
Chapter 3

Erick slash his daggers toward the goblin as he didn't want the other goblin climb in the tree while the goblin in front of him still alive as he attack the goblin it only defend to his attack also the goblin make an attack when Erick have opening that'll there some small cuts to his body and Erick didn't mistreat himself he also give a some small cuts on the body of the goblin, lucky for Erick that the goblin dagger don't have poison as he the first the one who get injured so he will died intantly if the goblin dagger have poison, the fight of them didn't stop the two move from branch to branch while still attacking each other as Erick and the goblin exchanged of attack to each other without stopping 

The two fight for almost 5 minutes and the other goblin still didn't climb the tree but get near of one of the tree branch so Erick only have small amount of time to kill the goblin that he fighting, the two stand on the same branch that one of those thick and big branch of the trees that the two fighting

Erick face the goblin with his dagger and stab it towards the heart of the goblin as the goblin know where Erick  next attack he parry dagger with his dagger and slash it downward towards the chest of Erick but didn't meet the flesh of Erick because the goblin was interrupt by a stone hit to his eyes so the dagger only miss the target and Erick quickly severe the head of the goblin before it recover from the pain

' (heavy breathing) it really good plan that I hide some sharp stone inside of my short pocket and with my hand strength and accuracy that the stone hit the eyes of the goblin painfully to disrupt the goblin slash ' Erick thinking of himself while also watching the goblin body falling from the tree downward to the ground

The other goblin looks like not have fighting capability because the goblin have difficulty to climb the tree as the goblin found his partner dead body under the tree as he still climbing to the tree and started to make a noise to alert the other goblins that their found the prey, Erick jump and let his body fall from the tree near the climbing goblin and slice to the back neck of the goblin without effort and softly land himself on the ground

The goblins walked towards the noise and they spot Erick when he step foot on the ground so they run towards their prey while pointing the daggers in front, Erick quickly pick up the dead goblin  dagger and didn't take his time as he run towards the goblin, using the location of the place he used his parkour to kill the goblin sometime he walk the bark of the tree while dodging the first goblin slash and meet the other goblin who running at the back with slash that make the goblin didn't expected Erick kill the eight goblins without effort as they have only ordinary  fighting capability

Erick sat down to ground as he stabilize his breathing and lean his back on the tree so that his body can relax the tension make his energy exhaust fast so he really tired

[ Congratulations! killed 9 ordinary goblin and 1 soldier goblin you gain 11 mission points]

Erick grumble as the system give small amount of experience and points as he know from the online game that he play was it's easy to reach level 1 as they give the player good amount of experience

He only rest for only 2 minutes when there soldier goblin walked twords him, the goblin holding a one hand sword the goblin have stable walk and breathing so Erick know that this goblin is not a ordinary goblin but a soldier goblin

Erick and the goblin only have 5 meters distance and Erick know that the close combat was not the specialize of his dagger so he ran towards where the rocks and tree near from each other so that he can used the place for his advantage, the goblin follow Erick to this location so he know that his chance to kill the goblin increase

Erick ready his dagger and slash toward the goblin who defend to his attack, the goblin stab his sword to Erick heart but Erick lean his body to dodge the stab and cut deeply the goblin waist while dodging backwards to the attack of the goblin Erick step on the rock and jump to the  tree then jump again to the rock as he repeat his jumping from rocks to trees  so that the Goblin can't attack him with only a small chance that it will hit him

The goblin swing his sword many time towards Erick but the goblin still didn't injured him while the cut from  earlier still bleeding with pale face the goblin give his all and slash his sword to Erick waist while Erick still on the air without time to think Erick meet the goblin sword with his dagger and the clash make Erick push him as he balance himself to land himself softly, Erick rush forward as the goblin was confused because of blooding without awareness Erick dagger severe the hard of the goblin and separate it from the body


Erick has been here for 20 hours he kill 258 ordinary goblin, 150 soldiers goblin that some of the soldier goblin team up with other soldier goblin that make Erick have deep injury lucky for Erick that he find the next safe spot after searching or else he really failed the his mission and thanks to the medical kit that it make stop the bleeding and the excellent healing paste that make it heal fast for only 30 minutes, the timer in the corner of Erick vision only have 4 minutes left and  there only 1 minutes before the last 3 minutes difficulty survival that make Erick alert that he know who fill fight the elite monster inside the cave where he found the first safe spot

Erick didn't wait long as the Elite monster already standing in front of him this creature have green and rough skin have a height of adult human but more muscular than the average human this creature called Ork with a leather armor, heavy sword, and presence of elite soldier that make other creature feared this Ork

Erick ready for the battle while the Ork eyed the prey on front of him with contemp as he just need to swing his sword to kill this human, Erick feel the contemp of the Ork but he didn't mind it he face the Ork with his dagger to his both hand and suddenly rush towards the Ork

The Ork watched the human rush towards himself when it near him the Ork remove his sword on his back and swing it towards the human with fast speed and great strength, Erick didn't expect the Ork attack as he dodge he throw his dagger towards the Ork neck with accuracy as the Ork didn't dodge as he know the human can give him small wound but to his surprised he can't control his body, the Ork know that he was paralyzed and the course of this was the dagger that wound him

Erick didn't expect the paralyzing paste that he just make from the herbs that he found in this jungle can paralyzed the strong body of the Ork, Erick calm himself and get near to the Ork so that he can kill it with his dagger he seperate the Ork head to the Ork body

[System notification: Completed 24 hours survival and killed total 267 ordinary goblin, 152 soldier goblin and 1 elite soldier Ork ]

[ System notification: gain 2,871 total mission points ]
