
Yggdrasil’s Developer

The story follows a man that was reincarnated into the future, or so he thought. Instead, he was reincarnated into the world of Earth 2138, where he found a job as a developer for a game. "Hmm, I must have seen this game idea somewhere, it seems familiar," "Wait, isn't this Overlord?!?!" Note: Not a plot following fanfic. Rewriting some mistakes made in the early chapters.

Gabriantheus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

E2138-9: Crab and Insect

On the icy world of Nilfheim, a fierce battle was taking place between a crab and a Yeti snow monster. The Yeti swung its massive arm, claws outstretched, hoping to catch its opponent in its grip. But the crab was too quick, darting and weaving around the Yeti's attacks with grace and agility.

As the Yeti roared in frustration, the crab struck with lightning speed. In a flash, a blade emerged from the Yeti's back, slicing through its fur and flesh. The Yeti howled in pain as it turned to face its attacker, but the crab was already gone, scurrying away to avoid the Yeti's next attack.

The crab moved like a blur, slashing again and again with its sharp blade. The Yeti roared in rage, swinging his arms and legs wildly, trying to catch the crab. But the crab was too quick, too agile. It darted and dodged around the Yeti, striking from unexpected angles and slipping away before the Yeti could react.

Despite its size and strength, the Yeti was no match for the cunning and agility of the crab. With each blow, the Yeti grew weaker, its movements slowing as it struggled to keep up with the relentless attacks. Finally, with a final roar of pain and frustration, the Yeti collapsed to the ground, defeated.

The crab stood victorious, its blade still at the ready in case any other enemies dared to challenge it. Looking around and seeing no one, the crab had depleted its mana and hp trying to defeat the yeti. The crab then proceeded to loot the yeti.

"Nice, drop items, I got some Yeti's Claw, great item for crafting".

"Some skin, bones and meat, not desirable, but who knows when I might need it".

"The exp gain is not bad either."

While the crab was concentrating on his loot and checking his game stats, an arrow suddenly appeared and rushed towards him, hitting the crab.

"Damn, I thought there was no one there."

The crab then rushed over, barely dodging a swinging sword from a human. The crab quickly got into a fighting stance, claws ready to defend itself against the human ambusher. The human swung his sword again, but this time the crab was prepared and blocked it with its claws. The human quickly changed tactics and shot another arrow, but the crab was fast and dodged it easily.

The crab then launched a counterattack, striking the human with its claws. The human stumbled back, but quickly regained his balance and swung his sword again. The crab managed to dodge the sword and strike the human with its claws once more. The human was starting to show signs of exhaustion, but he still had one trick up his sleeve.

He reached for a small pouch on his belt and threw a handful of powder at the crab. The crab was momentarily blinded, giving the human the opportunity to strike. The crab managed to dodge the sword again, but it was starting to feel the effects of the battle. It was getting harder to dodge the human's attacks, and it was starting to feel the strain on its body.

The Crab player had always been interested in crafting, ever since he was a child. He loved creating things with his hands and finding new and innovative ways to bring his creations to life. So when he heard about Yggdrasil and the fact that players had the freedom to choose their own paths, he was intrigued.

As soon as he logged in, he was struck by the sheer beauty of the game world. Everywhere he looked, there was something new and fascinating to see. He started exploring, trying to take in as much as he could, and soon he was hooked.

Although he was primarily interested in crafting, he soon realized that there was much more to Yggdrasil than just that. There were countless adventures to be had, and the freedom to explore and conquer the game world as he saw fit. He was excited to be able to use his skills to craft weapons and armor for himself and for other players as he embarked on his journey through the game.

But now, the crab was ambushed by the damned human players. In Yggdrasil, there is no penalty for killing other races. As a result, human players flock to hunt them down, whether for the loot, the exp, or just for the fun of ruining someone's day.

And then suddenly, an insect dashed in, piercing the human swordsman. The crab player was caught off guard, struggling to defend himself from the human swordsman's attacks. Just as he thought all hope was lost, a blur of movement caught his attention. An insect had appeared out of nowhere and charged at the human swordsman with incredible speed. It was over in a matter of seconds, the insect easily piercing the swordsman's armor and bringing him to the ground.

The crab player was stunned, not quite sure what had just happened. When he looked closer, he could see that the insect was no ordinary bug but rather a highly sophisticated humanoid insect, bristling with weapons and advanced technology. The crab player realized that he had been rescued by another player, one who cared about Yggdrasil as much as he did.