White Dove symbolize the life beginning and Black Raven symbolize the Death Ending this two creature that hide the origin of the world will change the earth and peacefull life of many people, who will lead the humanity so that they can survived this calamity and turn this to a fortuned towards for more prosperous and advance civilization
Philippines, Davao City / 3:00am
Sound of alarm clock heard inside of Erick rooms as he woke up and reach where the alarm clock so that he can stop the sound, he roused to his bed and started to change for his morning jogging and parkour practice at the park near of the subdivision
After he change Erick flex his muscles before going out that It takes 5 minutes for Erick preparation as he goes outside of his house he started his jogging towards the park
Erick arrive at the park before one hour , the park have play ground and some people doing exercise or just taking a fresh air, he take break before started his exercise while also practising his parkour
it take 3 hours to complete his exercise and parkour practive, Erick going home while jogging after one our he arrive to his house there only him because his parents visit his grandparents house for months while he stay here for class
He entered to his room and went to the bathroom to take a shower, Erick turn on the shower as the water flow down to his athletic build Erick may not be said to be so handsome but he slightly handsome plus with athletic build he popular to his classmates and schoolmates, it take one hour to clean himself and completed wash his body
Erick search what clothes should he ware and finally decided with white shirt and fit long pants, he walks to the window to open the curtain so that the sunlight can enter to his room
The view to his window was the street of his subdivision where some people already outside other people going to their work place while plenty of them going to the Market and some of this people was his neighbor cleaning their yard, Erick watched the bustling street of the subdivision and turn his attention to the Black Raven standing on the branch of tree outside of his house
Erick feels the stare of this Black Raven as if this Black Raven watching his movement or activity so it make him goosebumps as he really feel the stare of this Black Raven, it started two weeks ago when Erick just got home from the college when he arrive to the door of his house he suddenly feel a presence of a person or creature watching his action so he fastly turn his head to the direction of the presence and he saw the Black Raven watching him sternly as if he waiting for something or what Erick don't know how he feels the stare of this Black Raven as he can't feels the staring of people to him so Erick have many questions to his mind that no even one answer that he come to his mind
Erick watch the Black Raven for one minutes before he go inside the house to cook his breakfast with egg, bacon, hotdog and some smalk rice for the morning after his breakfast Erick watches news in living room as today was Sunday so he don't have class also he don't have appointments to his friends or family so Erick will relax today
As the news always the same where about the death, corrupt official, or helping hands of other people so Erick open his FB while scrolling for new updates his attention to a certain someone post it's about a black crow
[ There a black crow that bigger than normal crow staying in viranda of My room I feel that this crow watching My move and tale where I going as I saw this crow in the mall or in the school how the I know that it's same crow because I feel the intense stare of the crow from the distance and this never change for almost 3 weeks, this make me really creepy and afraid is there also other people experience this beside? ]
After Erick read the post he also read the comments some comments didn't believe in the post some give a suggestion that the person should go to the mananambal ( spiritist )
"You should kill it"
"It's your just imagination"
"+1 I won't believe this post"
"You should go to the mananambal"
"True mananambal may know if that crow a ghost or evil spirit"
This comments was the commons in the comments section of this post Erick didn't comment his experience as he know that people didn't easily believing like a post of this
Erick analyze if this person experience was the same of his experience and conclude that they have same experience because he also feel the intense stare if the Black Raven almost same time with the person said also he know that the Black Raven follow where he will go as he fells tfat stare when he jogging or just shopping in the mall
He stop thinking about the Black Raven and continues to scroll the updates of his FB there some updates of his friends date while other just go to the mall and other was just cooking to their house
Erick scroll for 1 hour as he was entertain in some of the post while also give comments about the MyDay of his friends and classmates
He stop playing his phone and started to cook for his lunch as almost time for lunch if he started now then he completed cook his food timely of his lunch, Erick went to kitchen and get the ingredients in the refrigerator he started to cook the rice and preparing the ingredients for his adobo manok
Erick focused to his cooking that he didn't know that the Black Raven flying near him as he so focused to his cooking after his cooking he realize that their something near him so he fastly turn his head and surprised what he saw the Black Raven flying in front of him glowing with red and black light until the light envelope Erick and blind his vision
1 minutes after the light gone there no Erick and Black Raven in there location and the trace only that Erick was standing earlier their was the food and the rice cooker that still on
Same time of Erick disappeared the sky have many white Dove flying up tge sky their body glowing with white and gold light this each white Dove have different destination so they separate from each other because of their white and gold glow their disturbance to the people that saw this phenomenal events was in the news of every tv station as this situation not only happening in the Philippines but the whole world
People worried and restless their survival instinct make them know that their will be happening that may change the world
The news also report about a person disappearance when the Black Raven flew towards the person and glow brightly that surrounded then gone in just matter of a seconds
This report and other news about the white Dove and Black Raven give turmoil to peaceful world of many person