then he continued in a serious tone, "Do you really think that Mr. Old Roman is ignorant? How could he not know what's on your mind? He even has a copy of the information you were investigating."

Davon was very shocked. "Are you saying that… he's aware of what Laura did?"

Douglas nodded and replied, "Yes. It's true that he didn't know at first, but then he saw that you insisted on dragging the engagement and even sent someone to investigate Miss Laura. Therefore, Mr. Old Roman forced me to get a copy of the information and found out everything Miss Laura did ."

"However, at that time, he couldn't confront her. You're probably unaware that she has already received a fifty-five percent stake of the shares. As of now, the entire Tariques Group is under her control, even Mr. Tarique Junior has no say in anything. If you are to call off the engagement, with her temperament, I'm sure she will definitely collaborate with Landiana Corporation, which would be detrimental to the entire Roman family!"

Hearing that, Davon kept silent. He was aware of the importance of the matter. However, he wasn't expecting D'barl to already have plans.

"Mr. Old Roman has been asking to see you for the past few days, in hope to speak to you about this matter. Since he had regained some of his strength today, he seized the opportunity instantly to remind you." Douglas continued,

"The Roman family has been divided into two. Even though Miss Diana did not receive many assets, it certainly weakened the Romans family's power as a whole. It's dangerous enough if you were to go against the Landiana Corporation alone at this time, but if we lose Tariques Group's support as well… I can't imagine what would happen next. Unless…"

After a momentary pause, Douglas uttered cautiously, "Unless you and Miss Diana agree to collaborate and fight together!"

"How's that possible?" Davon objected indignantly.

Douglas knew his character and he responded, "That's true… Since you can't reach a consensus with Miss Diana, it's better not to get into any disagreements with Tariques Group in the meantime. Let's wait for Mr. Old Roman to wake up before making any decisions."

Hearing those words got Davon thinking. He knew that Douglas only said all those things for his sake.

When Davon was a kid, he learned that he needed to see the big picture and make decisions for the greater good.

That was how he had been ever since, and that was how he got Roman Corporation to grow that much within a few years.

However, his heart overpowered his head at that time.

He was eager to give Violla and the kids a home and to throw a huge wedding. In fact, he craved it so badly that he didn't really want to wait until D'barl woke up.Reality, however, was warning him.

'Grandpa is gravely ill. Yet, he is still thinking about all these things. He even used the little strength he has to remind me repeatedly that I can't let Landiana Corporation win.'

Davon could let go of anything else but… Landiana Corporation? That was something he refused to compromise on.

The Roman family and the Landiana family were nemeses.

The grudge from the previous generation had since been resolved in their generation, and they had little to no interaction with each other since.

However, the Landiana family had come after the Romans family once more, so naturally, Davon had to go all out in that war.That was also why he had to put the beautiful image in his mind aside and postpone everything.

"Mr. Young Roman, you are the Romans family's only hope. Please don't let your grandpa down," said Douglas before he tilted his head down and went back into the room.

Davon turned around to leave. It was only a few minutes' drive, but thousands of thoughts had already run through his mind.

'The Romans family is facing internal turmoil as well as external threats. Our enemies are everywhere, and I have to put romance aside for a while. That is the most important thing right now . Violla will understand that, right?'

"Mr. Roman, everything is ready," reported Cruze.

"Okay," murmured Davon before he entered the ward. Violla had already changed her clothes by then. She still looked weak, but she was happy because she knew that she would be seeing her kids soon.

"Let's go home," said Davon as he offered her his hand.

Violla put her hand in his, and they grinned while looking into each other's eyes.

Davon took his coat off and draped it over her before they walked out of the ward together.

Cruze and Immaculate followed behind with the other security guards and medical staff.

The aura he was radiating got every patient in the hospital and their families to turn around to stare. The patients moved aside nervously to make way.

The rain was pouring, so the security guard was holding a huge umbrella the entire way to the car. He was shielding Violla and Davon from the rain and wind.

Davon carried Violla into the car then helped her dry the rain off of her hair.Violla relaxed in his arms. She fell asleep soon after.

Davon was a little nervous because he sensed that something was off about her. He later thought about how the doctors had run all sorts of tests on her, but still couldn't find anything off. Maybe she really is just tired and will be fine in a few days.

The driver drove slowly and steadily so that Violla could sleep well.

They ended up spending over forty minutes traveling down a thirty-minute route. The kids were waiting by the entrance at the time. When they saw the car pulling up, they got so excited that they ran ahead. The nurses quickly stopped them.

"Kids, be careful. Don't run over until the car is parked."

"Can you see them? Is Mommy in the car with them?" Eliana was hopping and tiptoeing to try to see better. She wanted to check if her mommy was in the car.

"I can't tell," answered the nurse after looking ahead. The windows were tinted, so they couldn't see what was going on inside.

"We're home," informed Davon softly.

Violla didn't react.

Davon tapped her face lightly to prompt her to open her eyes slowly. She asked groggily, "Are we there yet? Where are the kids?"

"They're waiting for you," replied Davon as he helped Violla out of the car.

"Mommy!" called out Eliana. Her short legs ran over. She was so excited that she almost knocked Violla to the ground.Fortunately, Davon was there to steady Violla.

She crouched down immediately to pick up Eliana's chubby figure and kiss the girl's soft cheeks.

"Mommy, where have you been? I missed you so much," said Eliana. Her voice turned thick with tears as soon as her lips parted, and crystal clear teardrops swirled in her eyes.

However, Eliana never let her tears roll down her cheeks because the kids had agreed that they would not cry.

"Mommy missed you too," said Violla while hugging Eliana.Her heart was heavy with guilt when she apologized, "I'm so sorry. I didn't take care of you."

"Mommy," said Ryan. He had run over as well, and his tiny, new boots stomped on the puddle as he hurried over. That caused water from the puddle to splash everywhere.

"Ryan!" called out Violla, who opened her arms immediately to hold him.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Ryan's eyes were reddened with tears. He was quite mature, so he had always presented himself in a tough and calm manner. Yet, he couldn't conceal his weaker side when he saw his mommy there.

"Mommy is fine," promised Violla while hugging Ryan. She kissed his hair and asked, "Ryan, I heard that you had an allergic reaction. How are you feeling?"

"I'm all better now," replied Ryan . His tiny hand wiped the rain off of Violla's face, and he seemed heartbroken to see how pale she looked. He asked, "Mommy, are you sick?"

"It's just a minor issue. I'll be fine," answered Violla.

As she spoke, the nurse pushed Jason over to them.

"Mommy, mommy!" called out Jason excitedly from a distance.

"Jason!" said Violla. She rushed over to hug Jason and ask, "How is your leg? Are you feeling better? When did they take the cast off?"

"They took the cast off yesterday, and the doctor said that I am recovering well," answered Jason. He hugged Violla tightly and added coquettishly, "I miss you so much, mommy. I had a dream about you this afternoon, and I was so scared that you won't come back anymore."

"Silly boy. Mommy is back now, and I will never leave again," said Violla. She pinched his cute cheek a little and added lovingly, "Alright, let's go in. It's pouring out here."

"Okay," said the kids. All three stuck to Violla's side. Ryan held her skirt, Eliana held one hand, and Jason held Violla's other hand.

"Don't pester your mommy now. She needs to rest, too," reminded Davon.

Without saying another word, Davon picked Eliana and Ryan up and put them on his shoulders.

"Gah!" shouted Ryan, who almost fell down.

"Ryan, do this," shared Eliana. Her tiny, plump hand was gripping Davon's hair. She even demonstrated how she steadied herself while sitting on Davon's shoulder.

Ryan saw that and copied her instantly. He grabbed onto Davon's hair as well.

"See? You won't fall that way," bragged Eliana, with her tiny head held high.

"You're right. It's so much safer this way," replied Ryan, who then sighed a breath of relief.

Davon was utterly speechless.

If he were in a comic, a series of sweat drops would be drawn on his head. He felt as if he had turned into an actual tree with two monkeys hanging off him.

"Mommy, mommy…" Finny flew over and sat on Davon's head. The little parrot scanned around like it was looking for its territory.

"I wanna hang on after my legs recover," complained Jason. He sounded like he thought that he was missing out on a lot of fun because he couldn't join his siblings who were on Davon's shoulders .

Violla giggled aloud. Her eyes exuded warmth and love when she turned to Davon.

"It's not funny!" grumbled Davon before he pinched her cheek. He held her hand with one hand and pushed Jason's wheelchair with the other. He was leading everyone into the house. "Let's go home," suggested Davon.

"Yay, home!" The three kids cheered with happiness echoing in their voices.